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League of Legends


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Ign: Axiant


Main: Adc mostly but I play a bit of everything!

Adc: BB JINX, Xayah, Caitlin, Jhin

Supp: Sona, Morgana

Mid: Talon, Ahri

JG: Warwick, Evelynn, Shyvana

Top:....Teeto hahaha

I love to play and am mostly not toxic unless I play teemo and then I am the most toxic ever



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IGN name:  Zhenji Region NA (200+ping tho :icry:


Main Roles:    I love all lanes :3 


TopIrelia, Nasus, Camille


Jungle: Zac, Kayn, Diana


Mid:  Azir, Diana, Morgana,


ADC:  Caitlyn, Miss Fortune, Ezreal


Support:  Thresh, Rakan, Soraka

I love league hnnng

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10 hours ago, Alex said:

yo, send some invites for gasr league and let's get it popping.


also, here is the discord where most gasr users talk about league, usually flix being dumb and me flashing-AA turrets and flashing+missing ults: https://discord.gg/jemzeNe

 uhm sweaty........ WTF!!!!!

you mean invites for just playing or invite to the GASR Club ON NA!!!!

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Ay i'm hopping onto this league talk
except i'm really bad and "getting demoted to bronze 4"
in flex cause rip me, I end up playing with a full AP Alistar (':


IGN: stcnct
Server: NA
Rank: currently sitting at Bronze 3 w/ 26 LP
Main Role: Support (basic e-gril warning)
Secondary Role: Top lane

Champs: Taric, Sona, Soraka & the occasional Janna / Poppy


i hate this game but i still play it (^:

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