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Status Updates posted by Tilt

  1. I have too much fun editing things I swear

    dp1.gif.ec1209b7fc9e79d7b3f75c701dc3501b.gif  edited.thumb.png.86a403b84fc15ee77d72b12c6d47ddff.png

    1. LiLMooMoo


      Very beautiful :) 

    2. YasmineDoesArt


      This is stunning! 

  2. I need more friends on discord uwu

    Add me there!   



    happy laugh GIF by Cartoon Hangover

  3. A lot of stuff happened today, and for once in my life, I finally feel happy with myself and freed of all the negative energy I had in me 💙 Damn, accepting your flaws and focusing on positivity and good thoughts really makes a difference, have a puppy! 



  4. I am honestly so freaking done with everything.


    Friends that were never friends,

    Positivity that was fake all along,

    People pretending to help and only doing worse;


    Why would you tell someone you'll help them and them only use negative ideas so they get scared and end up agreeing with you?

    Just why man? If you like someone you're not supposed to ruin stuff for them just because you "want" them ??

    Can you even call yourself a friend if you do stuff that makes your friends miserable? And then go ahead and blame them for not using their brain?

    When all they did was blindly trust your accusations and ideas?


    Please.  Why are people like this? I'll never understand.


    Maybe I can't have friends.



    1. EmiSArakan


      Are you alright love?  Sorry that you have to go through something like that.. 

    2. Tilt


      @EmiSArakan I'm just so hurt right now, I don't know who to trust , I don't know what to do, I feel everything that is happening is my fault for believing stuff I shouldn't have.. damn. it sucks

    3. EmiSArakan


      @Tilt Nothing is considered your fault love. It happens to most of us. Sometimes you trust someone because of who they are. But when circumstances appears,  they show their color.  That's how humans are.  Don't not trust people just because this happen. There're a lot of good people out there.  It just takes time ^^ 

  5. guys I was wondering If I should make my angel self set an OC ? what do you think? ;_;"

    Image may contain: one or more people

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Humain
    3. Tilt


      @TheElf @Humain thanks babes! reading that made my day uwu

    4. TheElf


      Yay, I'm happy it did:blush:

  6. Art and couple Goals..


    Imagem relacionada

    1. Luxor


      !!!! ZIPCY!!! I love their artwork, its always hella intimate :lazecry:

    2. Tilt


      RIGHT?! It makes me feel so sad for being single LMAO

  7. All I've ever wanted was a cute capsule dp..:lazecry:

    But I'm ALWAYS asleep or babysitting when she posts 

    Anyone else feels my pain? 




    1. Amputate


      I'm always broke when she posts :lazetears:

    2. food



      Pain goes right through me 

    3. Baah


      SAme. I would die. 


  8. image.png.fd2b96e3695dcf6bce21305711471567.pngimage.png.77f719e5752ed55b4a1e499458296991.png should I sell this one?

  9. I'm back everyone, I'm sorryi that I went mia without saying anything but there's been a lot going on in my life, I'm not sure If I'll ever draw again so I'm sorry , I hope you guys can forgive me..

  10. There's so many friends on IMVU that I miss.. I tear up every time I think of them..

    I miss my pink queen...</3

  11. I have a question for you all.. Have you ever lost someone you really loved?.. [break ups]

    Is it very bad to have hope everything will be okay after some time?..

    I'm scared.. It hurts really bad.. I feel so lonely? I miss him so much..

    He said I'm his best friend.. but I still hope after some time he'll miss me..

    He says we'll never get back together..but he also says he could be wrong..

    I don't know what to think.. I can't stop crying..I have no one..

    I'm losing myself everyday..

    I need help..


  12. Starting to think my art sucks..

    1. Jack




    2. Tilt


      @Jack meeh  i've been disliking it more and  more everyday :c

  13. Is anyone up to talk?.. add me on discord..  Angel ✨#4449

  14.                              reworking on this atm

    image.png.b8b985b4e57739ed37d2717f18b879c0.png  image.png.73b81098ea675b9e1e881fa3fbe2465e.png

  15. New Premade on my shop

    #Under the Lights - 4$


  16. :17christmas:
    1. PHE0NIX


      Merry Christmas dear. We haven’t talked in a while. I will private message you. 

    2. PHE0NIX


      Merry Christmas dear.

    3. Tilt


      I'll be waiting hun :lazeblush:

  17. @LuciaMarina is like the best person :llampret:

  18. someone hook me up with cute premades; i only have 18$ tho

  19. My relationship just went to the trash can lol.. 

    I need a new dp 

    1. Hiroki


      Aww, are you ok? would you like to talk about it? :c

    2. Tilt


      @Hiroki I'm okay I guess, thanks boo

  20. Hello everyone, just wanted to say I didn't manage to buy a new tablet yet since some things have happened and I could not use the money I had saved on it


    Hope you understand, thank you 

  21. 1 hour for my bday!!! :woahpunch:

    1. Infectable


      Happy Birthday :D, Hope you have a good one.

    2. Addictable


      Happy Birthday!!!!♥

  22. hello everyone! I'm sorry i haven't posted new dps lately but i broke my tablet </3 i might get a new one since my bday is in 4 days , wish me luck :icry:

  23. 8 days for my bday :woahpunch:

  24. so my bf was annoyed, so .. i photoshopped myself in a potato.. he didnt think it was funny v.v..:icry:



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