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A: Chanel N°5 will forever be my favorite scent. If you ask me to live with just one scent, that will be it.

Q: As a child, what did you think would be awesome about being an adult, but isn’t as awesome as you thought it would be?

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A: The fact that I can do what I want whenever I want it, like stay up all night playing games what I couldn't really do when I was a kid. Too bad it comes with all the stress of adulting and being responsible, like paying bills and such.


Q: Did you ever, or do you still, have a crush on a character that doesn't exist (i.e anime characters and similar) ?

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A: Most of the men from Overwatch (especially Reaper..) and any vaguely attractive anime guy. Right now it’s Hozuki from hoozuki no reitetsu. 


Q: What’s something you’re majorly invested in right now? A hobby, game, etc. 

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A: Currently, Overwatch. The anniversary event is up and gotta farm up dem loot boxes amirite?


Q: Would you rather have the ability to read minds or to shapeshift?

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A: The TV family most like my own is probably ... a cross between Justin and Bryce's from 13 Reasons Why. It's small, they travel and other aspects of them. 


Forgot to put a question. 


Q: What's something you wish you had more of in your life?

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A: I have always wanted a dog, but the place I live in doesn't allow pets ;A;

Q: What do you like to do on a rainy day?

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A: It depends on the how heavy the rain is. During storms, I like to sit out on my balcony or light candles and watch through the windows. If it's just a sort of grey and gloomy day, then I like to sleep or watch a movie.
Q: What's your favorite flower?

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