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Status Updates posted by doll



    happy new years!

    let's make 2020 our year. i hope the year turns out great for you guys. 2019 was rough for some, including myself. so let's hope for a better tomorrow! no resolution is too small. go at your own pace. making improvements in your life is always the best, no matter if you're doing baby steps or not! :bgoodjob:

    a happy birthday to myself as well! :cutefingergun:

  2. tumblr_inline_p0zx31Rx3m1rhwzwl_400.png

    happy holidays, everyone! it's a bit early but might as well wish you guys a very merry christmas.

    hopefully everyone's christmas is lovely & full of holiday spirit. may you enjoy your time with your friends and family. remember, family doesn't always have to be by blood! may your presents be bountiful and the food endless! 

    if you're not celebrating christmas, i hope you're having a wonderful time! make sure to take the time to appreciate your day and treat yourself to nice things. you are worthy of self-care and self-love, even on a holiday you don't celebrate.

    for those who have seasonal depression & struggle at these times of year, i know how you feel! but don't worry, it'll pass. you're strong & you can make it through this time. ♥ whether you chose to celebrate christmas or not, make sure you are hydrated, eat enough, sleep enough & take care of yourself. 

    also, in case you're really, really struggling. don't forget there are hotlines!


    take care of yourself. ♥


    have a very merry christmas & a happy holidays~ hope to see you guys in the new year!

    1. Nikki


      This was really well-needed, dear! It made me smile and feel whole while reading.  Thank you so much & happy holidays! :blove:

  3. g63mWEH.png

    happy thanksgiving, my american friends!

    hope you're having a wonderful day full of food, family, friends & loved ones. remember when you're thankful for and keep it close to you, there are things in this life precious to us and are always valid. 

    to my non-american friends, i do hope you're having a wonderful day. treat yourself to a nice meal or spend some times with your loved ones. you don't need to celebrate thanksgiving to cherish the good things in life.

  4. CLOSED. thank you so much!

  5. giphy.gif

    watching mean girls revolutionize gasr. 

  6. hello lovelies. wanted to just do a quick shout out to @milk and her adorable art shop. 

    please consider checking out the shop and possibly ordering? her art is super cute !


    1. milk


      thank u so much bb ;w;

  7. IZVf45n.png BUxw25f.png MstaHwX.png

    it's been awhile, but a small friendly reminder to those who are struggling, feel alone or if they feel like what they're doing isn't good enough.

    you're doing great and i hope you keep up the good work. make sure to keep yourself hydrated, well-rested, happy and healthy.

    i wish you guys all good vibes today. ♥

    1. Amy
    2. doll
    3. Simp


      I need some of your positive energy  :bfahh:


    just put up 4 couple boops! hope you guys like them. ♥

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. doll


      @Wrath - thank you so much! i probably will be, i'm just unsure when. i do enjoy making boops and i do want to open a shop for them. i just have to see when i have the most time for them. thank you so much for your interest. ♥

    3. Hiroki


      Aaaa so cute, sad I missed them.

    4. Plushie


      Ahhh I missed out, please let me know when you open a shop ; o; //got a few ideas aaaa. 3 & 4 are my absolute favourites!! :klove:

  9. 02.jpg

    ♥ ❤ happy valentines day !! ❤ ♥

    i hope you guys are having an amazing valentines, full of happiness, love & chocolate. for those who don't have a valentines or simply don't celebrate the holiday, remember that you don't need a holiday to be loved by someone! you have many people who love you and cherish you every day of the year. remember to treat yourself to something nice, take it easy and practice self-care & self-love. you ARE important AND loved. 

    for those celebrating, i hope you have an amazing day with your S/O and have a nice day together. you deserve to be loved, and i hope the feelings you have for them is mutual. i wish you a healthy and long lasting relationship.

    have an amazing day, everyone !! ♥

  10. so this is just a small update & reminder, for those who occasionally dm me.

    i'm normally okay with doing some commissions if asked, depending on my mood.

    but i'd like to just updated that i will not be accepting commissions, public or private after this post.

    seasonal depression is very strong around this type of year and it's really hard getting any type of work done.

    and until jan to april/may, i'll be busy with classes to be working on any commissions. on my time off, i'll possibly sell some premades, if i get the chance.

    i love each and everyone who constantly supports my art. it really means a lot that you guys consider buying it and helping me as an artist. i truly adore you guys.

    but for now, i can't accept any commissions. i won't have a waitlist either, since i don't want the added stress of commissioners waiting. 

    i'll most likely update and reopen the commission shop i had when i get the chance, but for now, commissions are closed.

    again, thank you for your constant support!

    i hope you have a happy holidays. ♥


    1. Plushie


      May I dm you on disc about something I have in mind? //I still would love the boop btw of my bab!!

