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Everything posted by Cymette

  1. I've finally finished an OC I've been planning for sometime and my creation, she is complete!


    1. Cymette


      Got a second one done :bgoodjob:

  2. First status :bgoodjob:
    I'm currently attempting to plan out my color scheme for February - it's pink, obviously - but I just have so many pieces I want to display! So, this is me as I attempt to chose:



  3. Oh, thank you! That actually does ring a bell. I thought it had been something like "Gorey", but "Zombie" sounds right too.
  4. I have small collection of artwork (all bought on old GASR) to go through. I think I've now gone through all them and I've been able to fit them under one batch. I'll remove pieces from the form once their artist is found. I appreciate any and all help! Thank you. artists found so far: 4/7
  5. A little birdie told me it was your birthday! I hope you enjoy this song from me to you! :byaslove:


    1. Misery.vu


      Thank You Cyme ♡♡

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