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Everything posted by Wuv

  1. Thank you so much for accepting Im super excited <3
  2. I would love for you to do the blowing bubbles (doesnt have to have the dolphins not worried about it, just an idea lol)and always up for your artist of freedom <3 and of course animation can just be blinking and blush Im very easy to please lol
  3. ┃♡ FORM: ▸References: Aura, or Jen or Estel or Dawn or Orea ▸Animation(Optional): Blinking and Blowing Bubbles ▸Name/Text: Wuv ▸Watermarks(Optional): Wuv ▸Note/Extras: Pose Idea, just bubbles would be okay 💛💛 ▸Paypal Email: ▸Still Versions: Yes
  4. Perfect! <3 Thank you so much for accepting, fully amount sent and I look forward to your art babes <3
  5. I just saw you can do ear movement if its not to much can I get Elva I can pay more <3 also payment sent
  6. ┃♡ FORM: ▸References: Estel ▸Animation(Optional): Blink, lighting bug sparkles? ▸Name/Text: Wuv ▸Watermarks(Optional): Wuv ▸Note/Extras: Light Bugs aroung, maybe holding a lanturn ▸Paypal Email: Dm ▸Still Versions: Yes
  7. - name: Wuv - style: Normals - refs: Estel - extra: All in refs (she has human and fairy form, you can choose <3) - animations: Blink, maybe falling leaves (or rain drops?) - total: 25 (please let me know if more <3)
  8. form: style: anime size : dp references: Elva<- Pose: pose Idea <- Maybe something like that where she has her hands out and fireflys around her additional info: Fireflys around her, blink animation background color: fireflys in background, kinda dark background like night time text on dp : Wuv (2)form : style: anime size : dp references: Estel <- Pose: In Ref's You can Choose <3 additional info: lilypad hat with frog, winking animation (she has huiman and Fairy form but you can choose) background color: artist choice text on dp/wm on full body : Wuv
  9. omg omg omg I am in love thank you so much!!! <3
  10. Wuv

    Recent Pixel Artwork 💕

    Id love to order from you Your art is amazing
  11. Wuv

    Free pixels

    eeeep its so cute!!!!
  12. Wuv

    Free pixels

    Form: Refs/Text ideas: Sparklers changing colors white to pink to orange ( Ref or Idea Here ) Theme: Sparklers Song you currently like: Song: Saddy Daddyo By: Artimus Wolz Form: Refs/Text ideas: Fireflys flying around / Ref of flying Theme: Fireflys Song you currently like: Safe Place By: Tony22 I really hope you enjoy these because Ive been on a kick for fireworks sense its coming up on 4th july and Fireflys
  13. She's perfect, if we could add freckles on her other than that no other changes. lemme message you my paypal rq!
  14. thats 100% Okay babes you know I will love anything you create <3
  15. she is perfect and I hope everything is okay /safe recovery babes <3
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