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Everything posted by Baah

  1. 60F61DEE-BE4E-47F2-B254-8DCBE4F99896.jpeg.039adb01cf2cd53318c20f9a512fe02e.jpeg

    Drew this back in 2011. I was 15 at the time. Wondering if I should redraw her and sell her as a premade (made this drawing in high-school... I think sophomore year) . And aw lookit my lil signature I used to do. I made my initials into a lil bug. XD

    1. Satanophile


      This is Precious. Awe ♥

  2. Image result for peeking anime girl

    you're next. :hee:

    1. LiLMooMoo


      i would heart this but i used them all up lol 

  3. Sitting here shook.

    Comparing this:

    wVs4PAQ.gif to Rizia2.gif.46803367db68c4546cb4a0b5b5b5517f.gif



    Wow. I love that I keep my old work so I can go back and do stuff like this. ;u ;

    1. LiLMooMoo


      i like both o-o both are really good, keep up the good work :3 

    2. Cymette


      She's so beautiful and I love the twinkling stars animation! I think she's one of my favorites you've done!

    3. Baah


      @LiLMooMoo Thank you bb! :byaslove:

      @Cymette I've been practicing so hard on my sparkle animation



  4. https://www.twitch.tv/imvudykz

    Stream is going up! Finishing current WIP I just posted~

    Related image

  5.  aw.png.a5099f79ae808b339c6aaca0c4df9937.png 

    And here I said I would stay away from cute.

    Image result for anime girl giggle pls someone give me a dark custom order ty 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Baah


      wait wut one ??

    3. LiLMooMoo


      QwQ I give you feel artist freedom on my new oc make her look evil! lol I'm in the mood for evil 

    4. Baah


      YAAASSSSS thx

  6. Tiem for bed.

    Goodnight everyone! <3

    Image result for tired anime girl

    I have an insane schedule next week. So, as usual, I'll be pushing out as much art as I can. I actually have a goal...well two. First goal: Save up to $70.00 to buy my boo a surprise game gift. Second goal: Save up enough to pay my YT red, Hulu, and Crunchyroll. ICANDOTHIS. Maybe throw in a venti latte somewhere in there from starbucks CAUSE YAH GIRL NEEDS THE HELP


    Lololol okay, goodnight guys. I love you all <3

  7. Is it weird that whenever I get better at drawing I want to re-do all the customs I did for everyone in my new style?

    I somehow feel guilty for improving.

    My mindset is really weird...

    Image result for bashful anime girl

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Baah




      ..but I have other art to do for now

      p.s. you're so nice :lazetears:

      Image result for bashful anime girl

    3. Ayumi


      so are you bb ! ♥

      Image result for cute anime girl gif winking

    4. Baah
  8. Awshie2.gif.679fd27a86f1c6706137751aa3d20db3.gif

    Done for @Awshie

    1. Ashie


      ommmg this is so cuteeee!! and that animation ommg * - * thank yooou <3

    2. Baah


      ^_^ Thank you!! <3

      I'm practicing my animations :3

  9. @Awshie and @Zxgs

    I'm really sleepy.

    I promise I'll try my hardest to finish y'alls art tomorrow. I just have to take my dad to the doctor.

    Ty for your patience <3



    Image result for goodnight tumblr

    1. Ashie


      no rushh huni <3

    2. Zxgs


      No problem take your time ^^

  10. ridI69Z.gif

    Working on my animation skills~

    1. Hiroki


      So pretty and animation is smooth

    2. Baah


      Thank you so much @Hiroki <3

      im learning. ^^

    3. DivineYumi
  11. Currently figuring out Twitch :ogoodshi:

    1. Cymette



  12. Geeeeeeeez. Come on head. Stop with this headache crap. >:C

  13. Aaaaahhhh. I actually have a craving to draw. After these few crazy days being a designated driver, I finally can relax when I get home and draw. I’m really hoping I don’t have stuff to do today LOL. I have a goal of doing my trade, custom, and possibly a premade. Fingers crossed.


  14. @Cymette

    Ive been out all day. I should be home soon to send you the finals! Currently being a designated driver for my boyfriend and his best friend. <3

    1. Cymette


      Take your time, darling! I got over excited and totally saved your watermarked versions not realizing it wasn't the final :lazekudasai:
      Be safe driving! I know the DD life very well. I have a lot of good memories of my friends fighting like teenagers while I get in line at the drive through only for them to pass out in the car while we wait.

  15. T3DOJJu.png



    Image result for excited anime girl gif cute

    1. Waifu


      oh yeaaaa, good boobies 


  16. Don’t forget! I have a giveaway in my shop going until 2-2-18!

    Be sure to react to be entered! :)

  17. Gunna try to draw today. Life has been making me want to just go home and sleep but I need to be more productive. -sigh- I can do this. 



  18. Just outta curiousity: do y’all wanna see something specific for premades  lately? Like themes or fan art?


    I have been getting art block for a while now trying to think of something. Cats and space only come up. ^^’

    1. Rin


      YES CATS


    2. Baah
  19. Kind of pg13 and weird, but LILY TEACH ME HOW YOU DRAW THE BOOBS. YOU TOO TAMA. 

    @Lily @Tamatoa

  20. I don’t have a day off until Tuesday. Zzzzzzz. 

  21. Heya guys!


    Just a little update: hoping to throw out some drawings tomorrow. I work, but if I don’t have errands to run I should be able to finish trades and start customs. 


    Thank you for your patience. <3


    1. LiLMooMoo


      I can't buy your art into the 2 when I get paid started new job I will be back @_@ I need your art in my life ! 

    2. Baah


      Aww! I appreciate you. <3


      Ill be doing giveaways quite often in my shop because I think they’re fun. C:

  22. I currently have a giveaway in my shop!~



  23. Here's the custom shop!


  24. Heya guys! 

    I finally get a day off tomorrow, so when I get home today I'll be able to get my to do list done. 


    I lowered the price of my sailor moon referenced dp drawing to $10.00. 


    I am waiting for her to sell before I (wait for it).....

    Make my premade and custom shop!


    Yep...I'm going to stop being shy and finally open up two shops. 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Baah


      People kept telling me to, too. 



      Just waiting for the premade to sell, like I said. I'm surprised no one has yet though. ;u ;

    3. Satanophile


      I'm stokeeeddddd c: 

    4. LiLMooMoo


      if i had money i would be all for it bb 

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