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Everything posted by Rin

  1. Rin


  2. Rin

    Commission Bust - Rhys

    Oof love me a good Miqo'te boy catboy best boy
  3. So I woke up suspiciously early today...what do.

  4. I'm Rin, I'm 26 and I live in Croatia. Also known as Rin the Tiltmachine. My father is a massive game enthusiast so I've been playing games all my life. When I was born we had the oldass nintendo, and then when I was around 4 years old we got a playstation. Naturally, my dad bought all those consoles for himself, but the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, so my sister and I have started playing games alongside. I've been through all the time periods of gaming, from a nintendo, to a playstation, to our first PC and all the singleplayer oldass games and then the Internet era came and my 12 year old self found multiplayer online gaming. I have played all kinds of games, singleplayer, multiplayer, strategies, fps, mmos, mobas, simulation games. Errything. I think the list of games I haven't played would be much shorter. I am currently playing WoW (tho I'm in stasis while I wait for BFA), Overwatch, HoTS, Dota, Diablo, PUBG and a couple of singleplayer games like Nier Automata and FFXIII, including my point and click hidden object games that I hoard like a maniac. And although I played League for almost 9 years, I'm currently taking a break from it and I will hopefully never come back I use steam and battlenet, so feel free to hit me up for some games. I am lucky enough that I get to work from home, and since my boyfriend and I are both hardcore gamers we literally stay up to 6am gaming. Life is good. Also yes, my dad still is a hardcore gamer, his favourite games rn are the AC games and Tom Clancy's the Division.
  5. I GOT GOOSEBUMPS WHEN I SAW THAT SHORT. The song was so fucking good, the art, the story was so touching and every time I watch it I just get so overwhelmed with emotion and the inner fangirl grows strong. The unison of voices is the most beautiful thing my ears have ever heard. Can't wait for Azshara.
  6. I hope that one day you'd consider drawing Jaina :3
  7. I am so amazed by this. I've been an Alliance all these years, and Tyrande is one of my favourite characters in the universe. I'm currently so hyped for bfa and this adds to my hype!
  8. Rin


    A: Chicken nuggets with sweet and sour sauce. I would literally slap a bitch for some right now. Q: What is the longest time you ever went without sleep?
  9. Rin


    A: One of my favorites was Charmed. I had a lot of them lol. Q: What pet did you always want to have, but never had the chance to?
  10. Rin


    A: Currently, Overwatch. The anniversary event is up and gotta farm up dem loot boxes amirite? Q: Would you rather have the ability to read minds or to shapeshift?
  11. Rin


    A: The fact that I can do what I want whenever I want it, like stay up all night playing games what I couldn't really do when I was a kid. Too bad it comes with all the stress of adulting and being responsible, like paying bills and such. Q: Did you ever, or do you still, have a crush on a character that doesn't exist (i.e anime characters and similar) ?
  12. Rin


    A: Literally League of Legends and Overwatch comp. Q: If you had to chose, would you rather be an actress or a singer?
  13. Rin


    A: I'd like to have lilac/velvet eyes. Or silver. Q: If you could see when and how you'd die, would you?
  14. Rin


    A: I have a lot of fav books but one of my all time favs are the Harry Potter books and movies. I'm a huge fangirls. Q: What's the best dream you've ever had?
  15. Artwork: Approx. Date Received: Not sure, somewhere in 2016/ early 17? Artist's Name: Not Found Yet
  16. Rin


    A: Sadly yes, my grandmother is all into that voodoo tarot whatever thing and she's been convinced that I'm a medium ever since I was a toddler but I'm just here pls no grandma, ghosts scare me I don't wanna live in a horror movie Q: Do you prefer sweet or salty snacks?
  17. Its sad because all of these are still better than me trying to draw with my dominant hand /cri May I present to you Nightmare Fuel Bubbles: Next in line, pls draw a Moogle from ffxiv with your non-dominant hand cx
  18. Rin


    A: Smartest, duh. At least I'd have more time to play games because popularity = social life and I can't commit to that, hell no. Q: When you crave something sweet, what's the first thing that pops into you mind?
  19. It's freaking 5am but I can't sleep because this event brought out my inner Indiana Jones

    Pls :icry:

    1. Vex



  20. That feeling when you're getting paid soon which means more artsu 


  21. Get your dank on, people! 


    1. BBLou


      you deserve a trophy for this XD

    2. Rin


      Oml I want the MemeQueen trophy to be made >:I

    3. BBLou


      that's a respectable trophy in this modern age XD

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