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Everything posted by KittenSpell

  1. Streaming xo Working on one of my Elemental Gorls 😉 This is the only opportunity for sneak peeks 


  2. Should I open a summer custom shop?? Would anyone be interested?

    1. Mya


      heck yea girl, i love ur artsu

    2. KittenSpell


      Eee you're such a sweetie ty :lazierblush:

  3. Finished this custom today! 


    2 slots left for my Mother's Day slots I made available 🙂 PM for prices/info !

    1. YasmineDoesArt


      I love how it turned out! 😮

    2. KittenSpell
  4. Stream is UP ! ❤️ 

    Tune in and listen to the gasr spotify playlist "In The Woods" !!



    Drawing a custom order from @Sobbings 

    I have 2 slots open for customs! $20 each - Pm for details 🙂

  5. Due to being short of my goal for Mother's Day - I've decided to open up 3 custom slots!

    Each will be $20 base price (singles - I will do couples though!

    These will include:

    +Sparkle Eyes +1 regular dp, 1 B&W, & 1 Still +Free Watermark text included + 2 points added to your points in my premade shop!! 

    Other animations ect will cost usually around $1-$3 so you can just ask 🙂

    Just PM me for details/form

    My examples:

    Gk4k8es.gif 5kIr08N.gif

    (you can see more in my premade shop)

    First 3 to pm will get it 🙂  THANK YOU SO MUCH IN ADVANCE!!

  6. I'm streaming art again yoooo. 🙂 



    You can come if you want ❤️  just a bad day and decided to draw and be productive instead of moping haha.

  7. decided to stream a little of this new premade im working on 🙂 Literally blank canvas LMAO



    I don't usually do this but I just got a new Ethernet cable so my net shoulllddd be okay

    1. Baah



      Tho "drawing with cheese" sounds delicious.


  8. I'm making my first oc ❤️ She's going to be a seer!! With this I need two things:

    1. I want to do two art trades to try and get some art of her done. (she's dark & witchy & gore 😉)

    2. NAMES!! - So far I'm stuck on four. Cecily, Ava, Lyra, & Zora. I want to use all of these to make four ocs, but cant decide which would be fitting for her 😞

    @Will pointed a name out that I CANT REFUSE TO USE. So ty ❤️ 

    If you guys are interested in an art trade and want to see her stash PM me! 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Remba


      Lyra sounds like a cute name!

    3. KittenSpell


      oh my god @Will LMAO IT WAS FATE BC I DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE ??? I JUST LIKED THE SOUND OF IT?? :lazetears:


      Ty for the compliments on the other names guys!! They WILL be used 🙂 Zora might even be a male :lazierblush:

    4. Unarm



      Also Zora gives me highkey Roronoa Zoro (from One Piece) vibes so I highly support that choice.

  9. Not to spoil the premade I'm working on... but you might wanna grab a friend before looking - you wont wanna be malone for it's reveal :ooohyas:

  10. One more day to enter my giveaway!! I'll be selecting the winner from my followers randomly tomorrow ❤️  Winner receives the giveaway dp displayed in my premade shop. Goodluck to everyone who's entered. 


    To enter:

    Click on my profile>hit that follow member button>win free stuff 


    1. Baah



      I just saw this.

      of course i followed cuz ur art is

      Image result for anime drool gif



  11. actually in love with Post Malone's new album.

    1. Stargazer
    2. KittenSpell


      Stay is soooo ugh ❤️ makes my heart happy.

  12. Not really sure if I want to open a custom DP shop - but would anyone be interested in full body / phone/desktop wallpapers?? I'd only have 2 slots as that's bigger art and time consuming!! Let me know xo :lazetears:

  13. This new gasr layout.. :iperfect:

    1. KittenSpell


      It looks so professional & the colors are just ❤️:lazetears:

  14. Do any of you guys play World of Warcraft?? if so what's your server/class (:<

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Succubun


      @Cheese Haha, it is, he's helping me understand everything again - it's like watching a baby deer try to stand for the first time(LMAO). Also you and your boyfriend sound so nice, that's really sweet of you both to help players come back into playing again. ❤️ 

    3. KittenSpell


      @NovaStar it's just a lot of fun to play with people who want to play just for fun you know? There's a loott of die hards out there (props to them to each their own) - but we try to stay positive & helpful ❤️ 

    4. Sheeply
  15. I've eaten so many pickles in the past two days. g'bye pickle rick - hello pickle taylor 😉

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KittenSpell
    3. Cobweb


      Damn didn't think you'd be able to read that. Well, yes. Pregnant. 🙂

    4. Stargazer


      same tho but with cucumbers 

  16. Does anyone have any websites they use for hairstyle inspo?? I struggle soooo hard with finding new hairstyles to draw on my ladies.:lazetears:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Stargazer


      aye i'll have to check it out xD your art gives me life and i hope that site is what you were looking for♥

    3. KittenSpell


      THANK YOUUUUUUUUUU. That's perfect oh my god. I use tumblr and such for the colorings, ect. But it's so hard to find stylings that aren't all the same lmao. That's literally perfect tysm ❤️ 

    4. Stargazer


      Any time hun i'm glad i could help ^u^ ❤️

  17. Hey everyone!


    I've been fairly absent recently and I'd like to explain why.


    For the past week and a half, I've been suffering from severe back pain. I thought perhaps it was a pinched nerve or something of that sort, so I powered through a week of pain & with no progress I finally visited a physician. 


    A spinal disk in my back had somehow slipped out of place as well as my hip. They created this sort of angle in towards eachother pinching all of the nerves and muscles between. I couldn't walk or move. But after having it worked on and pushed back into place I can finally say that I'm almost pain free and ready to be back here.


    So much has been happening in the past month and I apologize to everyone who follows me for the absences and struggles. I appreciate those who kept up and are still here supporting 💜

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KittenSpell


      @Will appreciate the kind words!! Can't wait to put out more art for you guys x 


      I have a looooot of stuff planned for the immediate future (:

    3. Hiroki


      Glad to know that you are feeling better now!

    4. KittenSpell


    Due to a VERY generous person - I have obtained a brand new monitor free of purchase !!


    that means art is back on track & I can focus on just my loan :fartsies:


    thank you all for your patience and support !

  19. Second Update:

    I'm completely frustrated to announce that the current monitor I have for my new PC is older and doesn't display colors truly. With this I'm going to have to postpone artwork until I've obtained a new one. I've also been mailed a student loan bill of $1,587 USD. The art funds I've been saving for when my boyfriend visits from the UK are going to have to be used for this.


    With that I'm asking you all a genuine question: 

    If I put my premade shop on the side, would you all be supportive of a custom goal shop?


    Base price would be $20 & every piece you buy will add a point to your premade points (this is because the custom won't be permanent whereas the premade is)


    thanks guys xo can't wait to get back to drawing for you lovely people



    1. Stargazer


      Sorry to hear about your monitor issues and such hun, but you shoudl definitley go for a customs goal shop! your artwork is really lovely an dif i had the funds id definitley order (and might try to convince my boyfriend to order xD)

    2. KittenSpell
    3. Stargazer
  20. I have a new PC!!! Transferring files from SAI over- as well as downloading softwares ect. But should have premades and customs complete soonish. xo


    The internet has been out for two days, so I'm pleased to say it's back up and I'm back in business 



  21. until

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