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Everything posted by ierufu

  1. @ Vashbo hiii i finished the sketch for the first any changes? also im not sure if im supposed to keep the same flowers in her hands or something else :oo
  2. glad to see you again i wont be able to draw the next few days so it might take a bit if thats okay :> and happy holidays to u too !
  3. @ Eurynomos done !! if theres not anything else i cand add or change ill go ahead and make the one with the other text as well ^^
  4. @ Eurynomos here's the sketch ^^ and again im so sorry it took me so long let me know if i should make any changes :3
  5. hey, so sorry but im a bit busy atm so it might take me a little while longer before i ll get around to this, hope thats okei ^^
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