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While walking into a store I hit my leg against the wall. I started whispering profanities and when I looked up I made eye contact with this random guy. I started thinking in my head how he probably thinks I'm crazy or that I was whispering to myself since he gave me the. "You look like you need god" face. So while walking around the store I kept away from him thinking gawd he probs thinks I'm a weirdo that's stalking him around the aisle. (mind you it's a damn grocery store I don't even know where that thought came from).


Q: What was the recent lie you told?


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A: "I'm going to take a nap." Proceeded to watch Youtube videos about applying fake nails for 2 hours. 


Q: What's the saddest song you've ever listened to? 

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Q: What ridiculous thing has someone tricked you into doing or believing?

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AWhen I was about 8 I was staying over a friends house for a sleep over with a few other girls, she'd lost her tooth earlier that day and at some point during the movie she was looking for her tooth so we all started looking for it but all we could find was a 10p coin. We all believed that a tooth fairy had come and taken her tooth WHILE WE WERE IN THE ROOM WATCHING A MOVIE. 

I never admitted to her that i believed it but years later she told me how another girl at that sleep over had told her how to that day she still believed in the tooth fairy because of that one event and my friend had to tell her that it was a joke.


Q: What's your most guilty pleasure movie? (shitty movie that u love to unhealthy amounts)

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Oh boy, do I have a lot of them.  First off, the worst movie in the world, Panman.  It's a more than B horror movie that is more fun to watch other people suffer through watching it than it is entertaining of itself.  

That being said, anything by the Troma team is really a guilty pleasure.  Things like Poultrygeist that you really can't sit through unless you're drunk, high, or chilling with a bunch of dudes who you get to watch suffer through it.  I adore it.



Who is your least favorite music artist, and why?

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A: Adele, I know i might get a lot of bad come backs on this one, but her voice... just can't stand it, I would prefer someone scratching his/her nails on a schoolboard than having to sit thru a Adele song.


Q: Did a movie ever made you cry? If so which one?

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A: Honestly? This is so 00s but the first thing that came to my mind was skorts. 😂

Like. Why did they have to combine skirts and shorts together? I thought they were the weirdest things ever when I was a kid. 


Q: What makes you happy?

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A. Honestly, Saturday since it's the day between the end of the week and the day the day that signals that the weekend is over


Q.  What's your dream place to go? (doesn't have to be a real place)

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The Black Cauldron or Mulan



Would you you accept the money if you were offered a million dollars,

but everything you smelled and ate tasted/smelled like cold Chef Boyardee products?

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A: (Had to look those products up lol) Nope, there's way too much good food (ommmmg -- pizzaaa 🤤 Who could?) to eat and things to smell (lool). I appreciate the little things and love traveling, adventures and experiencing things, you know? There's no way I could give up the whole experience. Like the smell of rain as you're walking down the street, or the wafting of food from stalls in a market. Can't give up the senses. Too damn enriching for my soul ehe.


Q: Something you read/heard that really inspired you/stuck with you/blew your mind?


vv damnnn truee

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