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A:  I would say Saturn because in school I always loved reading about it and the rings were fascinating to me.


Q: Who is your favorite actor or actress, and what's your favorite movie they starred in?

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A: Romance is my favorite genre of movies because love is overpowering and never ending hope 

Q: If you became internet famous, what would you change in the world? 

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A: honestly that’s such a tough question to answer but I would change the fact that the kids in Africa or other countries would be able to eat every day and not starve. I would also be kind enough to help out the homeless. I would help anyone who seems unhappy.


Q: If you had the choice to make one of your dreams come alive, which one would you choose and why?

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I'd choose to really get my businesses booming.  I have a couple small ones I'm trying to build up and the startup is going slowly.  To be able to just get things going really well would be a huge financial and mental relief.



If you could have any one ability/power, what would it be and why?

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A: my computer tbh b/c i play most of my most favorite games ever & it just generally makes me very happy when i'm on it; plus i use it as my tv

Q: do you play overwatch? if so, who's your main?



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A: Feet for hands so when my bf annoys me I can easily shove a foot in his mouth. 


Q: What are your favorite animes? (I need suggestions, please nothing romantic. OTL) 

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A: Konosuba is honestly my fave to date a mix of fantasy and comedy while also having a story u kinda wanna keep watching for.

I'd also recommend Aaga of Tanya the Evil, My Hero Academia, Beyond the Boundary and Durarara!! though not all will be to your taste


Q: What was your favourite movie growing up?

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A: The Parent Trap and The Princess Diaries

Q: What song do you sing only when you’re alone? 

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