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Everything posted by Cymette

  2. Cymette


    The water animation is so creative! also silver hair is my weakness. i'm screaming.
    It's #Mermay! @Reaper and I are going to be hosting GASR's Mermay Event!
    All of our users are welcome to participate in this event. But wait! The mature moderators are hosting an event for everyone
    If you think there's a twist, then you're right!
    Check out our calendar announcement for a surprise!
    [GASR Mermay Event]

    1. Kuma



  4. until
    Ahoy, GASRians! It is officially #Mermay, and GASR's looking to join the fun! This event will have a unique feature: artistic nudity! We can't wait to shell you all about it! Let's dive in: May 14th- 28th All users may participate.
  5. Cymette

    Music (v2)

    Where are my BLINKs at?
  6. Hi, friends. There's no actual event today, but it really is plant a flower day! Go outside and do the deed!
  7. Hey, friends!

    Wait, wait! What was that? Was that a holiday event?!

    You bet! Don't forget to check out the mature section's "Naughty for Santa" event! You have until December 22nd to join in on the fun! Click [HERE] (NSFW, obviously) to check it out!

  8. Looking for the perfect holiday gifts for your loved ones? Want to spoil yourself (because let's be honest, you deserve it!)? Consider taking a look at @Cain's Emergency Commissions shop! It be a great way to treat yourself or a friend and I know he'd be very grateful for the support. :blush:


  9. hey, gasr! have you heard?
    You've been summoned - well, only if you're over 18 that is!
    Come check out @Ayumi's and I first event as your mature moderators!
    [Click here (NSFW)]


  10. Hey, GASRians! Is anyone else getting excited for the most wonderful time of the year? October.
    I know @Ayumi and I are! We've got something special brewing for our users that are 18+, so check out our [community calendar] for details. We're looking forward to a scary good time! 


  11. Cymette

    Custom for CYMETTE

    YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS Seriously, your animations are so beautiful in this.
  12. ─ G E N E R A L ─ ─────────── Name: Cymette Nickname: Cyme Age: Nearly 25 Birthday: August 27th Ethnicity: Caucasian Gender: Female Relationship Status: I have a person whom I enjoy. ─ P E R S O N A L ─ ──────────── What's your Hogwart's House?: Hufflepuff What do you do after work/school?: Eat What's something you love doing?: Horseback riding Describe your personality in 3 words: Maternal, serious, and blunt. What's your guilty pleasure?: The Kardashians - I really like the way they speak. It soothes me. Are you religious?: More spiritual than religious. Do you shower before or after bed?: Depends. What's your pet peeve?: Gum chewing. Least favorite word: Hanged ─ F A V O R I T E S ─ ───────────── Favorite Color: Black Favorite Movie: Kiki's Delivery Service Favorite Game: Pokemon Go Favorite Animal: Horse Favorite Food: I really don't have one. Favorite Smell: I have many! I'll say the scent of sea salt. Favorite Song: Save Tonight by Eagle Eye Cherry, Shimmer by Fuel, and Everlong by Foo Fighters Favorite Book: Hmn. I'm not sure. Favorite Drink: I'm really bad at having favorites. Favorite Boy Name: Noah Favorite Girl Name: Anastasia and Bláithín Favorite Shows: I'm like so bad at having favorites. Favorite Chips: The saltier the better. Favorite Style of Food: This is hard, Kelsey. Favorite Vacation Spot: Anywhere near the ocean. Favorite Season: Spring and Autumn Favorite Holiday: Halloween Favorite Sport: Equestrian Favorite Fast Food: I DON'T LIKE FOOD. Favorite Icecream: Chocolate or butter pecan Favorite Tea: Any floral or white teas, but I don't mind medicinal teas.
  13. Hello! I'm Cyme. I'm very near to 25 and my quarter life crisis has taken effect. I'm shy, but I'm friendly! Hobbies: I like making herbal preparations for either medicinal purposes, skin care, or household cleaning supplies. Orientation: I identify as demisexual. Last night's dinner: Vegetable stir-fry!
  14. EXPOSED.png
    @Cain e x p o s e d :cutefingergun:

    1. Cymette


      :erlmo: Let it begin!

  15. Cymette


    @Birdseed Hi, love! Just to let you know that the GASR watermark isn't appearing because the image is a .gif ♡
  16. Cymette

    Kenma Kitty

    The colors in this are so pretty!
  17. Cymette

    Commission for Cupsu

    Wow! This is so neat. I really love the candles and their flames!
  18. Cymette


    This is so superb The spider looks really good too - terrifyingly beautiful.
  19. Cymette


    A: Snake. Actually, no. If I could pick a specific animal, then my dog. If I had to pick a general animal, then a horse. Horses have always been very special to me. Being with them gives me such a sense of wholeness and serenity. Q: Would you ever try the trapeze?
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