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League of Legends


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I prefer Playing support or ADC

I know how to play most champs on the account of i play a lot of arams


ADC: Tristana, Miss Fortune or Xayah

Support: Galio or Sona

Mid: Ezreal, Galio or Veigar

Top: Illaoi or Heimerdinger

Jg: None but if forced i would play Yasuo or Master Yi


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Yoyoyo it's your favorite Silver 2 egrill. I basically play every role except for top lane because over the years I've been emotionally traumatized by Teemo mushrooms. :bfcry:
NA IGN: Löralie
Jungle: Diana, Evelynn, Elise, Kayn
Middle: Ahri, Orianna, Syndra
Bottom: Miss Fortune, Kai'Sa, Vayne, Caitlyn
Support: Sona, Morgana, Rakan, Janna

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On 4/24/2018 at 6:39 AM, Sereani said:

I'm trying to get better with building so I can stop being absolute trash. Anyone got any good suggestions on Lulu, Miss Fortune, or Ashe builds?


And yes. The bronze is real af. Lol.

I may be wrong too but what I usually build on Lulu is spellthief's then first back I upgrade it and buy boots + wards. If you're in a tough lane take coin instead so you can get your quest done fast and get vision control so you can get other lanes ahead.

Then I get the final upgrade on gold/ward item and start building Ardent Censer, especially if ADC is attack speed reliant, but we're doing good I go Athene's first, then Ardent if not built first, then Redemption. Boots I try to upgrade ASAP but sometimes you don't need them right away. After this stuff I go situational -  Locket, Zeke's, Shurelya's, Mikael's, Mejai's, etc depending on what you/your team needs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

HI!!  IM SO SAD because clash was canceled t.t someone here wanted  participate?

I can play any lane except support top jaja

rank: gold II (LAN server) lvl 20 NA

Mids: all AP champs XD but I like Orianna, syndra, lux, veigar, ahri,

Supports: all sports except tahm kench, nautilus and braum.

ADC: all adc except: vayne, kaisa, kalista 

Jungle: kayn, k6, vi, ramus.

Top: nasus XD just nasus 



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Adc main (sadly) Fave champs are Draven (mastery 7 and only been banned once, which is an achievement) Sivir, cait and jinx.

Kinda play some support for my boyfriend to be an egirl buT

bloody hate passive supports, :pthumbsup: and Morgana, always seem to walk into those Q's.

Currently gold 3 20-30 lp hit gold 1 last season but demoted before plat.

I play eu and na because different friends in different places.

Been playing for around 3 seasons however still learning how certain things work :psmile:


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i hate playing against pyke in lane especially if the person knows what they're doing.. it literally hurts mi


or my adc just goes in while the eerie music is playing and you're sweating bullets

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Support main here.. Lulu main with nami and leona a close second, I play the occasional soraka too. I enjoy my adcs aggressive and I'm quite aggressive as well. Duo queue with a gold Draven a lot >:) 


Bought pyke immediately and learning him, I think he's either a hit or miss. If you're countered and you miss your qs then you're pretty much screwed, he's quite low utility. Get in there and smash things up and you're op.

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I think Pyke is a joke personally, fun sure, but as soon as I see a Pyke on the enemy team (especially if someone thinks they can play it jungle lol), it's usually just a free win. Champ has nothing going on for it, squishy as hell, no waveclear, no poke, just sits back in teamfights and waits for people to get low.

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He's an assassin engage support though... He doesn't need waveclear

I think people just hear "assassin" and assume he has to one shot people on his own, when that is not the case, that's why he's a support and not a solo laner/jungler. He has more cc than traditional assassins too because of that, he's supposed to help the carries.

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