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  1. block.jpg.861b4ab1ce5cbd907ba02ede6c25f669.jpg


    These blocking moments are not simply something that happens to us just because. They happen when we unconsciously find that we do not like what we are doing.
    We ourselves, even without knowing it, have the idea that something it is not right or should be improved.
    So, what do you have to do to get out of this state?

    I advise you the following things:
    - Go back to review and study about all the important bases
    that form what you are doing. You are probably missing something or forgetting an important point.
    - Be curious and research about techniques, tools and things that nurture your art.
    -Try to find people who inspire you. We all have a way
    traveled and to go. Do not see other people that you feel
    that are better than you and you get frustrated, but try to see in them a goal and someone to learn from.
    -Analyze everything you see, try to interpret the elements of what you are seeing and find the things you like, the "why" you like it. Basically, this will create your "artistic personality" because what you do when creating is absolutely related to our personal tastes.

    It is basically a stage of study and development of oneself. Do not despair! Take the time to understand yourself and know what is bothering you.

    I was like that for a whole year, forcing myself to draw and feeling that I did not like anything, I drew very little and I did not even want to do it most of the time.

    Until I finally tried something different, I learned too much by doing the things I told you above, in just a few days, I was able to get out of that feeling that had been chasing me all year! I discovered that my drawings looked flat, without depth, that they didn't have good proportions, that I did not pay attention to the compositions or contrasts, all the materials that I drew looked the same, among many other things. By doing this, I could have a better vision of what I had to improve, and what I had to practice more to do it.
    Each new drawing that I created from this point in which I had "awareness" of what I had to do, made me feel proud. I felt that I was moving forward and that I could do even better.

    I know it's not a magic recipe, but it's something that I'm sure will help you get out of this so annoying state that does not let you move on.

    Cheers everyone! I hope you find these tips useful! ; v ; 2764.png<3


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