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Everything posted by Baah

  1. Why the heck do I wake up having a cold and then feel fine after a few hours. 


    1. LiLMooMoo


      That been happening to me every time I wake up. It very annoying 😒 so where in same boat 

    2. Hiroki
  2. Man this Sunday was so weird. I was productive yet not. I think your girl is waiting for her mini vacation next week. I have a 5 day weekend and lort do I need it.

  3. I had such a wonderful day! I'm so happy we went out and celebrated my fiance's birthday. He had such a great time too!


    Time to relax and do some arts! 

    happy sailor moon GIF

    1. Daniella


      Looking cute bb! Let the festive babes begin! I'm very excited for our first bestie christmas! :byaslove:

  4. Oh! Again, dont forget to sign up for my giveaway ending on Sunday!


    1. Daniella


      Woot woot!!! Who doesn't like a nice giveaway?! :bhee:

  5. Happy Friday!! :lazesxy:

    My fiance's birthday is tomorrow! Its going to be a great weekend. :klovee:

  6. Hey guys! I'm going to do a little housekeeping on my premade shop and reward system. I have a plan to open up my discord server (more details on that soon) and just tidy up everything which would adjust one of the reward levels. 


    Also, I wanted to remind yall of my giveaway on my premade shop--deadline is the 17th of this month!


    I hope you guys are having a wonderful Thursday, and I will have more detailed updates soon! :klove:



  7. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day today. :klovee:

    1. LiLMooMoo


      my day was okay I want home sick with 101, get new snowboots and frozen fungo how about your day 

    2. Baah


      Ooof. I hope you get better! My day is okay so far. ^_^ Just workin', got a lot to do when I go home too but I love being productive. :hee:

    3. LiLMooMoo


      thank you I feel little bit better boyfriend get me soup so that really help and oh sounds like fun 

  8. Claim (sorry for the delay--will be working on this very soon!) @Calypso
  9. Hello everyone~! I'm super excited with the amount of traffic this topic has been getting recently! I feel like I would just pop in for a friendly reminder to everyone that participates to review the rules listed on the first post. More specifically; Please remember to put your effort into drawing the person above you, and have fun with that artistic creativity at the same time! If you ever have any questions, always feel free to reach out to a moderator. Next person, please claim @Pris.
  10. Creating a premade set!! Normally I'm always too excited to do things like this, but I'm being good. :hee:

    Feliz Navidad Christmas GIF by LookHUMAN

    1. Viohazard


      Woo! Bet they are gonna be frikkin beautiful!

    2. Baah


      @Ban Aww ty :aww:


  11. Claim here you go @Unicorns
  12. Available premades!

    bemysecretsanta.gif.6c26785b3658bbe114113535f6f71743.gif  cutepmreade-copy1.gif.f40d94683e14a1bdf8ca46a1787bd6d4.gif


  13. New premade!


    Name: Fall Selfie





    1. Naptime


      This is so cute :kwave:

    2. Baah


      Thank youuu :aww:

  14. Y'allllll!! I got the Conspiracy palette. 


    1. Xunjo


      Congratulations! I snagged a bundle too. It was rough out there boys :ok:


      p.s Going to see Shane and Jeffree at MOA tomorrow (didn't win meet and greet) :hee:. Hoping to spy another palette there!

  15. Happy Friday!!!!

    Today's Shane's release!! Aahhhhh! I hope I'm fast enough.

     overjoyed so excited GIF by Demic

    1. Slug


      Im sitting on a plane in the runway atm so I hope my mom is fast enough for me LOL!!

  16. Claim @Suney @Meylith here was my last dp bbu (decided to change it)
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