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Everything posted by Careworn

  1. Please stop being rude to people who don’t have the same quality of art as you, or other artists do. It’s really discouraging and disheartening to read things like “😑” emojis on your posts when you’re still learning and/or rusty. 


    I used to to draw a lot better than I do now with my new tablet, I never thought drawing on a screen would be harder than looking at my monitor, or that it would have such an impact on my experience level. I’ll get back to how I drew before, it’s just gonna take a little time that’s all... :lazecry:

    First photo is from what I consider the “peak” of my art on my previous non-screen graphics tablet, and right is with the new tablet with the screen. I’m really embarrassed. 


  2. Claim! I had lots of fun with this one! Hope you enjoy! @Baah She looks so cute! I love this. Also, her neck is tattooed black, haha. It's okay! Thank you! @Trifling
  3. Claim! (Also, is it okay if I feminize your DP? I'm not really good at drawing men/more masculine figures. I just like their aesthetic and thought I'd try. ;-;) @Flaky I struggled a lot with this for some reason, I hope you like him anyways... @Flaky Tysm, @Promise! I love this sm!
  4. Claimmmm I'm sorry I didn't do her justice, I just got a new tablet and it's been a while. I hope you enjoy her anyway! @Shark Awww, I love her! Thank you sm! @Waifus
  5. I'll be back to creating art next week! 

    I was stupid and misplaced my previous tablet, but that just gave me an excuse to get a better one. :drooly:


  6. Anybody play World of Warcraft? :blove:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stargazer


      ah dang i have an alliance but my main is horde uwu  hmu sometime if you ever are looking for someone to game with though! my boyfriend and i play together but we are always looking for more to people to play with

    3. Careworn


      I was actually thinking about making a Highmountain Tauren or a Nightborne since I just unlocked them recently. The primary reason why I don't play Horde as much is because I don't know anyone that does, lol. I'd love to play with you guys sometime! Let me know! 

    4. Stargazer


      sure thing! my bnet is on my profile if you wanna add. we tend to play pretty frequently lemme know when you wanna join

  7. First artwork being back from hiatus.


    I've missed art so much... :bcri:


  8. Finally back after a long, unexpected hiatus.


    As you probably know (or didn't, idk) I became homeless in September and had been living on the street here until this past Thursday. 


    I'm sorry to all my friends that I never got to message back, and I'm sorry to all of the people that may have tagged me in things I never got to see. 


    I missed you guys, and I'm very happy and excited to be diving back into art, which is my biggest passion. I look forward to reconnecting with you all again and picking up where we left off, before.


  9. If I could begin to be

    Half of what you think of me

    I could do about anything

    I could even learn how to love ♡

  10. Newest artwork. 



  11. New PF/Shop themes courtesy of @Kayla!

    Be sure to check them out as well as her premade shop! She's so talented. 


    My custom shop: ♡ ♡ ♡

    Kayla's Premade Shop: ♡ ♡ ♡

  12. My very first custom order for @waifullin my 50¢ goal shop, "Homeworld Customs" Check it out by clicking the link here! -> ♡ ♡ ♡

    © Careworn @ GASR

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  13. My very first custom order for @waifullin my 50¢ goal shop, "Homeworld Customs" 

    Check it out by clicking the link here! -> ♡ ♡ ♡


  14. My new profile table is sooooo cute. :aww:

    1. Uliel


      Teach me how i am noob :V

  15. Hi guys!

    I finally took it upon myself to open my very first custom/goal shop!

    Every piece is only 50¢, so if you're itching for some new art, or just love me and feel like giving me some support, be sure to check it out! :pthumbsup:

  16. Just curious, but if I were to open a .50/$1 custom shop, would anyone be interested? I really want to get my foot in the door with custom art.


    Not that money matters much to me, just figured I could make some pretty art for people and maybe get a few dollars on the side. :bcri:

  17. Why does Zelda's lullaby make me cry every time I hear it? :bcri:

  18. Hello, I'm Chandler! I'm 23 years old, and I'm just your average sad girl with crippling anxiety and depression with an overwhelmingly cringe, sarcastic sense of humor. I don't really like labels, but if I had to put one on my sexual/romantic interest, it'd definitely be pansexuality. I fall in love with the hearts, not the parts ok. Last night's dinner was meat loaf, mashed potatoes, peas, corn on the cob, and Hawaiian rolls.
  19. Latest DTPAY for @starlites





  20. World of Warcraft players: Can we just take a moment to talk about Sylvanas’ Warbringers cinematic? :d8:


    Seriously, I had CHILLS. 

  21. My girls Rowan and Mara. ❤️


  22. ✼ Name/nickname: Chandler. ✼ Age (can leave blank if you aren't comfortable telling!): 23. ✼ Favorite weather(s): Snow or Rain. ✼ Food you love: Pizza and Nachos. ✼ Food you hate/allergic to: Beets and Asparagus. ✼ A few artists that you adore: Parasitic, TaiyaChan, Dox, Flaky, Khali, Lunna, Tao ✼ Music you listen to: Pretty much anything, but I especially love BTS. ✼ Movies or TV shows? And if so, which ones: That 70’s Show, Steven Universe, Friends, Spongebob Squarepants, Malcolm in the Middle, Stranger Things. ✼ Do you watch anime? If so, what are your some of your favs? Attack on Titan, Deathnote, Norigami, Pokémon, Tokyo Ghoul, Fairy Tail, DBZ. ✼ Favorite animal(s): Elephant, Giraffe, Polar Bear, Barn Owl. ✼ Favorite color(s): Red, Black, Fucshia, Teal, Coral, and Yellow. ✼ Pet peeve(s): Other people talking to me when I’m on the phone, Mouth-Breathers, People that smoke cigarettes in the house/car, Loud noises, Pretty much everything, jk. ✼ Hobbies: Writing, Drawing, Coloring, Desiging new characters, playing World of Warcraft. ✼ Likes: Video games, Food, Sleeping, Drawing, Singing, Spending time with my family, learning new things. ✼ Dislikes: Rude people, Jokes about homophobia, racism, mental disabilities/disorders, or sexism. ✼ What do you do for fun on GASR?: Buy art, socialize, and participate in events. ✼ What you would like to see in our group?: Close bonds between the members, artistic events? Not sure. ✼ What do you most want people to know about who you are?: That even though I seem mean or rude, I’m actually sweet and care way too much about people and everything in general. I mean, my name IS Careworn after all.
  23. Edited a picture of myself to look like my OC, Rowan. 


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