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@Amy It's pollen season, so there may be a chance of you being allergic to weeds and grass. Try to keep a schedule of what you're eating though, because you may be allergic to some type of food. Also try to check your detergent, air freshener, dish soap, body wash to see if you've recently switched products. Sometimes you can be allergic to it and might need to go back to the roots, same thing happened to me with laundry dets. You did mention getting a cold during it, is your nose stuffy? And if so, was it stuffy before you started getting the cold? If yes, then it's probably grass and/or weeds allergy, but your best shot is to get an allergy test done. Goodluck!

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i remember i forgot i was allergic to cats and was playing with one at work LMFAO then i had an allergic reaction and was very sad for the rest of the night then went home and slept for 48 hours


sorry about your kitty @Kardia lemme send you a thousand kitties in the mail ok

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20 minutes ago, Alex said:

i remember i forgot i was allergic to cats and was playing with one at work LMFAO then i had an allergic reaction and was very sad for the rest of the night then went home and slept for 48 hours


sorry about your kitty @Kardia lemme send you a thousand kitties in the mail ok


ooh damn, that doesn't sound fun. >wo


Eee, thank you, lovely. <3  she was my little dork


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@Alex @Lazy @Dorkalicious @Gwen @Kitty



i changed my entire bed sheets and its not the food as far as im aware bc my mouth is fine, overnight i slept with a frozen cloth on my eyes and today its generally the same but i guess a lil more of my eyes are showing, which means its gonna get better from now!! no breathing problems so it was never anything serious as the doctor said, but im going to call the doctor again since the steroids didnt work and my face is still swollen after 3 days (which is WEIRD AF). it cant be outside stuff either @gwen bc i didnt go outside for a day before i got the allergy. i deffo think it was somethn in my bed sheets. whatever that was is gone now tho, just need to hear what the doctor says ab this. think ill be OK now since it didnt get worse like i thought it would



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Just now, Amy said:

@Alex @Lazy @Dorkalicious @Gwen @Kitty



i changed my entire bed sheets and its not the food as far as im aware bc my mouth is fine, overnight i slept with a frozen cloth on my eyes and today its generally the same but i guess a lil more of my eyes are showing, which means its gonna get better from now!! no breathing problems so it was never anything serious as the doctor said, but im going to call the doctor again since the steroids didnt work and my face is still swollen after 3 days (which is WEIRD AF). it cant be outside stuff either @gwen bc i didnt go outside for a day before i got the allergy. i deffo think it was somethn in my bed sheets. whatever that was is gone now tho, just need to hear what the doctor says ab this. think ill be OK now since it didnt get worse like i thought it would



'supportive response' I totally didn't tell you to burn your whole house down and start a new life or anything pftttt

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1 minute ago, Kitty said:

'supportive response' I totally didn't tell you to burn your whole house down and start a new life or anything pftttt

i didnt wan leave u out :kaayee:

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@Amy I'm glad you're feeling a tad better, yes the sheets may have a certain type of material your skin can be allergic to. My grandma always makes me buy cotton, even though I want the pretty lace stuff because it's pretty common for skin to get irritated from the material. Get well soon though!

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@Gwen lol your grandmas wise af, that was the exact problem, it wasnt cotton :( ill be going to A&E in a bit so they can check it out which will hopefully be my last visit, thank you for everything!!!  :byaslove:

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This convo has me laughing.  I am sorry that you are going through that @Amy   But omg, telling you to burn your house down LOL  I can't even.  Too funny.  


Ugh, I have been wanting to draw for days, I feel so art blocked, and I was extremely distracted by watching baseball (The Yankees).  But now that that's over with, I need to get my shit together and make some more art.  I am just missing one important piece...maybe 2.....Creativity and Motivation.  Anyone seen where they went?  LOL  Been trying to find them, hit me up if you do.....LMFAO

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  • 2 weeks later...

Coming to the new forum was the best thing we ever did wasn’t it.



not like in all of our lives (although mine has been pretty uneventful) but as a forum this is the best thing we’ve done.




i also just worked a 10hr shift so maybe my emotions are distorted and I’m being overly emotional about the forum, either way I DONT CARE I LOVE IT

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My school got Wednesday off for PD so now this Friday also feels like a Tuesday all at once and I'm so happy it's Friday uGH


My school production is next week and I have the lead so my practices are running SO LATE recently I'm CRYING :lazerollcry:


but uh YEAH also I might be joining my school's colorguard??


(cat wyd ur a soprano concert choir leader, have a lead in drama, drama treasurer, in like 294838 honor societies and 4 AP classes w/ tons of required field trips why are u taking on ANOTHER school activity ur nuts)  

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