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Everything posted by Viohazard

  1. HuzvuRM.png

    1. 44th


      omgg she's so pretty, i lovee ;o; ♡♡

    2. Viohazard
    3. Hiroki
  2. 4loCOfC.gif  cnKGzsn.png

    1. BlaspheMae


      I absolutely love her <3 fantastic job!

  3. TVr9Ald.png

    1. Daniella
    2. Viohazard



      Thank you :bfcry: I was struggling with her face for a long time, but I am happy with it in the end.

    3. Daniella


      aslkdfj you're welcome, her face turned out beautiful!! :bfyes:

  4. Viohazard


    Pre-made for @Emberly <3

    © [img]https://i.imgur.com/oVHKm9y.png[/img]

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  5. Wow, I suddenly got really depressed about my art and style. Now I feel kinda inferior. Everything I seem to draw today is coming out like crap, and Nothing is inspiring me and it's making me incredibly upset. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. raisu


      Soo sad u're feeling like this, sometimes u just need to stop a lil' bit and relax, i hope u get better :blove:

    3. Syerin


      Im currently having the same feeling, it's leaving me completely unmotivated!

    4. Viohazard


      @namjoon @Valkyrie @raisu

      Thank you guys, Hearing that really helped me. <3



      It is the worst, I just feel defeated. 

  6. Viohazard


    Commission <3

    © [img]https://i.imgur.com/WzyZXDe.png[/img]

    • 0 B
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  7. Viohazard


    Commission for Pupi <3

    © [img]https://i.imgur.com/O6PZaXh.png[/img]

    • 0 B
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  8. I have a wait list for my shop now if anyone wants to be put on it! :applause:

    But please let me know if you want to be wait listed for bribe, reg, or when ever a slot is available! :)



  9. I just wanted to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all for your orders and support. I love drawing such diverse characters and drawing has been and always will be my passion. I hope to keep improving and eventually branching out to larger complex work so all of these drawings I am doing are further helping to progress me as an artist. I am grateful for all the lovely characters I have been able to draw and the kindness I have received


    Sorry I am such a sob, I have just had time to sit down after work to think about how much I look forward to drawing again and it has been such a long time since I felt this happiness. 

    Thank you!

  10. This turned out amazing bby!
  11. Just an update on all Orders/Premades I am currently working on, there are about 15 I have on the list of things to do and I work on the week days so it is hard for me to make much progress during that time but I will keep everyone updated when the orders have any work done to them. I am working as fast as I can to get them done and as high quality as possible, for that reason I don't rush orders so just wanted to let you all know! I am keeping track of all orders, I have just a very busy schedule.


    Thank you for taking the time to read this!


  12. :bfcry: My hands going to fall off! Another order checked off. 


    HNqtLXu.gif  HVzayUG.png

  13. All done with her! Make sure to check her out if you are interested when the charity Auction starts!



  14. Woo almost finished her :walove: Then I can finally work on orders. :bfunceunce:



  15. Summer Auction Preview :D



  16. © [img]https://i.imgur.com/jzJ25QF.png[/img]

    • 0 B
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  17. Working on commissions :applause:



  18. :bfstar: Energized and ready to go!

  19. :bfwhat: Why is my sleeping schedule so messed up? I should be in bed but instead here I am about to play fallout until I pass out at 10am :lldepress:

    1. Juni


      literally same :NOOOOO:

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