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League of Legends


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Don’t ever support me Mattie I don’t trust you

you stay tryn top ok thx xoxo


i usually build a sightstone first back then into watchers or oasis with Janna and lux then build AP heavy on lux and supporty on Janna


what hurts me most is when I ward tri or river bush and enemy support comes and knocks it out and I put another and they do it again and the entire laning phase I’m heavily disgruntled having to fight this bitch ass enemy support for a damn ward >:(((((

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@Alex Alex plz :^( I cant even top

I suck so hard on that lane </3

I normally play support as Raka, morgs, Lux and some other champs

I always build my support item first before i build damage or tank items :lazehehe:

But it depends on who im facing with or how i want to play it LOL


I havent play support in a loooong while tho... maybe once this week... :lazecry:



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I get my main in ARAM and cry because Kled being dismounted is either dying or being useless until I gather enough courage :lluh: and most of the people I get matched with don't know how to work together since we're all noobs 

also throwback to the time I played ADC and asked my duo partner how much gold he needed for sightstone and he responded with a question mark -_\ \ my map awareness is terrible as is, how am I gonna live without any vision at all

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xD its sad that ranked is more balanced than normals tho. Atleast in ranked you'll play against your own skill. My partner and I are around silver level and we constantly face diamonds and plats in normals and get crushed and we're just like. WHY RIOT WHYYYYYY

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i kinda noticed that too

well like one of the main reasons that i dont play ranked is because i thought they match you with others of that rank in normals too because i would play with my plat friend and we would get plat players in normals


now when i play by myself sometimes i'll get silver or gold, but

lets be fucking honest


gold players are the absolute worst.

the worst mentality.

worst at everything.


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