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Status Updates posted by Kirbee

  1. Progress from today's stream! :iperfect:


  2. Continuing for another hour! :cuteok:

  3. Stream pause for about 2 hours!

  4. Nier 2B Fanart incoming.. :blove:

  5. Please help me with pricing! Thank you! 

    I think gasr didn't post it, oof. 

    1. Kath


      your art soo cute and your dp xD:klove:

    2. Kirbee


      Thank you so much!! I'm offering customs in this art style but I'm afraid of pricing it too high ;; please help me in the link provided if you can, I'd appreciate it, thank you! <3


    3. Kath


      i reply ... goodluck

  6. IT'S DONE! :bhee:

    Original picture size: 2913 x 3720 


    Opinions? :klovee:


    Working again.. live!

  8. Screenshot_9.thumb.png.6120930d9542e473f6089ab5d46a1ddf.png

    WIP :klovee: Keep this style for my new shop? [Yea] or [Yea]?

  9. Working on this piece - Live! :bhee:
    Also my goal for the next 2 months is gaining 20 more followers. :lazecry:

    What do you get for helping me and following my content? 30% off on your first order in my new shop (once it opened) if you are one of the first 20!
    How do you prove that you were one of them? Watch my stream for more than 30 minutes and take a screenshot when you subbed and send it to me via DM. This way I know that you were there. :klovee:

    This way I may be able to gain more followers and new customers.

    Help me grow, if you want. 

    Thank you so much! :blove:

  10. New Redbubble print for T-Shirts etc? Oh yes baby :iperfect:


  11. Actually scared of colouring all that hair. It's. So. Much. Hair. She's a cutie tho. Should I open a shop for customs with this art style? I'm afraid of not having any customers again if people dislike the style I'm going for.. or the prices. :lazecry:


    1. Katnipxo


      I personally think she's adorable (I LOVE the hair).

      i think the style looks great too; I can't wait to see it when it's finished.

      You should definitely go for it!



      I guess my only critique would be that her eyes feel really low

      (it feels like she has a lot of forehead space under all that hair)

    2. Kirbee


      @Katnipxo Thank you so much!!

      She's a big forehead cutie, lol. I might correct that before shading the hair 

    3. Katnipxo


      Of Course :3

      Hey nothing wrong with it if it's your style :P Just something I noticed


  12. WIP of the actual artwork I'm making! Flat colours so far. :iperfect:


  13. This might be printed on a T-Shirt.. :bfhaa:


    1. Hiroki
    2. Dicentra



  14. Why DoeS nOboDy waNt mY aRt? :lazecry:Screenshot_3.thumb.png.db499787f65210c5823ef1608442f11c.png

    1. Hiroki
    2. Vix


      LOOOOOL, I’ll take this right now wym

    3. Kirbee


      Thank y'all so much for your kind comments <'3 I really appreciate this kind of reaction lol :bfsweat:

  15. Looks like it didn't post the link.. https://www.twitch.tv/yuukitsukinoart I'm playing cute animal crossing music :klovee:

  16. Heyo! I'm live on Twitch! Working on this cutie :kwave:



  17. Slowly returning to the world of.. art?  :lazecry:



  18. Sick but doing art!


  19. I finished Sakura so far. Background still missing. Sorry for the low quality picture, will upload a proper one tomorrow. How much would this full-body work be worth? Need some honest opinions! I'm not satisfied with how it turned out at all. Background will be added during the weekend probably. The scene is showing Sakura's friend recording her. That's why her pose is kinda stiff. Sakura was never really comfortable in her outfits if you can remember. 



  20. Wow, didn't bump my Anime customs shop for like 2 weeks due to school and it.. Gets.. Deleted? 

    Thanks gasr.. Not? Pretty mad. Now I need to re-do the whole shop and its layout. Ugh. :isquint:

    1. Kirbee


      @Alismora Oh, I see. That makes total sense. I'm sorry, I didn't know that it was handled like that. I thought topics were only deleted when asked to. I consider re-making it. New year, new me, aye? Thank you so much for the reply and help! :bthanks:

  21. Sakura.png.a49fa075a299dd0535725fef98346ff5.png

    New project! 

    1. Dayzie


      She's AWwwdorable! 

  22. FB_IMG_1546290229210.jpg.424109f8a117707dfb4e79caf405a650.jpg

    Just reminding y'all that you should never work for less than you deserve! Art is such a valuable and great work. It should be appreciated more. I wish you all lots of success in the new year! :lazeflirt:

  23. Slowly but surely getting where I want with this piece! :klovee:


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