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Status Updates posted by Stargazer

  1. Before I forget I just wanted to throw this out there. My human and I are taking a road trip to myrtle beach Tuesday and will be gone for about a week. So I apologize to those I’ve ordered art from if I am delayed a tad. (It’s an 18 hour drive :lazetears:) thank you for your patience! hearts GIF by WE tv

    1. Naptime


      Have fun on your trip o:

  2. Being broke and wanting to get more art for my persona like...

  3. Can i just say. just because people of the opposite sex are best friends with eachother DOES NOT MEAN that they are more than that! i can't stress this enough. it's so flippin ridiculous how much shit i get for being bestfriends with a guy while im taken. its to the point im now being name called for even looking out for him :isquint:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Stargazer


      @Alismora Honestly, I never thought about it from that angle but that is a very good point.

    3. Daniella


      P r e a c h!


      I get that so often, then they can't accept that they are in the wrong.


  4. chillin on rabbit with my lovely wifey @Senpai
    dont be afraid to drop on in

  5. Currently just re did one of my boyfriends valentines day presents.Its hard to give him much with him away for military training and i got tips from a friend on what to add. but i think i did a pretty good job c: (sorry for the big pic)resizedishcollage.jpg.d0fccbc56ec1cb1495f72ff62dd19e98.jpg



  6. Did another thing for me and a close friend of mine. Really proud of the turn out.


  7. does anybody else have this war with bagged popcorn where you accidentally burn it almost everytime or is that just me? done bai GIF

    1. YasmineDoesArt


      Me! Most relatable post I've seen all day. Lol.

    2. Stargazer


      @Sereani good to know I’m  not alone! 

  8. Does anyone else play Heros of the storm? Been looking for more people to play with.Mostly avliable to play weekends  but during week is fine too ^.^


    only requirements

    -preferably okay with being in a discord server (makes it easier for vc'ing when gaming)but not picky if people dont like doing so.

    -must be okay with my boyfriend playing with us /being in voice chat.


    1. Lineara


      I play with my bf sometimes! Just getting back into playing it since I went a long time without playing lol. You can add me on Discord if you'd like Lineara#2996


    2. Stargazer


      IM SORRY I DIDNT GET THIS NOTI. I will def add you on discord and maybe we can play sometime ^.^ @Poisonous

    3. Lineara


      lol it's ok! sounds good 🙂

  9. Does anyone know any cheap artists that do really cute nekos? Been looking and struggling cos every shop is full x.x

    1. Baah


      Just as a heads up my next premade is going to be a female neko, but she’s going to be all gothy. Trying a new style LOL. 😊

    2. Stargazer


      @Dykz i will def keep my eye out then! i always miss neko premades xD thank you for the heads up ❤️

    3. Baah
  10. Due to having issues with carpel tunnel in my hand (Which has gotten worse as of lately) and doing holiday things with my family. I will be away for a few days, but will do my best to reply to tags and such, please just bare with me a bit if i am slower than i normally am.♥

    1. Atlas


      Hope you feel better soon! :psobbing:

    2. Stargazer
  11. Due to my mental and physical health plummeting down . I won’t be as active as I generally am. I still will  lurk and pick up artwork to those I have ordered art from but I’m stepping back for a little bit. I hope all you lovelies take good care of yourselves❤️

    1. Amy


      oh no!! :psobbing: get better soon my love!!! 

    2. Xunjo


      @Wrath take care of yourself, and get well soon! Sorry to hear you're not doing so well right now hun, get plenty of rest. Keep us updated, and see you soon!:klovee:

    3. Naptime


      Get better lacey :((

  12. Due to personal issues, I won't be on here for a few days. If i ordered  art from you please feel free to drop it  in my inbox, That would be really appreciated. Thank you♥




  13. Edit. I thought i fixed it but i didn't the text is still cut off lmao

  14. Excited, Got a sparkly name now ;w; thanks to a lovely lady <3

  15. Experimenting with a pic (its not hand drawn just a warning) so stay tuned♥

  16. Figured out how to add video to my profile xD finally :kaa:

  17. Finally all better ;u; no more being sick 

  18. Finally got my refs set for my last custom im getting, Till after i save up for my tat :bapplause:


  19. Finally made a new Oc after like a year LOL. and pretty excited because she came out so great, thanks to @Naptime 's Idea and her help :kwave:


    1. Naptime


      :walove: She's super cute!! Glad to help. ♥

  20. Finally redid my page with help from the boyfrand ;w;♥

  21. Finished the bunny edit. I know these aren't that great because i use online editors but i think this one came out really well. And honestly debating on posting if anyone wants one done to message but i'm not sure LOL. anyways here it is. Full sized and resized (sorry for the border blending in)



  22. Forgot that my discord server invite expired after a day so...gonna repost this with one that doesn't expire xD

    Looking for new friends, if anyone is interested in joining another server feel free to join. (It is LGTB and lifestyle friendly)


  23. getting called a midget like


  24. got wisdom teeth out today, goodbye all the good food hello jello and pudding :psobbing:

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