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Status Replies posted by Hiroki

  1. Depression is the worst. 

  2. New premade!! It was the pyoc but I made it into a regular premade. 

    Click the link below to be directed to my premade shop!!

    Also new shop theme! :khmm:


    click here


  3. edit: claimed!

    i can't resist actually doing the garfield premade before bedtime im sory LMAOo (i kinda wanna keep this)


  4. Thank you everyone for being patient with me! I am finally back from a personal emergency so I can return to opening up my shop again.  


    I am also starting pharmacy school this year HHNNNNNGGGG (pray for me). I will eventually figure out a routine that could allow me to balance both school work and commissions so please bare with me :lazetears:

  5. I decided to go ahead and redraw the sketch of the sad bunny I have done last week, and make her a premade~

    She is going for $40

    Comes with blinking, and sparkles.

    And colors are able to be picked if ordered before I color her. 

    Currently ON HOLD



  6. I sketched this cutie while I was really stressed so she's pretty sad but I am not sure if I should make her as a premade?



  7.  NEW PYOCS!

                                                Better than you                                            


    PRICE: 35 



    Goth dolly


    PRICE: 35 



    Vanilla baby


    PRICE: 35 



  8. I finished the spicy pic with Amelia and Francis...


    I channeled the "I don't care anymore I want it done philosophy" and here we are.

    Y'know that is actually been really healthy for me because I tend to overwork stuff.

    But now I'm like "close enough" and I move on.

    And it helps!


    I am still conflicted if I am going to post this to my social media accounts ahahahaha.

  9. My next round of premades are going to be PYOC because I haven't done those in awhile. Any ideas for them though guys? I'm stumped!

  10. I went to see my primary care doctor today and I have strep throat + my asthma is acting up bad.

    I've been having slight fevers, and lots of sweating ahah..:bcri:

    I will be popping in and out on here, I'm still participating in the art war so yeah..

    I also will be putting up some halloween pyoc soon..maybe next week or whenever I get to feeling better.

    Thank you to anyone who understands :cutehehehaaas:

  11. And the winner issssss....... drum rollssss :erlmo:


    @Vanilla congratulations Hun! :bfunceunce: You may pm the details so i can get her ready for u <3

    for everyone who didn’t win, thank u so much for participating and so sorry you didn’t win :lazierblush:

  12. Working on a new premade! and I'm also thinking in opening commissions in this style... :khmm: what do you think?


  13. A little health update: So I have my jpouch surgery Wednesday 21st August. I leave on Tuesday 20th to go to Edinburgh where the surgeon that specialises in familial adenematous polyposis will be performing my surgery. I'm both nervous and excited. Just two days left until I leave for Edinburgh and it couldn't come fast enough. Goodbye ileostomy bag! 

  14. SO for this picture I have been painting it so slowly like doing literally 1 stroke and being like OK THAT IS ENOUGH I DON'T WANT TO RUIN IT. SO tonight in a fury I just... Spent 1 hour being liek I WANT IT FINISHED IDC IF IT'S SHIT. Honestly, that's a very healthy art attitude to have. I AM SO PROUD? Is it perfect? No but I AM SO SATISFIED.


    Is it just me or does Cullen's head look slightly too big.


    This is my inquisitor.... Named Trisha. It was the first name that came to mind and I was like :o it's fate. BUT THE NAME IS DUMB AND I KIND OF LOVE IT.

  15. what i did for art war so far + changing up my anime art a bit :3c this is fun!!

    mya2.gif.ab5cf732b2ef56a11730d23cdd389ca0.gif lee2.gif.6c1c6cb0e6f1786337b8128c4f9ac17b.gif milk2.gif.49ab9108512210fd7cb635c2dfb2f933.gif


    myawm.gif.bec10a12d83373f3d7b04a9bd94015d2.gif leewm.gif.25435539cdf6c8101532bc7fce8167c1.gif milkwm.gif.4236392778b2f09a273a6bad8356ab3e.gif


  16. sooo after about 3 hours of research I've come to the conclusion that my bunny's foot MIGHT be fractured so since I can pay for the surgery I've decided to put a band-aid on for now and then put on a splint later on when I get the equipment, hopefully he'll recover in a few weeks time :llcry:  but look how cute and sensible he is uffffffffffff


    67553180_533661293839984_7018349721307578368_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&_nc_oc=AQnLyvoflwyzZmPdccvgEOtB35PgV3AmAe7rSd5xGWxSRHF1o2Enqp_xlN6Cq-9AbHE&_nc_ht=scontent-lhr3-1.xx&oh=2c9bcff0b17f4c5e0eae6a2ddac2c174&oe=5DCC4129  67836947_678643779266082_3273417248861061120_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&_nc_oc=AQnFdGHLo4BsLLBlTSw8bNf3xMyuD4fKwGX-8IVDELHCSup7GSjz44rtnBUy1BRdNmg&_nc_ht=scontent-lhr3-1.xx&oh=19ef359554d0a164f734326794c2bc35&oe=5DE09A64

  17. So I have the results for the giveaway! I decided to pull 3 numbers with different prizes, and here's the winners and their presents :bfpervyblush:


    1. @Hiroki : Free custom headshot 

    2. @Taylor : Free premade or 50% off a commission of choice

    3. @Ushu : 20% off a commission of choice


    Originally I thought I'd only do one prize, but since there were a couple of entries I added 2nd and 3rd place as well.

    @Hiroki please pm me with the details for your custom headshot commission, @Taylor also pm me regarding what you want to pick and @Ushu you're free to use the discount for your upcoming commission :walove:


    Thanks for joining in guys and celebrating my birthday with this event! 

  18. It's my birthday today and although I don't have anything prepared as I'm in Sweden, I think it'd be cool if I could manage to do a small giveaway to celebrate my 22nd birthday with you all.

    I was thinking of giving away a premade or a custom headshot commission.


    If you're interested in participating then leave a comment here on the thread or pm me. I will write down all the usernames and assign number, then generate a random number for the winner. If there's only a few participants (like 1-3) then I might as well give a premade or free headshot to them all. I'll close the event for participants after a day or two, so let's say the 12th or 13th? Depends on the response ^^

    happy new year yes GIF

  19. I was wondering if people would be interested in fullbody adoptables for auctioning?

    what do you think? :)

    or do you like another size format?

  20. wip of a premade idea before i forget about it :keyes: the borders are supposed to be a mirror with lights btw lolol


  21. hi everyone!! it's been...awhile whew 

    i just wanted to pop in and check on everyone + give a little update :) 

    i hope you're all well. i've missed all of you!! 


    i haven't drawn in a really long time, but i've been itching to get my hands back into an art program. 

    i leave for uni next friday and i have hopes of settling down a bit and finding some time to draw if i can, but i'm not sure when i'll open up a shop again! until then, if you guys ever want to talk i periodically check pms :blove:


    i hope to see you all again soon!:khmm:


  22. Going through a rough patch but finding some peace painting again :lazetears:  I really want to make a new premade shop full of portrait paintings!! 



  23. sooo,, tomorrow is the first day of my classes and i probably would work slower. hopefully not too much since its only the first week after all but in later months, i'm guessing i'll be prettyyy busy,  almost done with one custom tho so i'll continue tm if i go home early!! (literally saw my last class  on monday that ends in the evening😱)

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