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League of Legends


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I main Miss fortune and Jinx. They are so fun to play with :) 

Especially jinx with her craziness :P 

ADC all the way! Hate top and mid lane >.< But if I have to play top I go with teemo :3 I adore his cuteness! :cutehehehaaas:

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i need people to play league with bc my best friend won't play with me anymore ;__;

my username is Badlands and i loooove to play midlane or sometimes support, and i'm trying to improve my adc!!

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1 hour ago, Lunna said:

And this is why I hate ranked, trist went full rage, flaming everyone in chat. ISN'T RANKED FUUUUUUUUN :sideeyeha:



I always were thinking is this Little Lunna on my friend list you! :gettingaway: And it is!


I hardcore got my flex out of bronze. New friends <3


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Tfw you're playing support and just chilling and trying to keep your ADC safe and you see a top Yasuo die to enemy top Tahm Kench a couple times, then telling him to get cancer and shit

and then teamfights start and you see the Yasuo dying and you have to save him because welp, he's in your team and you're the support, it's your job 

Man I was so tempted to just let him die 1v5 like the piece of shit he was being


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@Susi yep that's me haha :ogoodshi:got a name change recently



18 hours ago, Mar said:

Tfw you're playing support and just chilling and trying to keep your ADC safe and you see a top Yasuo die to enemy top Tahm Kench a couple times, then telling him to get cancer and shit

and then teamfights start and you see the Yasuo dying and you have to save him because welp, he's in your team and you're the support, it's your job 

Man I was so tempted to just let him die 1v5 like the piece of shit he was being


I know that feeling :oobih:

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EYYYY Thank gosh theres a League of Legends thread. Imma serious loner on league and hella need peoples to play with B)


Heres some things about me on league 

When in ranked I main support, Always get shoved with rubbish ADCS who hella don't know how to farm

As for normals, In normals, I usually play Mid or Support. Maybe some ADC every now and again.

I severely hate jungling and top laning, for some reason I cant play them to save my poor life.


Rank: S4, 0LP, Because of idiot trolls who think they're cool to ruin peoples ranked experiences. 

I am unbelievably hard stuck in S4, I get close to s3 and woosh back down to 0lp I go because of trolls.

It's my goal to reach at least gold by next season. But if trolls continue man it's gonna be hard.


Honor Level: Honor level 2, Some salty people in league expect me to finish a whole game as lulu support B)


Main Champions:

Mid: Ahri, Lux, Orianna

Adc: Jinx, Miss Fortune, Xayah

Support: Sona, Soraka, Morgana, Janna, Lulu

^There all my baes to play as support^


I incredibly need to start trying to play more tanky supports such as Leona and rakan. Even though I'm sort of decent with Rakan.


My Account:

EUW: Go1denAnge1

^ How emo and edgy is that name, Gosh I can't wait to get enough to change that name to something new. 

I needs new people to play with so add me :P

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