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Everything posted by Cymette

  1. Cymette

    Estranged Premade

    I love when you do darker themes.
  2. Cymette


    A: June is for the Jabberwocky. Q: Can you do a handstand? If so, can you walk while you do it?
  3. Cymette


    A: Halloween. ♡ Q: Salty or sweet?
  4. Cymette

    Alien Wand

  5. Cymette


    A: It depends on the how heavy the rain is. During storms, I like to sit out on my balcony or light candles and watch through the windows. If it's just a sort of grey and gloomy day, then I like to sleep or watch a movie. Q: What's your favorite flower?
  6. Cymette


    A: Night! Q: What's your favorite science project you've ever done?
  7. Cymette

    The Siren

    This is gorgeous. I love everything about her.
  8. Cymette


    A: One of my favorite moments was when I first saw the cancer awareness banner on the website's header. It was a serendipitous moment and reading all the messages lifted my morale during a time where nothing looked like it was going to be okay. Q: Do you sleep with your socks on?
  9. Guess which girl group is finally coming baaaaack! :bapplause: It's been confirmed they're filming their music video today (5.10)!

    1. Emily


      Yesss! It’s been too long omg. I was watching a fancam of Jennie and she just looked so bored of preform the same songs over. They deserve a comeback 😭

  10. Today is going to be a rough day. Here's hoping I'm ready for these exams. :lazetears:

    1. Amaya


      YOU GOT THIS, CYME!! :klove:

    2. Cymette


      Thank yooou! It wasn't too bad. Just a few more assessments left! :bgoodjob:

  11. Cymette


    I want my highlight to glow like her halo, and that wing animation is fabulous.
  12. IBP040z.gif
    a little shark love for you. :kcheeks:

  13. Cymette

    Custom for Cymette

    Absolutely phenomenal work That snake animation was all Tao's idea and I'm just ticked pink by how it came out!
  14. Hello, friends! :blove:

    Due to travel, I will have limited internet access from March 15th to March 18th. I will have my mobile to check PMs and I will try to check my laptop once a day if time allows me.

    Happy trails,

    ♡ Cyme

  15. Cymette


    A: Shopppppinggg?! The very practical part of my brain says Whole Foods, but the fun part says Anthropologie or Free People! Q: Would you ever go on a reality TV show?
  16. Cymette


    A: I eat in my bed. Q: Do you support the reintroduction of extinct species via clones?
  17. Cymette


    A: Immediately, I am drawn to understanding a person's intentions, but I have a very strong intuition as it is so, typically, I am capable of understanding a person's intentions already. Being invisible sounds intriguing, but if only for an hour, I'm uncertain of its pay off. An hour isn't a terribly long time and heaven forbid it should wear off in a situation where I would want to be invisible. That leaves me with the crystal. Divination isn't a foreign concept for me, so I think I would feel quite comfortable with the crystal. Q: What gives you hope?
  18. I believe I may be late, but this is for you! :bapplause:


  19. After many discarded attempts, I finally have an outline that I'm happy with to submit for the Zodiac Celebration. Here's hoping the coloring goes well! :lazekudasai:

  20. I was out all day running errands for my mum, but I wanted to say thank you for the tags today!

  21. Surprise! An adorable faerie weiner-dog for you! :shiny:

    1. Ayumi


      image aaaahhhh that's so cuteee !! and YOU're so cute !! 

      such a nice surprise to have you posted here, bb. ily ♥

  22. I wanted to give a very special thank you to @Katnipxo! Your Valentine's card was the greatest delight of my evening. I hope you have a day full of love and appreciation! :blush: 

  23. Secret confession: The disney classics music on your profile has become one of my favorites. 

  24. I'm so excited! My stickers from @Cain's physical good shop arrived today! Check out his shop here and appreciate my attempt at something artsy and instagram-y with this photo. 
    The stickers really are gorgeous so I seriously recommend. 

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