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League of Legends


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20 hours ago, Mattie said:

ah yes... Irelia


wot ye think about Irelia getting a rework?



Hopefully she won't get rekt and will still be the same? She isn't played that ofter after all, so as long as they dont majorly mess her up I'm fine >_>
Maybe her update will spark a new flame to my old love for top lane?
I do! What rank are you? (Feel free to add me ) 

6 hours ago, Kalecia said:

Does anyone like to play 3v3 here? 


I've been playing 3v3 flex and rekting people with lux :3


on euw c:

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Oml, this thread ♥
I'm not a professional at the game, BUT, I do enjoy playing it with my friends/family when I get time!
Maining Support, but I'm quite good at ADC. Until I get my new desktop, I wont be able to play as much. BUT, anyone's welcome to add me! Summoner name: YandeBunny ♥

My Favorite Champion(s): Morganna, Twitch, and Zyra. (I have so many champions owned..)
My Favorite Skin Sets: ARCADE!
My hated Champions fighting against: Blitz and Temo. LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

^^ I know this struggle. Constant key fragments each time i log in. 
I'm on EUW, I main ADC and my boyfriend is my Support since we work quite well together, i am in no way a professional at the game but i thoroughly enjoy playing it, even though a lot of the time there seems to be toxic people in my games. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

xD the pre-season is complete madness and I can't wait for the urf with snowballs to come out. For anyone that doesn't know. When you're playing the gamemode I'd recommend buying boots of lucidity. they reduce your summoner cooldowns by half. Putting the snowball to 30 seconds. Have fun playing fellows summoners. OH and I took the naughty path with my adc/partner @DeadlySnuggles on the mission line.

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So @DeadlySnuggles and I have been thinking to do the clash game mode which puts 2 teams of the same skill level against eachother and climb the ranks that way. Biggest problem is It's just the two of us and we're missing 3 members xD We love talking on here but league of legends seems to be filled with so much toxicity there isn't a nice person in sight we would ever add. So maybe over time we would be able to add people on this page after talking for a bit. xD for Starters we are on EUW and are around the low silver skill level. Usernames might be for later when some more trust is established.

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