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Status Replies posted by Hiroki

  1. Been working on some stuff that is kind of a bit more.....realistic than I'm used to for practice.

    Debating making them premades, but I feel like cartoony is kind of my thing, so I don't know if anyone would be interested. :psideeyes:

  2. I'm back, or trying to be back. This month and this past moon have been really difficult to me. I also got diagnosed with a brain disease and i need medicine, treatments and stuff. 

    I'll be making premades and pyoc premades ( i'll be taking customs too and hopefully opening my shop *finally* ) to try to save to buy my medicine and pay my treatments.  


    Thanks to all the people who sent me messages. You are great. You help me to be a little less sad. !





  3. Got a new job and I start Monday! Not saying I'll be leaving the GASR at all because I love it here, but I'll definately be a bit less active/slower completing orders then. 


    Tldr: The best time to order a custom from me is in the next few days before I start! 

  4. New Animu Bun premade up!

    $18 USD.




    You can find her here:



  5. New Animu Bun premade up!

    $18 USD.




    You can find her here:



  6. alright im kind of back .had blasting week of recovery tho its been slow , thankfully it didnt worsen any further than that . ta to those wishes and supports

    much appreciated :bfpervyblush:  glad to be back too 



  7. Welp.i have a lung infection again and have been pretty sick these past few days with a fever as well.Please forgive me if I respond slow loves:psobbing:

  8. hi. this is unexpected news. i wouldnt exactly say i'm ill but somehow ive got  major problem along my rhomboids muscle causing physical injuries due  
    to training. nothing serious yet so far. tho im on meds , if my condition won't get any better for the next week i shall be hospitalized for idk how long tbh.

    can't really promise the exact time for my full recovery. my condition rn wont allow me to do much except being a dead fish laying around here and there . :ohmph:
    so id like to apologize to those who still waits for their arts / in list. 

  9. I need some help ~~ so I've been doing these sort of 'digital paintings' on my personal instagram in my typical style I've always drawn in off GASR as I've always thought no one would be interested but then I thought why don't I ask, would any of you? Here's 2 of my recent pieces and a wip of my next one (for my newest im putting more into the line-art as at first for the others i thought id delete it at the end and kept it for both lol) Also they're both referenced by IG 'models'.



  10. My back and my stomach HURT af! *cries in spanish*

  11. Hi everyone!


    i apologize for my absence, as i was in a lot of pain at the end of my pregnancy.

    I will be trying to be more active on here as my baby girl arrived last week 3/21/19.

    trying to currently get the hang of being a mother and time management <3


    Baby Aaliyah Thalia-Rose Valentine arrived 3/21/19 at 7:11 AM weighing 7 lbs 1 oz.


  12. final wip - premade



  13. A little update!


    Hi! I've been sick lately and had issues with my internet and pc. I lost most of the progress I had on the mystery adopts but I should be able to finnish them and send them out today. Sorry for the delay and I hope you understand. </3

  14. away from gasr for a few days, see you soon 💖


  15. WIP for my next premade.

    Yes, I AM jumping on the kitty 3DS bandwagon.

    No, I AM NOT ashamed of that fact. Lol.



  16. So decided to try a male edit for once, I rarely do them so my expectations weren't high but.... I'd say it came out pretty guuuud. :fingerguns:

    He looks like he belongs in a god damn shonen jump magazine tho. Long live anime boys


  17. I just passing by and say GOOD MORNING to people on GASR :psmile:

  18. I’d like some help with my GASR profile since I suck with this. Anyone would be up to help out?

  19. recent art done in my custom shop!




  20. New premade up in my shop! :D 




    You can find her here:



  21. Little personal update: I don't normally post these, and it's not a major deal. This is just an update for friends, or those who have custom orders with me!


    I've been experiencing really bad headaches/migraines when I wake up, and it's pretty much been every other day.. Usually, I'm not a person that gets headaches often, or has a lot of physical health issues. Which is why I'm sure this is nothing serious, and I'll be ok in no time! The reason I'm writing this is, because I'm not quite sure when "no time" will be. I've gotten regular headaches before, but not like this. When I wake up, and chill in bed it's fine, but once I get up out of bed is when I feel like someone is hitting me in the left side of the head with a brick repetitively. It's so bad I have to lay back down until it settles, and today my head just has not settled even with pain medicine - there's a pricking pain. Due to these issues I've been taking a lot of breaks from all screens, so if I don't respond for awhile this is why! Hope ya'll have a good week tho, and I'll catch up soon this bright white screen is killing me :byaslove:

  22. :blush:-CLAIMABLE WIP-:blush:

    My grandma passed away on friday, its been hard to sketch but I got things in the works. 


    Please see below, my inspiration is succubus- claimable wip, If youre interested please PM


  23. Link me some ocs I may doodle or fully draw some of them :>

    too lazy to make a full on practice shoppp. Please use a st.ash or something to link ~

  24. Update:

    I'm feeling better, still a little bit hurt but at least I'm able to sit again without too much pain tumblr_inline_nodwvdGz2l1qid2nw_75sq.gif.f64f8041d47ae93cf31d35d1adf448cb.gif

    Anything art related will be continued from tomorrow! Thank you. tumblr_inline_nodwvbDg111qid2nw_75sq.gif.3f5b823f8a422700d9aeff1b5df02d36.gif

  25. New premade! I don't have a shop anymore, so I'll be posting any occasional ones I make in the premade market c: 


    $20, please PM me if interested!


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