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We have recently made changes to our Staff Team and are now seeking to hire

new members to join us! We are actively looking for individuals to fill the following roles:

Moderators, Support Moderators, Discord Moderators, and Event Coordinators.

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Guideline Update: AI & NFT Related Artworks

We have recently made changes to our community guideline regarding: 

AI & NFT Related Artworks. Please read the announcement for more information.

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    All content created on Art Haven has the option for users to leave a reaction, whether it be a post in the gallery, a topic in the forum, or a status update. You can react to any applicable content by hovering your cursor over the grey heart icon, located in the bottom right-hand side of most content, and choosing the reaction you would like to leave. The reaction icon will update to the reaction you choose. Any reactions left by users will be displayed to the left of the reaction button. Users who have an Elite Membership can view who left a reaction on their content.


    Reactions are the building blocks to our reputation system. There are three reaction types that have the possibility to raise or lower your overall reputation. A positive reputation is any amount of reputation points above 0. A negative reputation is any amount of reputation points below 0. There are varying ranks as your reputation grows in either direction. Your reputation can be seen on your profile or next to your username and display photo on all content you post, or by hovering over your display photo and viewing your mini-profile card. Green is reflective of a positive community reputation and red is reflective of a negative community reputation.

    Reaction Types

    Positive Reactions
    Positive reactions are reactions that grant the author of the content being reacted to a single reputation point, increasing the author’s total reputation. If you love what a user has posted, you can leave a heart reaction called a ‘like’ on their post, and this will increase their reputation by one point. Alternatively, if you find a post funny, you can react with a laughing face called ‘haha’ which also gives the user a reputation point. Like the previous two, reputation points can also be gained with the reactions ‘wink’ and the star, ‘thanks’. The last reaction which will give the author a positive reputation point is the ‘upvote’ reaction, a green circle with a white arrow pointing upwards.


    Neutral Reactions
    Some reactions have no impact on the author’s community reputation. This means that even if you leave a reaction, the user will not gain or lose any reputation points. These reactions include the ‘giveaway token’ which is a red and yellow gift box, a ‘sad’ face, ‘confused’ and ‘angry’. You can leave these reactions to easily express how the content makes you feel without worry about the effect on the author’s reputation.


    Negative Reaction
    The ‘downvote’ reaction is the only reaction where the author of the post will lose one community point. This function is for the purpose of freedom of expression on Art Haven and should not be abused to make anyone in the community feel unsafe or targeted. Alternatively, receiving downvotes on your content should not be seen as an attack, but rather a disagreement.

    Giveaway Reaction


    Giveaways on Art Haven are a way for artists to give back to the community they are apart of. You may see an Art Haven user hosting a giveaway of their own, whether it be for an art piece, Elite membership on Art Haven, or something else entirely. Usually, the user will ask everyone who would like to be involved in the giveaway to react to the post with the ‘giveaway token’. When the giveaway is over, the user can either view the users who reacted with a giveaway token, if they have Elite membership, or ask an Art Haven staff member for their assistance in creating a list, and then draw a winner.

    Daily Limits


    Every user on Art Haven has a daily limit of reactions they can give. Newbies have a limit of 15 reactions per day, whereas members have 50 reactions per day. If you feel that you need an increased limit, you can leave 100 reactions per day with an Elite membership. If you encounter the error message “Sorry, you cannot add any more reactions today.”, that means you have hit your daily reaction limit on your account. Do not worry, you will be able to react to content again the next calendar day. These limits are in place to prevent member reputation manipulation via alternative accounts. We re-evaluate these limits periodically based on community activity to determine whether or not the limit needs to be raised or lowered.

    Popular Content


    Content with several reactions will receive the status of a ‘popular’, highlighting the content and adding a popular badge to the top-right corner. Seeing content with a popular status means a lot of members within the community liked what was posted or the content was considered important.

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