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I saw Fallout Boy a while before they blew up in popularity.  I used to have a crappy cd from that concert.  They were opening for another band but I don't remember what it was.

I just remember that I loved the Patrick's face.

I was a lame kid.



Are you currently in school for anything?

If not, what do you do for work?

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A: I'd go back to Osaka or Vancouver!


Q: If your personality was a painting which one of the famous paintings would you liken yourself to? (starry-night,mona lisa etc)

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A: he’s here hiding somewhere 


Q: If you had the chance to go back in time, what situation would you choose that you regret the most? Why?

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A: I'm about to go deep.

I'd go back and make sure my mum knew how much I cared for her and just be more patient with her and just value all the time I had left. I took her for granted, I didnt show her enough love and I only realised when it was too late.



Would you rather have toes for fingers or fingers for toes

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A: Honestly not sure if I heard any funny names o.o


Q: If you were able to travel to a different country, Which country would you travel to? 

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It's not all cold and snow up here.  I got heat stroke last summer lol.



NateWantsToBattle's Enjoy the Show has been stuck in my head for days.



If you could have any animal as a pet with no consequences and it being perfectly tamed, what would it be?

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A: I always end up watching American Dad or Star VS. The Forces of Evil lol but tbh I do also watch a bunch of historical/medical documentaries too 


Q: What food did you absolutely hate as a child but now you love?

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Probably monkeys or armadillos.



Would you accept a million dollars, but at the cost of everything you eat tasting of paste and having the texture of sand?

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