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Status Replies posted by Bedlam

  1. Approximately two weeks until I get back to Canada. I am excited to be able to do digital art again and open commissions aaaaa!

  2. do you remember this little gem? :kkekecreep:

     photo poisionousaugust2010.png

  3. do you remember this little gem? :kkekecreep:

     photo poisionousaugust2010.png

  4. do you remember this little gem? :kkekecreep:

     photo poisionousaugust2010.png

  5. I’m super pissed off now. 

    It’s been 2 weeks and they haven’t even run the diagnostic on my laptop.

    I called today and I asked for the status of it (because WTF 2 WEEKS??) and the man is like “oh we don’t have you on record”. He answered me so quick like he didn’t even look. And then he says he needs to call the technician and he’ll call me back. 20 minutes go by and I’m like eff this so I call and mention that like I called a week before and a lady told me that they hadn’t done the diagnostic yet but I was on file? So then he said he was trying to get ahold of the technitian but he was busy until 4pm. At 4 I didn’t get a call back either. I’m really TRYING to be patient but so many red flags are going up. My laptop is literally a $400 piece of trash but I am poor so it’s not like they are making bank off of me?  FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHY IS DEALING WITH COMPUTER PEOPLE ALWAYS SO TERRIBEL FOR ME. CAN’T I JUST HAVE ONE SMOOTH TRANSACTION WHERE THEY DON’T CHARGE ME $100 RANDOMLY EXTRA.

  6. I’m super pissed off now. 

    It’s been 2 weeks and they haven’t even run the diagnostic on my laptop.

    I called today and I asked for the status of it (because WTF 2 WEEKS??) and the man is like “oh we don’t have you on record”. He answered me so quick like he didn’t even look. And then he says he needs to call the technician and he’ll call me back. 20 minutes go by and I’m like eff this so I call and mention that like I called a week before and a lady told me that they hadn’t done the diagnostic yet but I was on file? So then he said he was trying to get ahold of the technitian but he was busy until 4pm. At 4 I didn’t get a call back either. I’m really TRYING to be patient but so many red flags are going up. My laptop is literally a $400 piece of trash but I am poor so it’s not like they are making bank off of me?  FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHY IS DEALING WITH COMPUTER PEOPLE ALWAYS SO TERRIBEL FOR ME. CAN’T I JUST HAVE ONE SMOOTH TRANSACTION WHERE THEY DON’T CHARGE ME $100 RANDOMLY EXTRA.

  7. I don't know the last time I did premades for my shop but someone give me some ideas pls :erlmo:

  8. I called the laptop place and they haven’t done the diagnostic yet which sucksss. So just waiting and crying for what the price tag will be like. 


    Now my big series of valentine’s premades will not be released on Valentine’s Day. To be fair, I only finished 1 (and was 60% done the second). I’m hoping to finish the series regardless. They are not so specifically themed to Valentine’s Day. You’ll understand when you see. I so badly want to post the one I finished but I WANT IT TO BE A SURPRISE.



  9. I don't know the last time I did premades for my shop but someone give me some ideas pls :erlmo:


    I was actually getting used to drawing on my laptop and then guess what happens? It dies. It won’t start up and instead beeps at me which, from doing research online, means there’s something wrong with the battery? Not 100% certain. I didn’t even do anything to it )): 


     There is some good news:  I don’t keep many important files on my laptop. I luckily, sent a premade that I finished and had not sold to myself because I wanted to see how it looked on my phone (since the colours display better). If my laptop can just be restored to how it was, everything with business will be fine regarding my custom shop.


    The bad news? If it cannot be and has to be wiped, I will probably have to find a new cracked version of paint tool sai and learn how to do effects with Gimp (kill me). Unless the price to fix my laptop is more than $100 (because I REFUSE to pay more than that on this piece of crap) then I will be out of commission until the end of May which would make me exceedingly sad.


    I will keep you guys updated the computer repair place is open on Monday but I am busy for the most of Monday and Tuesday with class so overall just fml.

    1. Bedlam


      @Alismora - oh that’s good to know!! Thanks. I’ll probably still give it a shot and honestly I am pretty bad at saving often which is bad b/c I have lost work because of it.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)


    I was actually getting used to drawing on my laptop and then guess what happens? It dies. It won’t start up and instead beeps at me which, from doing research online, means there’s something wrong with the battery? Not 100% certain. I didn’t even do anything to it )): 


     There is some good news:  I don’t keep many important files on my laptop. I luckily, sent a premade that I finished and had not sold to myself because I wanted to see how it looked on my phone (since the colours display better). If my laptop can just be restored to how it was, everything with business will be fine regarding my custom shop.


    The bad news? If it cannot be and has to be wiped, I will probably have to find a new cracked version of paint tool sai and learn how to do effects with Gimp (kill me). Unless the price to fix my laptop is more than $100 (because I REFUSE to pay more than that on this piece of crap) then I will be out of commission until the end of May which would make me exceedingly sad.


    I will keep you guys updated the computer repair place is open on Monday but I am busy for the most of Monday and Tuesday with class so overall just fml.