    2. doll
  11. tumblr_meh5zkGVTu1qdlkyg.gif


    merry christmas, to all you beautiful people.

    whether you're spending it with family, friends or just having some time to yourself, i hope you have a merry christmas.

    let this holiday help you bond closer with your loved ones. i know some people dread christmas because of family, and if you're that type of person, i hope you get through this holiday okay. you

    should be happy on this day, you deserve that much. i hope the food you eat is tasty, the gifts you get are bountiful, the love you receive is endless and your happiness lights the room more than the christmas tree star.


    for those who suffer through seasonal depression, i fully understand if you can't bring yourself to feel well this holiday. i know how it feels and i want you to know that the seasons won't be too long. hopefully you can get through this okay. remember that your feelings are valid and to practice self-care. remember your importance to this world and take it one step at a time.

    i hope those, celebrating with family, have a nice, peaceful times full with laughter and smiles. if you're celebrating alone, i hope you can still smile. i hope you can remember that you are loved by so many, and deserve all the happiness in the world.

    merry christmas loves! and to all, a good night and day.

    tumblr_inline_mxht9bZWwG1qid2nw.gif tumblr_inline_mxht9bZWwG1qid2nw.gif tumblr_inline_mxht9bZWwG1qid2nw.gif

  12. tumblr_pijsgdxJrs1r2pp2to1_400.gif

    happy thanksgiving! i hope you're having a great turkey day full of food and family.


    for those who are not american or don't celebrate it, i hope you have a great day and are grateful for the things you have in life. you deserve only the best.

    for those who celebrate it, but aren't thrilled about the holiday (family problems or anything related), take a deep breath. this holiday only lasts one day.

    you're strong and you can get through this! i believe in you.


    i'm grateful for those i have met on GASR and those who support my art and my friends. i'm grateful for all the amazing artists who share their beautiful art on this platform. take the day to be grateful for the things you love.

    i hope everyone has a great day.

  13. hello everyone! i have opened my custom shop. 

    same thing as i've offered before in my last shop, the price is a bit different, thanks to the feedback of fellow gasr users & i've only kept it at 2 slots each to keep stress low. hope to see you guys there!


  14. small reminder: 

    any feedback is appreciated thanks! (poll votes or comments.)

  15. tumblr_inline_mv8cw39sZj1qid2nw.gif

    happy halloween, everyone!!

    i hope you have a spooky day full of fun, candy and colors.

    let today be fun for you!! enjoy all the festivities the holiday has to offer.

    treat yourself to horror movies, candy and fun halloween activities, like dressing up and pumpkin carving.

    i hope you have an amazing day!

    to those who don't celebrate halloween, i hope you have an amazing day nonetheless! 


    a cute video for you! :





    1. Miku
    2. Cobweb


      This is the cutest thing..

  16. tumblr_inline_mhvq3qE6Jz1qz4rgp.gif hello precious babes. tumblr_inline_mhvq3qE6Jz1qz4rgp.gif

    tumblr_inline_nk96ornbcd1ry72eo.gif my waifu @hime has opened a custom shop for her super cute art, pls check it out! tumblr_inline_nk96ornbcd1ry72eo.gif



  17. tumblr_majpmatQyj1qid2nw.gif happy national coming out day! tumblr_majpmatQyj1qid2nw.gif

    tumblr_inline_n1jzi7M6X41qid2nw.gif if you're out, or still closeted, remember you're valid and beautiful. ♥ tumblr_inline_n1jzi7M6X41qid2nw.gif

    tumblr_inline_n1jzi8t8OC1qid2nw.gif  remember to keep yourself safe, happy and healthy. remember that it's okay to love whoever you want, and be whoever you want. you deserve all the happiness in the world. your fellow lgbtq+ peeps & allies support you, with alll our hearts. for those coming out, keep your chin up and head held up high, you can do this.

    for those who are still closeted, remember it's not a race, and you can take all the time you need. you got this.  tumblr_inline_n1jzi8t8OC1qid2nw.gif

    tumblr_inline_n1jzi8t8OC1qid2nw.gif  you deserve all the acceptance that this world has to offer. be safe, and remember that even if a family member / friend doesn't respond the way you want them to, you're still you and you still have so many people who love and accept you. it also sometimes takes times for some people to adjust to change!!  tumblr_inline_n1jzi8t8OC1qid2nw.gif





    i hope you have a wonderful month, full of happy spooky moments and enjoying the decorations & halloween vibes.

    make sure to take advantage of the yummy pumpkin spice items / limited time items while they're out! if you like them, that is. 

    if you're not a fan of halloween, just remember to take care of yourself, in case it's too spooky.


    i hope you all are having a wonderful day so far. 





    1. Dayzie



      ... and the very same to you Sweetie!


  19. closed for now! current open convos / msgs sent still valid.




    would anyone be interested in custom adopts? 
    i'm currently wanting to save up for something, but i don't really want to do dps and i'm hesitant on boops. 

    they would be drawn on a premade chibi base. (drawing a fullbody base from scratch would be extra.)

    the base price would be 30$ // anything with A LOT of detail would be extra.

    examples of my adopts:

    these would count as base price adopts (detail wise), anything above would be 5-10$ extra!

    **for 10$ extra, i can make a boop of the adopt i create for you! boop exampleshttps://sta.sh/2zubxhqofo3?edit=1


    bases that i would be working on: one ♥ two ♥ three ♥ four ♥ five ♥ six

    **i do not recommend four for more complex designs / designs that aren't very simple. just listing what i currently possess for bases!
    if you have a base that's f2u that you prefer let me know! but if there's a base that's p2u that you absolutely want, the price of the base needs to be included in the payment for the adopt.


     send me a pm / comment below if interested! 



    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Plushie


      I would love one, but I don't get paid till 20th - unless we can work something out?? I'm not sure //slapped.


    3. doll


      @Dayzie i'm very glad, sweetie. <33 enjoy her!
      @Plushie - definitely. : D currently have two commissions to do, so dw. <33 you have enough time!! if you want, i'll send the form & we can take it from there. <3

    4. Plushie


      @doll ahhh sure, just hmu with a pm on here or discord, Idm ; u;

  20. tumblr_inline_mley7ckg0c1rxsw83__1__by_c

    you are worthy of love !

    you are worthy of happiness !!

    you are worthy of success !!!

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