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Status Replies posted by Cymette

  1. Idk if I should come back here, I feel stupid for having to suddenly leave (ALWAYS).I'm so conflicted, I just wanna do illustrations for the rest of my life. -sob-


  2. Struggling with a cold.

    Someone send me help pls.


  3. gIG1cy6.gif-ZtWNMNJ.png


    I'm shooting for $20.00 for this  premade (BUT IM WILLING TO NEGOTIATE IM KINDA YOLO'ING)



  4. DVF7Hnj.gif

    This lovely gal is still available! 

    She is $15.00 ~


    Color changes can be possible if you don't want pink. ^- ^

  5. ecardub0bf7_13926.jpg

    :gettingaway: We did it baby girl! Soo proud of us.  :eue:

  6. rc616zM.gif-kXtKJD5.png


    Here it is! The collab between @Paige and I. <3

  7. 1V5bgl7.gif-UtioKkq.png

    @Cymette idk how I feel about your custom I feel like it's not good at all but I'll leave you to judge 

     ;u  ;

    the snek was hard 




    send however much you'd like, hun. 

  8. 1V5bgl7.gif-UtioKkq.png

    @Cymette idk how I feel about your custom I feel like it's not good at all but I'll leave you to judge 

     ;u  ;

    the snek was hard 




    send however much you'd like, hun. 

    1. Cymette


      Oh my gosh! How did it take me eight minutes to see this!? She is FABULOUS, hun! I think the snake is super cute and I love her! Payment is on its way :byaslove:

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. I'm actually super stoked at the first two people that posted in my collab request.


    Image result for excited

  10. kp2t3af.gif

    Thought this was pretty cool.

    I should do a full WIP gif at some point o:

  11. Screenshot_20171230-204732.jpg.9185dd6b0eb5642a1ee2cc62c339c6cd.jpg

    I'm going to be updating this doodle to turn it into a tattoo to put on my upper belly. It's inspired by the death moth, but it's skull is replaced by a cat skull. Lotsa updating to do I drew it like a year ago. Please don't use this as a tattoo obviously, if you like it and want to ask me about a tattoo design lemme know. ^-^

    1. Cymette


      Oh my gosh, the cat skull looks so good! This is going to be an amazing tattoo!

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  12. Why are all of your Oc' S so cute and aesthetically pleasing 


  13. Why are all of your Oc' S so cute and aesthetically pleasing 


  14. Heya guys! Sorry for disappearing. I needed a break from drawing and I was really stressed out and took some time for myself. I'm better now, though! So expect art from me soon. Just gotta install some drawing programs on my new laptop I got as an early Christmas present. :bfahh:

  15. I have been away for a while because I have so much projects to deal with at college. I hope I can finish them all and come back after Christmas. 



  16. I think, I'm back


  17. oye2rmJ.gif

    Anotha free one for practice. I REALLY NEED TO LEARN HAIR >:C

  18. omg I have been a bit busy and I delayed the giveaway, so I will do it now!

    There's 44 people in my Followers list in alphabetical order. I made a notepad list with everyones names,











  19. A R T  block




  20. More water drawings?

    yay or nay


    1. Cymette


      I say "yay"! Your water skills are amazing.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  21. I think i have an art addiction problem. :gross: Can't stop buying premades from @Sorcelly   :lazecry:

  22. I will close customs for a bit now.

    Mostly cause I had a horrible week, and I just want to play and relax when I draw, it stresses me out if I can't get right what people order

    :imath: maybe I aint good for this stuff

  23. hi hru this is me testing ur notifications, anything good yet?

  24. hi hru this is me testing ur notifications, anything good yet?

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