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Everything posted by Haleyy

  1. - name: Haley - style: Normal - refs: Face Refs Refs for everything else - extra: Can you make it gaming themed? Can find inspo/refs for this under 'Other Refs' under 'Refs for everything else'<3 - animations: Blinking - total: 22$
  2. Beautiful art <3__<3 Text: Haley Ocs: Selene Evie or Alona Thank you for considering!
  3. Text: Haley OCs: boop Thank you for considering!
  4. Text: Haley OCs: boop Thank you for considering!
  5. She looks amazing, thank you!!
  6. it's looking good so far!
  7. Beautiful art!! Text (if possible): Haley OCs: x Thank you for considering!
  8. Text : Haley Screen/Reference : I don't have any screens but here are my OCs Background : Whatever fits, there's b.g inspo. pics in each OCs album Animation : Blinking or eye twinkle Extra : thank you for considering!
  9. Haleyy

    Howdy Freebies

    hihi welcome back!! Text (if possible): Haley OC: Selene- my new vampy bb thank you for considering!<3
  10. Thank you! I'm excited!!
  11. thank you! she turned out very cute<33
  12. Text/Watermark: Haley Refs: Evie or Rini thank you for considering!
  13. Thank you for the update, I'm excited!♡
  14. Text: Haley W/M (if needed): Haleyy@AH Refs: My OCs thank you to anyone for considering!
  15. 𝚠𝚖/𝚝𝚎𝚡𝚝: Haley 𝚘𝚌 𝚛𝚎𝚏𝚜: Lainey Nevi or Lilliana 𝚋𝚐 𝚛𝚎𝚏𝚜: In refs^ 𝚍𝚙 𝚌𝚛𝚘𝚙𝚜?: Yes pls 𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚘𝚖?: Yes thank you for considering!
  16. Text (if possible): Haley OCs: Lillith or Angelika (just ignore their written descriptions) thank you for considering!
  17. OC/Refs : My OCs Text / Watermark : Haley Size : 160x220 Extra : I really like pastel pink :3 thank you for considering!
  18. refs/oc: My OCs text: Haley extras: Thank you for considering!<3
  19. Name : Haley Refs: OCs Extras : I love you :3
  20. Haleyy

    ♡ im bored.

    ♡ oc: Evie! ♡ pose ref: in oc ref^ ♡ background: Whatever fits! ♡ text: Haley ♡ watermark: Haley or Haleyy thank you for considering!
  21. oc: Evie! or Lillith! pose: in oc refs! expression: in oc refs! extra: Thank you for considering!
  22. Text: Haley Refs: My OCs | IRL Me Extra: Thank you for considering!
  23. Form: Text: Haley References (the more the merrier): My OCs! Other: Thank you for considering!
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