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Status Replies posted by Hiroki

  1. 2 new premades up!


    ddmwhj4-a1ebe83c-eb30-445b-a2bf-0419dd54 ddmwhnn-c3dd9171-3ded-4350-bb1c-5bf815a3


    Find them here: 



  2. I have a new adoptable up at DA Here :blush:



    Hi fellas, ive missed ;-;


  4. Finally able to get a winter premade up in my shop :cutethumbsup:


  5. Premade WIP <3 (claimable)


  6. Woo it’s my birthday. Got a bunch of art books! One being the Game of Thrones art collection.. that was pretty dope. The downside? I had to go to work.. on my birthday.. ugh

  7. Hi everyone! :blove:


    I don't know if any of you remember me, it has been a long time since I logged on here. I've been taking a break from commissions for a while to focus on school and my well-being. I was doing okay in early summer, I mostly suffered from art block, which made me unmotivated in a lot of stuff I enjoyed doing. 


    As of recently, I finished my fall semester! :) It was really stressful, and I know it's only going to get more stressful as I go on lol. During these recent months, I'm going through a rough patch with family matters and my mental state. I started therapy thankfully, but of course, I'm still kind of ????? sad and anxious mostly :\  It's hard to talk about but I thought I should give a general overview of what has happened. Since my semester is over, I no longer work at my college (i was a peer mentor!). Which is why I thought I should start doing commissions again! I took an art class this Fall and I felt happy to just draw freely instead of working on the nightmare of calculus 2 :wacry:


    I hope you all understand and I'm sorry if I inconvenienced you with orders in the past. I'll try my best to work on commissions at a good pace with my well-being and family situation currently :)


    I'm working on premades now, I hope to have 2 out by tomorrow or Monday. 

    Thank you for reading :> feel free to message me about anything :byaslove:



    STYLE 2.

    What you get? Full resolution art + 1 DP crop if needed 

    - Transparent background or solid color

    - Detailed background will cost +$3

    $32 USD


  9. Captura.PNG.db83bf1b4a2a9f84b58539dce2fbd566.PNG


    first boy of the entire batch uvu now I remember why I don't do lineart AAA (it's been a long while since I did anything in this style) 

  10. Maybe... a PYOC?


    idk im just thinking about adoptables designs dsjfsk


  11. Maybe... a PYOC?


    idk im just thinking about adoptables designs dsjfsk


  12. Almost there t.t I'll be working on more after I finish this one!

    (this one is already claimed btw!)



  13. 🌺

     new premade re up 



  14. Premade wip :ooohyas:






  15. Oh fancy that. It's my birthday. :)

  16. I'll give premades a try  :whatwherewhen:



  17. I've been working on something these past weeks. It looks pretty. I'm thinking in that auction I wanted to do 

    some time ago...

    Small peek~

    Screenshot_3.jpg  Screenshot_4.jpg  Screenshot_5.jpg

  18. Why the heck do I wake up having a cold and then feel fine after a few hours. 


  19. I'm on my way to my first job interview at Victoria Secrets and I'm so nervous but I know I can do this. Please wish me good luck and pray that they hire me! I really need a job so I can help pay bills and plus christmas is coming so I want to buy gifts :blove:


    here's a selfie!





    edit: I GOT THE JOB OMG!!! I'm so happy!!!

    I start literally tonight at 6/7pm !! happy jonah hill GIF

  20. uhh due to circumstances, i reset the bids for my adopt auction btw! and added extra icon art for her too! another extra art will be added if bids reach $90+ :ogoodshi:link to auction





  21. Premade "The Devil in me"  Price: $45


  22. Screenshot_6.thumb.png.141ac226811d2025ce367f58a1883dad.png

    Teaser :fingerguns:

    What do y'all think? :bhee:

  23. helo bbs I'm auctioning this chibi baby in my discord server for $8 :) Just doin lil auctions in there, and savin the big bois for on here! :kwave:

    Adopt sheet.png

    You can join w this link: https://discord.gg/9YuBytj to bid on it :) :klovee:

  24. I’m back, more or less, I’ll probably be reopening my custom shop soon uwu I’ll notify those who are in the wait list

    I’ll also try to make more updated of my work since the ones in there are kinda out of date, that’s why it’s gonna take some time ^^

    Im also officially a college graduate! The ceremony will be in December but I already have my certificate, so now I’m unemployed but also available to work on commissions 24/7 (not really, but we’re almost there) and I need to support my family and myself.

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