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Everything posted by SakuraSlowly

  1. I have lost my mom please understand, if i have any Orders please cancel them. I am not in good situation i have just lost my world and someone who keep me up and alive. Please 🙏 understand 

    TThank you 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lilsleepymoon


      I’m so sorry for your loss, I can’t imagine how much pain you’re in right now.

    3. LolliGhoul


      Oh my heart breaks for you. I understand completely, I lost my dad this year to Covid. he was my world and heart. If it doesn't seem to much I'd like to leave you with a quote that hopefully will help you as it did me and I'm not over stepping my place as we do not know each other..

      "Do not cry because it is over, smile because it happened" - Dr. Seuss

      I am so so very sorry for your loss

  2. I have lost power and water idk when it will be bk it can be days but many are saying weeks. I will get to each of the people who I had orders from it just be slow I am sorry about this 💗

  3. I have hurricane coming my way if not response i am sorry please forgive me 🙏


  4. If ya ever do customs hit me up q.q
  5. SakuraSlowly


    why why why when me ish broke
  6. I love it i soooo want a custom by you *crys*
  7. SakuraSlowly

    Sleepy WIP

    I love it and so wish i could have it q.q
  8. Still love her
  9. Thank you from doing this for me girl! I love it and so does my bf he was so shocked xD
  10. Hope to get art by you Friday q.q untill then... **stock**
  11. SakuraSlowly

    DP Batch 2021

    I will because i can't stay mad at a wonderful artist
  12. SakuraSlowly

    DP Batch 2021

    Why.... why do you taunt me!
  13. SakuraSlowly

    OC //tbn//

    I'll help you when i come nk from wound clinic add me on discord Vee#2259
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