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Status Replies posted by Hiroki

  1. working on a custom, any tips for painting?.

    ;. ;



    Finished premade :cutehehehaaas: it is available at market <3





  3. I have a brain MRI (again) in two weeks and I dont have the money for it. Should I try to make more premades..?

  4. Premade 001 WIP




  6. hi everyone! :blove:

    i managed to complete 2 premades/examples, i think ill put them up tomorrow after i make a premade shop :)

    i tried a new art program so it was kinda difficult at first! the first one is just like a painting style (btw its inspired by yeji from itzy!) and the second one is mostly lineart! (cant tell if my art style has changed at all LOL)


    ok its 7am i should prob sleep T_T

  7. might not be drawing for awhile i have been in a really bad headspace and bad depression  :/

  8. Morning ! I feel cheeky to post stuff like this but I'm doing 50% off in my custom shop until tomorrow as I've no WiFi other than my data and I need to keep myself busy if anyone wants to pop by ($4.50 per standard dp basically) Thank you to anyone that posts, Ignore the slots I'll have them unlimited for this 


  9. Morning ! I feel cheeky to post stuff like this but I'm doing 50% off in my custom shop until tomorrow as I've no WiFi other than my data and I need to keep myself busy if anyone wants to pop by ($4.50 per standard dp basically) Thank you to anyone that posts, Ignore the slots I'll have them unlimited for this 


  10. wow hi everyone :lldepress:


    i might get back into drawing.. maybe open a shop :0 its been a while!


    im still in school rn lol but i really miss drawing and gasr :( im doing really good this semester, academically and mentally, it feels so nice to be at a stable point in my life :blush: im currently still doing my computer science track (T_T) and i decided to do an art minor which has recently made me feel more enthusiastic and passionate about drawing, which is something i havent felt in a long time!


    ill try some examples this week and see how it comes out :O idk if anyone remembers me or even is interested in my art anymore, but hopefully im able to start fresh soon :bhee: 

  11. Done on my pre-made shoppu, it's a pyc :'p still have a lot available! 


  12. Done on my pre-made shoppu, it's a pyc :'p still have a lot available! 


  13. :lldepress:

    I didn't think this project would take me so long so I didn't record...oh man that was a mistake lol. 

    Anyways! I wanted to share my new thumbnail for my video that will be used for premade speedpaints 

    I was going for a billboard/advertisement scenery I placed rain as well but still debating if I want to keep it in

    The girl isn't my ...Offical? OC you can say? This is my second time drawing her but a different hairstyle and outfit.

    I'm so tired ( I stayed up reading "My Dear Cold-Blooded King" from 11pm-5am lol )

    but my project is done I need to knock out a private project for a friend next. Nini ~<3 


    This is just a preview of what it would look like with a premade and name in it. The Premade you see now will be for available when I open my premade shop :3 

  14. Today I had terrible news that my aunt has passed away. Please forgive me for any delays or mix ups if you order from me! I will still be drawing as it helps me a lot but customs may be a bit slow and I hope you can understand. Thanks a bunch :) 💖

  15. Quick updateI’m currently recovering from my back pain that started on Sunday night. I’m already medicated so all I need now is rest! Just wanted to let you guys know that replies will be slow since I’m using my phone to check gasr and anything art related will be done most likely in the weekend, I will be all good by then, hopefully! Thank you. :blove:

  16. Since around 2015 I've committed myself to draw Mukuro (my favorite character from KHR) at least once per year to remind me how much I've progressed and to fight art block this way. It's been a great way to see how much my style has changed since I've started

    Once I finish I'm gonna post all of them together XD 


  17. Everything has been such a mess for a very long time, I barely have the motivation to keep doing the art I love, but I'm trying to push through the struggle.

    I had to leave my shop alone for now, I got a new job, I'm starting my last year in college, fighting with my self worth and all that, still dealing with the loss of a very loved person of mine. Still, could be way worse, and I'm still kicking and alive, though sometimes I just want to cry.

    I'm sorry you had to read this, I don't know where else to vent. Have a super great day, keep being awesome! you're a strong and beautiful individual <3 

  18. New Custom Dp I made for @Bitter 

    from my custom shop :byaslove:



  19. @Darksiders !!


    Super excited!!!

    Also, happy Tuesday everyone. :aww:

    So happy to be finally catching up on everything. YAH GURL WORKING HARD. 

  20. On another note I haven't forgotten about commissions and stuff fdsjhf i'm getting there orz



  22. Hello! For those who are still interested in ordering from my shop.

    I'll be opening only two slots tomorrow morning ^^ 


  23. First batch of orders completed! I must say that it was really hard to finish all of them and took me a lot to complete;; 

    Thank you for being patient!

    That's why I'm only going to open two slots tomorrow~

      :pblushing: <3


    kw4A3aT.gif  5CGllht.gif  cUIylxv.gif


    just put up 4 couple boops! hope you guys like them. ♥

  25. Something i have done over the past 2 weeks. Other two version exists in my AS: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/ybEY09


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