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Status Replies posted by Cymette

  1. EXPOSED.png
    @Cain e x p o s e d :cutefingergun:

  2. I can't resist their cuteness :klove:


  3. I will be gone from 15May to 20May on a small vacay.

    For anybody who orders from my shop, I will only be able to send stuff after I get back home


  4. Today is going to be a rough day. Here's hoping I'm ready for these exams. :lazetears:

  5. Why can't I make art for myself

  6. One of them is here!!

    My collab with @Awshie is finished.

    Total: $30.00...$15.00 to each of us.

    Awshie: [email protected] (send as "goods and services" &"No shipping address")

    Me: https://www.paypal.me/imvudykz

    Currently: on hold for @Remba


    My collab with @Sereani and @Cheese is still in the works, so keep your eye out! 

    The themes are :iperfect:



    tomorrow is the drawing for one free custom by me!!

    Comment below anything you’d like and you will be entered into the random generator. If you commented on my last two posts you’re all set. 💕



    Drawing day: 05/01/2018 :byaslove:

  8. Should I make my next premade colorful or dark?

    1. Cymette


      I like both too, but I'm going to vote for dark. I'd love to see what concepts you chose for the dark pieces. :cuteok:

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. so hyped to paint this



    Couple DP's

    for her: moving wings & halo lights animation

    for him: moving tail & moving finger animation 

    If you guys want more couple concepts like this pls let me know!


    1. Cymette


      Aaaaah! This is looking so good! I can't wait to see the final product! :bapplause:

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. Go to my profile with your sound turned on if you want to be uplifted and start uncontrollably shaking your hips. 

    You're welcome x

  11. Starting a mermaid premade! 😉 

  12. Since a lot of people requested custom work, I applied for an auction

    Winner will get a custom piece of their choice 

    -I will not be doing couples(since I\m not that good yet with them)

    -I will be doing anything else like pets or creatures

    For any concept you have, I will need proper refs in images, not just text.

    -You will get animated versions, edited versions, crops, 160/220 resizes (all of your choice)

    What I want to know from you guys, is the size you want this in? Like the bigger size?

    1. Cymette


      I agree! I love the usual size you use in your shop and I love that it can also be scaled down to 160 x 220. I'll be looking out for that auction. :lazepeek:

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. 5ab3ec96b6c01_260358.jpg.a487fcef93f3ed94c72a39da19808a3e.jpg


    #Housewife or #Sinner?

    btw those will be crows, I hope

    1. Cymette


      I don't think so. She's the housewife who makes the best cherry pies . . .that might also be poisoned - cause she's evil. . .or is she just misunderstood? :ey:

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. 5ab3ec96b6c01_260358.jpg.a487fcef93f3ed94c72a39da19808a3e.jpg


    #Housewife or #Sinner?

    btw those will be crows, I hope

  15. giphy.gif

    hi bb!

    Just sending a warm hug from me to you.

    love you loads


    Stay Beautiful!


  16. giving you random love :cutehehehaaas:

  17. Sitting here shook.

    Comparing this:

    wVs4PAQ.gif to Rizia2.gif.46803367db68c4546cb4a0b5b5b5517f.gif



    Wow. I love that I keep my old work so I can go back and do stuff like this. ;u ;

  18.  aw.png.a5099f79ae808b339c6aaca0c4df9937.png 

    And here I said I would stay away from cute.

    Image result for anime girl giggle pls someone give me a dark custom order ty 

    1. Cymette


      love the eyes! Will you be streaming the rest of this piece?
      Dark, she says, dark. . .hmn. Let me seeeee.
      I might have something for you soon~ 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  19. Currently figuring out Twitch :ogoodshi:

  20. Watching rupauls drag race all stars 3 ep 1 





    1. Cymette


      I was talking about (hidden spoiler):


      Bebe Zahara Benet - I really liked her. I haven't seen season 1 or 2 so it was my first impression of her. 

      BUT ALSO YES TO THE END OF THE EPISODE! I'm on the edge of my seat about it! : D

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  21. Watching rupauls drag race all stars 3 ep 1 





    1. Cymette


      I'm excited for Milk to be back. I love Trixie too, but I'm sorry you had such a weird encounter with her D:
      I won't lie. I really like BenDeLaCreme, but I want to see more out of her this season.

      And without giving away any spoilers, I'm super excited about said spoiler. 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  22. Watching rupauls drag race all stars 3 ep 1 





    1. Cymette


      Oooh, that was such a good episode! I cannot wait for this week's! I still haven't decided which queens I want to cheer on the most. :lazeblush:Do you have any favorites for the win already?

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  23. @Cymette

    Ive been out all day. I should be home soon to send you the finals! Currently being a designated driver for my boyfriend and his best friend. <3

  24. I've finally finished an OC I've been planning for sometime and my creation, she is complete!


  25. Gunna try to draw today. Life has been making me want to just go home and sleep but I need to be more productive. -sigh- I can do this. 



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