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Status Replies posted by Ophelia

  1. Feel like I haven't had enough time to practice and get out more examples and free art. My family are on me all the time and it's super tiring. I'm a person who loves my freedom but I have little to none right now. I'm sorry for all the delays in getting art up and trying to improve, hopefully it'll get better in the new year. :lldepress:

  2. Does anyone want elite? :llnyaa:

  3. Does anyone want elite? :llnyaa:

  4. I'm so excited about the secret santa,  adding in my last minute details and just overlooking the whole thing, Its been so fun lmao, I redrew my piece like three times, both traditionally and digitally. o.o

    I really hope my person likes it.

  5. :udrivemenuts:




     Idk which one of y’all wanted to pretend to be me yesterday but if y’all don’t knock it off I swear to food. It’s not cute. It’s not a joke. It’s annoying, so stop. Be yourself or fix your self hating issues that make you pretend you’re somebody else. 





  6. new premade available at my premade shop here


  7. Have you guys finished your Secret Santa gifts? :lazepeek:

    The big day is coming!

  8. Finally bought a Wacom tablet! I can now practice on it and get used to it. I’m excited to go on this journey to graphic art :bfstar: woot woot 

  9. Hey guys!


    i have been busy preparing for the holidays kinda

    and that is why the commissions are a bit delayed :lazecry:


    most of the time when i have lil spare time left after my work

    i use it to relieve myself a bit (like playing games)

    but most of the time im still using it for the upcoming holidays (RIP)

    when this is all over, I will work on the commissions again!


    so again 

    sorry for the delay! :bhee:


    Happy holidays!





    @Luxor WHERE ARE THE XMAS EMOJISSS :whatwherewhen:

  10. One new premade up in my shop, if anyone would be interested! tumblr_inline_p8bw35oIDi1rhwzwl_75sq.gif 


  11. I'm honestly real happy I decided to join Gasr, even though saving money has become harder for me LOL.

    But I've met some of the nicest people ever on here, and maybe even made some friendships?:blush:

    A lot of talented artists on here, makes me wish I could draw:odead:

  12. 2018 was a terrible year, many bad things happened to me, but i have to say i'm proud of my improvements.
    Both are made for @Projection, first one is really old. Projection is without any doubt one of my best customers
    (..it's strange to define people who buy art 'customers').
    That's why in my rare Christmas Mood i decided to redraw some old ocs for these cuties:
    @Hooligans  ♥
    Thank you, because you have contributed to my improvements.


  13. is this what the youth like


  14. :cutehehehaaas: My daughter at the Children's Christmas Party. :cutehehehaaas:

    Image may contain: 1 person, standing and child


  15. My Nana (grandma) passed away today & it'll be hard to be without her but she's a new angle up in heaven. #RIP

    giphy (22).gif

  16. New Christmas babies up for sale rn :walove: Click here to buy them!


  17. New Christmas babies up for sale rn :walove: Click here to buy them!


  18. Yay! Finished another DP :bapplause:

    Hope you like it ^^


     [ removed by moderator ]

  19. :lazeshyplz:hello everyone! sorry i havent been as active as of late! very busy week and lots of tests! but i assure you i havent forgotten about any of my commissions!

  20. Good morning!:byaslove:

    I hope everyone has an awesome Friday. I wanted to throw out there that I appreciate the help and support I get from many of you! You guys help me learn and grow with my art and that means the world to me. :cutehehehaaas:

  21. My reputation is at 420. Yanno what that means.. :kkekecreep:

  22. This was done by Vee ♥ Her artwork is absolutey beautiful and wanted to share with everyone else. 


    These are her shops; Customs ♥,  Premades ♥

    Vee BigArt 1.png

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