    1. Bedlam


      @Meraki - ahh thank you for the recommendation!! I will definitely check it out b/c free. Yeah i’m Super bummed )))): mainly cause this is not a planned expense rip

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)


    I was actually getting used to drawing on my laptop and then guess what happens? It dies. It won’t start up and instead beeps at me which, from doing research online, means there’s something wrong with the battery? Not 100% certain. I didn’t even do anything to it )): 


     There is some good news:  I don’t keep many important files on my laptop. I luckily, sent a premade that I finished and had not sold to myself because I wanted to see how it looked on my phone (since the colours display better). If my laptop can just be restored to how it was, everything with business will be fine regarding my custom shop.


    The bad news? If it cannot be and has to be wiped, I will probably have to find a new cracked version of paint tool sai and learn how to do effects with Gimp (kill me). Unless the price to fix my laptop is more than $100 (because I REFUSE to pay more than that on this piece of crap) then I will be out of commission until the end of May which would make me exceedingly sad.


    I will keep you guys updated the computer repair place is open on Monday but I am busy for the most of Monday and Tuesday with class so overall just fml.

    1. Bedlam


      @DIA- it really does!! I am mostly annoyed because I spent $30 to buy a charger for it that works in UK plugs. It’s not much but like... JUST FOR A WEEK OF LAPTOP USE THAT IS TERRIBLE. Ugh man that would kill me if that happened to mine!!


      omg thank you :kwave:

      It warms me heart when people actually remember me / seeing familiar faces ahaha

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  13. Debating whether to finish this or not. A WIP.


  14. I'm working on a Premade series which will debut closer to Valentine's Day.

    There will be 3-5 Premades going up for sale at once and they will be ANIMATED (which is something I generally don't do).


    I am so inspired rn and EXCITED to show you what I am working on!

    And so far, it has been really NICE to work on them.

    I'm making them a bit expensive tho when they are released because they are special limited edition TM Bedlam art.


  15. Debating whether to finish this or not. A WIP.


  16. PREMADE: 


    Red Queen 


    Comes with DP version + bonus character design page? 


    You can turn this into an OC if you like (or not LOL) 

    The character design page is rough so hopefully some other better artist can make sense of it.

  17. I don't know about y'all but whenever I put text on a art piece it feels like I took a literal dump on it.

    I hate the way text looks on art; I hate how out of place it is.

    It seems like no matter how much I lower the opacity, figure out what colour to choose.. it just looks like doo-doo.

  18. dasckzs-7d2cfdff-51a7-427a-995c-986ea8c0dcxkwcr-5104efc0-fcec-4e3f-9fcc-1874c135

    2 yr improvement boiiis

  19.  just going to drop this rant here.
    we just ran one of the saltiest dungeons on WoW because i was 30 levels higher than most of them and apparently "dragging them down" by queing in a level 20 dungeon. all these flippin kiddos did was bitch and bitch at me for not doing enough dps and then when we got to the final boss they just sat there and let everyone My boyfriend included(because yanno  we like to game together) die and sat there while i had to take on the boss and kill it with no heals or any of that shiz. all in all PEOPLE SUCK

    1. Bedlam


      People need to stay in their lane, you're all here to have fun and being mad at people is not fun lol.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  20.  just going to drop this rant here.
    we just ran one of the saltiest dungeons on WoW because i was 30 levels higher than most of them and apparently "dragging them down" by queing in a level 20 dungeon. all these flippin kiddos did was bitch and bitch at me for not doing enough dps and then when we got to the final boss they just sat there and let everyone My boyfriend included(because yanno  we like to game together) die and sat there while i had to take on the boss and kill it with no heals or any of that shiz. all in all PEOPLE SUCK

    1. Bedlam


      I don't know how long you've been playing but yeah I had terrible experiences when I was new 😂 I remember (I was a hunter) and I needed on a cloth item in a dungeon and someone got pissed at me and I was like but the dress is cutteeee xoxo.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  21.  just going to drop this rant here.
    we just ran one of the saltiest dungeons on WoW because i was 30 levels higher than most of them and apparently "dragging them down" by queing in a level 20 dungeon. all these flippin kiddos did was bitch and bitch at me for not doing enough dps and then when we got to the final boss they just sat there and let everyone My boyfriend included(because yanno  we like to game together) die and sat there while i had to take on the boss and kill it with no heals or any of that shiz. all in all PEOPLE SUCK

    1. Bedlam


      @Wrath - yeah it doesn't excuse acting rude but I wasn't sure if you knew that aha. People on wow have 0 patience especially in random groups.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  22.  just going to drop this rant here.
    we just ran one of the saltiest dungeons on WoW because i was 30 levels higher than most of them and apparently "dragging them down" by queing in a level 20 dungeon. all these flippin kiddos did was bitch and bitch at me for not doing enough dps and then when we got to the final boss they just sat there and let everyone My boyfriend included(because yanno  we like to game together) die and sat there while i had to take on the boss and kill it with no heals or any of that shiz. all in all PEOPLE SUCK

    1. Bedlam


      It's cause they get less EXP when someone of a higher level is there ahaha. You should just take whoever needed the boost and done the dungeon privately!!

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  23. Dude, I am trying sooo hard. Everytime, I reach a block. ;,c I can't draw right now. D:

  24. Dude, I am trying sooo hard. Everytime, I reach a block. ;,c I can't draw right now. D:

  25. Do you ever just get in bed and you're like: yep this is where I’m meant to be.


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