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League of Legends


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Yeah in the first season I think you almost always get silverish aka s5 to s3 even if you don't win a lot. So that's probably why LOL. I got S4 in my first season with like 3/4 wins. In the season after I had 6 wins and B1 so yeah it also just depends on your mmr and everyone's mmr is the same when they play for the first time 


My first season on euw i got s3 so its mostly around that I feeeel. >:-) 

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LOL thats so weird bc i completely thought i deserved bronze, i guess its a safe bet because climbing out of bronze is really hard apparently, but im so close to it, idk what to do. i need to play games to get my lp back up but at the same time if i lose those games im going to bronze. too riskyyyyy. my gold friends are now back to s2/3 and they were playing for years so its like "how are u s3 and im s5 but our skill level difference is like b2 and g1" 

they seem to be lenient at your first time though which is good, cant say the same about dota where they literally put u in the trench and u have to climb for years to get to a decent players, ill give em that :thumbsup:

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LMAO trust me I've been in B1 before and it took me 3 times to get to S5 again that season. On euw I skipped S2 and went straight to S1 so idk it happens. Like when you play again your mmr is lower the next season most of the time? So that's why they got lower than gold. Its pretty normal to get lower than the year before unless you are like plat 3 and above i think 🤔 🤔 🤔 

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LMAO I think it depends on how much you win and your mmr in the next season. Say if you were playing your promos you can look at your like 9th game before you do your 10th to see what rank you could possibly get and then decide if you want to do the last one? You can look on na.op.gg or euw.op.gg if you want to know your mmr :thumbsup::thumbsup: 

I mean it just depends though I had pretty shitty teammates when I was in B1, like I played shit too sometimes but everyone was just ragey and shit LMAO. I'd just play some normal games to get practice if you're scared of demoting. CS and landing skillshots is pretty important in these ranks imoo. I stopped going for kills and I'd cs really good and not do dumb shit so eventually I skipped S2 but then I stopped playing cause I didn't wanna demote>:)))) (jk I demoted to S2 once and then got back in S1) 

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LOLOL that is rlly good advice!! i used op.gg last time and it literally went from like s3 to b1 but i was still so surprised that i got s4 i was like dam?!! me!?!? ive only been playing a few months!! :$ cs is totally doable, i main adc anyway so thats my number 1 skill im practicing atm, tysm for the help!! :gettingaway:

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LMAAO to bring your hopes down the dumpster of life xx

I played ranked in like okt/nov 2015 and I started playing around april :^)))) and I got s4 too xxx

But tbh just keep practicing and you'll get there. Idk if you are pro dota but I'm sure if you're decent at that you can maybe get the ahng of league pretty easily :thumbsup:

tbh I'm not a pro either tho don't listen 2 me too much I'm a silver scrub myself.. :'( LMAAO 


btw whats your username tho!! (idk it might be in here somewhere but im too lazy to check))

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LMFAOO silver actually isnt that bad, id say im like gold 2/3 in dota and it deffo helped me a lot with league, I DONT EVEN KNOW ALL THE CHAMPIONS OR ITEMS YET LMAO

my username is bxsnia <3!!! 

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I'll probably add yuo sometime (when I'm on EUW, since I never really am anymore) LMAOOO 

Yeah silver is just average, bronze is shit I guess. Most players are in silver 5 aka AVERAGE!!! 


oh btw you won't demote unless your mmr is like B1 and you're on 0 LP. Ok maybe it's B2 I don't remember LMAO, but I think it's if you have B1 mmr you will demote

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@Flix oh ya plz do!! i need more ppl to play with LOL, and ill try not to play ranked until im mentally prepared to get stomped and outplayed in every way possible again :')

@Lumii LOL I FEEL LIKE IT JUST DEPENDS since most people are in silver it can be really diverse, but yasuos always stomp in my games, s5 sucks ass for sure though :wacry:

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Ive been silver all seasons ive played on the account i use now and never been able to get out of being hard stuck. I always end up with troll adcs or mid lane. One game i played there was a lux jungle who refused to gank any lane what so ever. Ive played with adcs who go like 0/15 and then blame me. I wish riot was more tight on feeders and afk 

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