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Status Updates posted by Kirbee

  1. Soon it's gonna be time.. here in Austria in exactly 12 hours we'll celebrate the new year! Are you excited? Have a good time everyone! :klovee:

    Also a big, huge thank you to all of my customers and friends supporting me throughout the year! I really appreciate it! Hope I'll be able to draw lots for you guys in the new year, too! :bthanks:

  2. I started correcting the forehead and coloring now and.. she.. looks like a.. man? I mean her face kinda does? How can I change that? :kwave: Help!


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kirbee


      @Hope Do you think the gap between the eyes is too big? I've read that the gap between the eyes should be.. well.. "one eye wide"? Not sure how to explain that. Would bringing them closer to each other help with a more feminine look? Thank you for your advice! :bhee:

    3. Bedlam


      I don't think closer together eyes would make it look more feminine. If you are going for a more realism look there are some things that generally help make a character appear "more feminine" like bigger eyes, softer chin, rounder cheeks, softer shoulders etc. The neck is proportional, however, I often exagerate and make it thinner which can also help make it look more "feminine". Women come in all shapes and sizes, i don't see why you should alter to look more stereotypically feminine /0/. But proportionately the eyes do look a bit too far apart. I think once you add hair it will be fine

    4. Hope


      Haha yeah thats approximately how far apart eyes should be- but bringing them closer together would probably result in a more mature look not particularily more feminine. 


      I agree with what has been said above. 


      The further apart the eyes the younger a character looks. The closer together the more mature they look. Kids usually have their eyes spaced rather far apart. 


      On your image they are indeed pretty far from eachother. If you go for more realism- you can pull them together a bit. If you want a more feminine look for your art be sure to follow the advice given above. Women tend to be "softer" looking. (:

  3. Trying to do a portrait without using any references! I think it turns out pretty well so far. What do you think? :kwave: By the way, portraits like this are available in my new customs shop! 248343102_newportrait.png.8aaa2f17d267d259276bf80b527dd9a0.png

    1. Hope


      Turning out great! Keep going! :cutefingergun:


      One thing I noticed, you got a serious forehead game going on haha. The head is a little big, unless you intended to paint an alien. Heh. :hee:

      Something to help ya see what I mean:


      Bildergebnis für how to draw a head

      But I really like the face so far! Curious to see how it'll turn out. :bapplause:

  4. Some progress!


  5. I'm doing my part.. in a .. more realistic artstyle? :sideeyeha:


  6. Small update on my artwork! I'm in the middle of shading hair, drinking apple cider. :lazecry:


  7. Re-Draw! I made my OC/Artist persona at the beginning of 2018- I decided to re-draw it! Currently I finished the sketch and will colour it soon. WHat do you think? Did I improve over the year? Coloured picture is the original. :iperfect:

  8. I'm doing my part. :bfsweat:


    1. Kath


      make this free to use to all pewds fans <3 yaasss subscribe to pewdiepieeee

    2. HSMAne


      OH MY GOD . THIS IS SO EPIC GUYS ! Very nice ~ very cool ~ *i know you just read it like pewds don't lie ;p



  9. I've got a new shop for Semi-Realism only! You liked what you saw so far in my status updates? Well, you can commission me here!

    Interested? Click here! :blove:




    Damn, that was quick. Not so happy with how the hands turned out but anatomy was always a pain. This will be sold! For around 40€ probably? (It's semi-realism made from scratch. But maybe I should sell it for less due to the derpy hand?) 

  11. dva.png.635856cce84070a3c6d496df6cf86238.png

    Nerf this! :bfsweat: (WIP)



    1. Baah


      Loooovee!! :byaslove:

  12. I'M_ALREADY_TRACER.png.bdc5718477000fc3916867cdf8047a45.png

    I'M ALREADY TRACER. :lazecry:

    1. Baah
    2. Kirbee



  13. Saber is up in my Premades shop for 45€/70k! (Price is higher than my normal artwork because this was semi-realism made from scratch for like.. 12 hours? Help.) Includes big artwork with background (thighs up) and a DP version with your name on it. :blove:Thank you for looking!

    Link to the shop: Premades Shop



  14. Should I.. sell this? :kwave:


    1. prjnceza


      ohh you finished it, she looks amazing <3

    2. Kirbee


      @vhssu Thank you so much :kwave: I'll probably put it up in my Premades shop <'3

  15. Getting closer to the idea I had in my head originally. But something is still bothering me.. I donÄt know what it is.  The eyes are just.. :sideeyeha: (WIP)



    *Tries Semi-Realism once* - *Always does it?*

    What the hell even is this. Is it cute or just creepy? Send help :lazecry:(WIP)

    It's like.. the more often I try to re-do the eyes the creepier they get.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kirbee


      That really cheers me up, thank you so much, @vhssu! I really appreciate it <3 :bhee:


    3. Baah


      It really is super adorable! Eyes are so tricky. I always re-do them about three to six times no joke. I’m verrrry picky on how they look. 

    4. Kirbee


      @Dykz I guess I managed to edit the eyes to my liking though. They were so tricky, yea! I totally agree. It's frustrating Check my newer status updates, I posted the finished picture there if you want to see the result! Thank you for the reply <3

  17. Is this art style.. okay? I really tend to lean towards semi-realism lately but I have no idea if people would like it?:kwave: Still a WIP!


    1. MukJuk


      That looks amazing! 

    2. Kirbee


      @MukJuk Thank you so much! :bhaaa:


  18. Smoll WIP of the K/DA Ahri portrait I'm making! (I've been listening to it for 2 hours straight, not even lying. Send help.) :lazeroll:




  19. Help. I'm obsessed with K/DA.:NOOOOO:


  20. (WIP) Tbh I don't even know what I'm doing with my coloration anymore. Is it semi-realism or just really bad anime?  :sideeyeha:2041473269_PADORUPADORUWIP.png.0a0ddf3cff780f29e697c6d495a3b0cd.png

  21. It's that time of the year my dudes. Saber Padoru Padoru re-draw incoming! (WIP currently)

    The original one I drew is from 2016. Much improvement, such sketch, wow. :iperfect:529862826_PADORUPADORU.png.d0ea8cbce8547c2274bc5e2f298be836.pngsaber___christmas_fanart__2__coloured_by_yuukitsukino-dbumdro.jpg.4fb450acb849fb23324e925e23d00a05.jpg

  22. :ghostchannayurichan: WIP, Semi-Realism Booette coming to my premades shop soon!


    1. Amara


      GORGEOUS so far <3:kittymochatchi:

    2. Kirbee


      Thank you so much @RainingPestilence! I am considering to animate it :klmao: 

  23. Selling Bowsette in my Premades shop now! Would you guys like more semi-realiasm in the future? I really consider drawing it more. :isquint:


  24. Finally! Mini Bowsette!:lazedances:


  25.  WIP Mini Bowsette.. Semi-realism-ish? Low resolution due to this being a screenshot from when I zoomed in. 

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