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Status Replies posted by Bedlam

  1. I am fangirling hardcore over Boosette right now, more than Bowsette. So I drew her ! She's so friggin adorable !!!


  2. d7c705f19777dd7927693539276f3b83.png

    I decided I needed a new DP and I got carried away. 



    It's my OC which I haven't drawn in yearssss.

    Also I just wanted to draw an intense necklace.

    Let's all laugh at how messy my shit is LOL.

  3. d7c705f19777dd7927693539276f3b83.png

    I decided I needed a new DP and I got carried away. 



    It's my OC which I haven't drawn in yearssss.

    Also I just wanted to draw an intense necklace.

    Let's all laugh at how messy my shit is LOL.

  4. d7c705f19777dd7927693539276f3b83.png

    I decided I needed a new DP and I got carried away. 



    It's my OC which I haven't drawn in yearssss.

    Also I just wanted to draw an intense necklace.

    Let's all laugh at how messy my shit is LOL.

  5. i'm ready to have a mental break down i suck at drawing so bad i don't know why i wanna cry so bad I'M STRESSING


    1. Bedlam


      It's good to be critical of yourself and want to see yourself grow tho~

      Just do it in a healthy way - not a destructive sadness one!


      I've been at it for 12 years and still I am feel like that some days.

      It never stops but you gotta keep going.

      It will get easier to do so one day~

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  6. i'm ready to have a mental break down i suck at drawing so bad i don't know why i wanna cry so bad I'M STRESSING


    1. Bedlam


      Everything takes time. Have patience with yourself. 

      Or just accept that your art isn't perfect and try to enjoy yourself instead of trying to impose such high standards on yourself and being unhappy.

      (altho I looked through your gallery and was like jfc this girl gots skills)

      We all have those days / months / years.

      One year I literally only made like 4 pictures. 

      Some people get blessed with being able to create their vision in seemingly no time. 

      Some people it takes a long time.

      But that's ok

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  7. i'm ready to have a mental break down i suck at drawing so bad i don't know why i wanna cry so bad I'M STRESSING


    1. Bedlam


      Take a deep breath. 

      You are not bad at drawing. 

      If you are feeling down the only way to get better is to keep going.

      Even when things look funky and all hope seems lost.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  8. When I was 17 my mom said I couldn't have a Facebook account (yet she let me on IMVU fully knowing what it was??? OK.) My brother was permitted to have one because she made him sign a contract that said that she could check his facebook whenever she wanted and would be given the password. EFF THAT. So I just made on in secret but then my mom found out and told me I had to delete it. I thought I deleted it but every couple of years I get an email from Facebook asking Meagan Bub to come back.


    I still have 14 friends on this account.

    .I have tried to delete it 4 times.

  9. my cat just burped in my face. :sideeyeha:

  10. I spent $120 on makeup, why am I like this :psobbing:

    1. Bedlam


      Not at all wrong to treat yourself and feel good <3

      I love expressing myself through makeup (tho I am hellen lazy some days)


      But I guess it's like I have so many other expenses and so many pallette's I gotta be like girl you know you don't need that rn LOL


    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  11. I spent $120 on makeup, why am I like this :psobbing:

    1. Bedlam


      Yes it really is. Like tbh because I am in Canada makeup (high end) is even more stupidly priced.

      I'd buy a lipstick, a palette and some other misc things and then it would be like your total is $149 and (at the time) I was like this is fine.

      Tho I have been really good, I have only bought 1 non essential makeup product.

      The only thing I buy atm is new mascara and liquid liner.


    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  12. I spent $120 on makeup, why am I like this :psobbing:

    1. Bedlam


      I used to be Sephora VIB Rouge... That means I spent 1k on makeup in one year. yeaaahhhh. How did I life such an eccentric life.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  13. I work at a customer service @ a mall and this is my life.


    Sitting at my desk and minding my own business, up walks eggs man (I will tell you this story another day). I frantically pretend to be busy but eggs man doesn't care. He is on a mission, a mission to tell me that the girl in the store over there is going to get fired because she was on her phone at work. I laugh to be polite and say well she's going to have to smarten up if she wants to keep her job. Eggs man doesn't agree. Eggs man says she should go back to her own country because she only works here to send money back to her family(??whyisthisnegative). He tells me she only works for the money (GUY THEY DON'T PAY ME ENOUGH TO TALK TO YOU). I am like trying to disagree because wtf racist but then he tells me a lady at the bank told him this. I guess Judy at the bank somehow knows the life of every immigrant. 

  14. I work at a customer service @ a mall and this is my life.


    Sitting at my desk and minding my own business, up walks eggs man (I will tell you this story another day). I frantically pretend to be busy but eggs man doesn't care. He is on a mission, a mission to tell me that the girl in the store over there is going to get fired because she was on her phone at work. I laugh to be polite and say well she's going to have to smarten up if she wants to keep her job. Eggs man doesn't agree. Eggs man says she should go back to her own country because she only works here to send money back to her family(??whyisthisnegative). He tells me she only works for the money (GUY THEY DON'T PAY ME ENOUGH TO TALK TO YOU). I am like trying to disagree because wtf racist but then he tells me a lady at the bank told him this. I guess Judy at the bank somehow knows the life of every immigrant. 

  15. I work at a customer service @ a mall and this is my life.


    Sitting at my desk and minding my own business, up walks eggs man (I will tell you this story another day). I frantically pretend to be busy but eggs man doesn't care. He is on a mission, a mission to tell me that the girl in the store over there is going to get fired because she was on her phone at work. I laugh to be polite and say well she's going to have to smarten up if she wants to keep her job. Eggs man doesn't agree. Eggs man says she should go back to her own country because she only works here to send money back to her family(??whyisthisnegative). He tells me she only works for the money (GUY THEY DON'T PAY ME ENOUGH TO TALK TO YOU). I am like trying to disagree because wtf racist but then he tells me a lady at the bank told him this. I guess Judy at the bank somehow knows the life of every immigrant. 

  16. Hi guys this isn’t art related but this is for my math class and this project is an exam grade (letter grade) if any of you guys can help out that would be awesome 


    please and thank you 


    the the question is In-N-out or McDonald’s 


    you up don’t like any you can choose neither or you like click both




    please comment when you have taken it you have to click the survey to answer it


    help this straying artist get this last math class over with!

    thank you again 

  17. :otrololol:
    When ur job doesn't give you hours and you've said
    multiple times that you're able to work whenever, yet
    you still get nothing. 

  18. Hi guys this isn’t art related but this is for my math class and this project is an exam grade (letter grade) if any of you guys can help out that would be awesome 


    please and thank you 


    the the question is In-N-out or McDonald’s 


    you up don’t like any you can choose neither or you like click both




    please comment when you have taken it you have to click the survey to answer it


    help this straying artist get this last math class over with!

    thank you again 

  19. w..woah! 

    since when are you back on gasr :pshocked:

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