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Everything posted by Adorelee




    GOOD LUCK!!! qwq

  2. hi, can 2 people comment below? thanks :-) u wont regret it

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Adorelee


      @Wynxthanks for commenting love!

      since i already got my first 2 commenters ill make sure to give you a prize the next time i give something away<3

      @Boogz @Rainbow

      names for the art huns?

    3. Boogz
    4. Rainbow


      Dork please aaaa!!! so sorry for the wait :lazetears:

  3. hi hehe I have two ideas I hope that’s ok! 1. not sure if this idea was too big to do but I thought I’d say anyway!! i think an event centred around our pets would be a cute idea! maybe we could be grouped into pairs, then the artist has a choice of drawing the pet, the pet and owner or the pet with an oc! or again with the pet theme, we could get our pets made into human ocs! just an extra fun thought I had uwu 2. we split into groups and have an ongoing drawing, (around 4 people) where each person has to add something until the art-piece is fully complete ! then at the end the groups can giveaway the art to someone or sell it (if the money can be split to a good sum) thanks for considering!


    gUYSSSS!!! my cute wifu is doing a giveaway on her instagram!!! please o please go and join/support! thank u so much 💖💖💖💖💖

    she rlly is such a beautiful artist so you won’t be disappointed ;)))




    I’ll be opening my shop soon too so keep an eye out for that🥰

  5. Check out mine and @Momoi auction if you haven’t already! Thanks a lot 🥰💖


  6. I’m having a tough time at the moment with my depression so I’ll be taking some time out, I’m really sorry guys!

    ill be back soon 💖

  7. what should i work on next?


    Put a image.png.a70eb66047a4d5bfa9bf2a3f9e97ea5a.pngfor a OC/Adopt mystery bundle

    Put a image.png.e105f701ab9c1c496fe9d878571deee1.png for DP premades

    Put a image.png.7bfa1118d268bd54f190ab3e22fc1a3e.pngfor new adopt batch


    then ill wait 1-2 days and see what you guys want qwq 


    1. Adorelee


      Wowowow! Lots of people want a mystery bundle so far! I guess ill see the outcome tomorrow<3 

      Thanks everyone for taking the time to vote i really appreciate it qwq! for all those who voted for the other 2 options i will try to get round to doing them too!



      Again incase your not sure what mystery bundles are; 

      its a bundle of art from me! It can be filled with anything from one adopt + art of that adopt. Or if could be multiple adopts, or a mix of all different things like that! Please note that the more art i add, the more i will bump the price up ! 



  8. Mystery bundle boxes; what do you think?


    I recently had an idea while buying a mystery box inrl about making a online mystery bundle box filled with art that i could sell randomly every now and then!

    For example the box could have any theme;

    (F2U) sparkles by peachkonpeito It could include one oc plus art of that oc! (pagedolls, dps, chibis, icons etc!)

     (F2U) sparkles by peachkonpeito Or it could include a whole batch of adopts!

    The possibilities are endless, and id make sure to price them all differently so everyone has a shot!


    Let me know what you think of this idea and if you would be interested in purchasing!

    (p.s this isnt at all me claiming this as my own idea so feel free to make your own mystery bundles too uwu,

    ill also be adding small previews of the pieces in the bundle so you have a somewhat idea of what's inside!)


    1. LiLMooMoo
    2. Hiroki


      Seems like a great idea!

    3. Remba


      I love this idea

  9. doing a lil Halloween contest over in the discord💖 all you have to do to enter is make a halloween oc with a lil backstory(doesn’t have to be long!) and we will pick winners for who we think is the best design! (Prizes include: 1st- your choice of an adopt/dp/chibi and runner up will receive a Halloween premade💖 


    thanks loads!!!!

    1. Naptime


      And if u dont wanna do a backstory its opinional ! It just gets u more points. :lldesire: come try ur chances to get sum free artsu bbies 

  10. for the lovely @DarthHayley <3 i hope you enjoy!

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  11. post ur dark/cute ocs under this comment!

    I’ll pick some to draw for funsies! 


  12. What's coming up in October from me!?


    Black Sparkle 1 by Optimistic-RunawaySome new Dp premades! 


    Black Sparkle 1 by Optimistic-RunawayAdding a DP option into my art shop! 


    Black Sparkle 1 by Optimistic-RunawayA spooky collab between me and @Momoi!


    Black Sparkle 1 by Optimistic-Runaway A halloween giveaway! (Around the end of october)


    Black Sparkle 1 by Optimistic-Runawayreleasing some adopts! (deviantart: sweetdream-adopts)


    let's hope for a good month! 



    1. 44th


      oh yis this gonna be a good halloween mhmmm:ogoodshi:

    2. Stargazer
  13. blah.. TT_TT pricing things can be so difficult..

    i can never find the perfect price thats cheap enough for buyers but a satisfying amount for me as the artist.. :<


  14. my custom shop is now open ^^! I hope you all enjoy my new styles💖

  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO @Naptime 

    MY ABSOLUTE ANGEL!  I hope you have the best day my love.

    Please go and wish her a happy birthday! 

    I LOVE YOU! :klove:
    colorful happy birthday GIF by Nora Simonhappy birthday party GIF by Bare Tree Media

    1. Naptime


      :kwave: you sweet beautiful bean -- thank you! I love too babu. Best wifeu ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  16. gotta love crying over the most dumbest thing ever


    thanks period 


    1. Milkpaw


      Periods r the devil itself 

    2. Adorelee


      @Milkpaw ur so right,,  it was only 2 words and i balled for so long and i still feel like crying what is wrong with me 

    3. ThiccnTired


      i was just coming to check out these sick ass chibis, and i couldn't have related to a post more. I cried before because my brother ate my left over mac n' cheese, like bro. YoU pUsHeD mE tO tHe EdGe AlL mY fRiEnDs WeRe DeAd

  17. Hey everyone! I’d like to say I’ll be putting out some new premades soon💖 but enough about me, I’d love so much if you checked out my best friends shop! She won’t let you down, her repaint are gorgeous uwu!


  18. Adorelee

    Chibi for Sabbu!

  19. image.png.f163035ee8844c62c3545e5d30a44644.png

    1. Crima


      What is wrong bb gal? PM me if ya wanna talk :llcry:

  20. yesterday I had a really bad time drawing.. 

    i made the mistake of comparing my art to other peoples and it knocked my confidence greatly.. it really hurt when I realised  that no matter what I drew I always felt displeased in the end.

    however, I was reminded by some great people that even though I felt this way, they still loved and appreciated my art even if I didn’t. I’d like to remind everyone that if your ever feeling that your art isn’t good enough, or that your not as good as others, please

    remember we’re all at different stages and you might not notice yet but every drawing, good or bad is practice. And one day you’ll be able to look back and realise how much you've improved without realising it! 

    sorry for the long post, but I just really wanted to share this :)) please don’t give up, practice takes time so cherish every step💖💖💖 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stargazer


      You got this bb! You’re an amazing artist :lazeflirt:

    3. Adorelee


      Thank you , @Wrath

      @Cain @Naptime @Playtime And everyone else for being such lovely people; the gasr community are lucky to have you 💖

  21. <3 Chibi comm from my shop. Thank you @Sabbu!

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  22. Hello darlings!!! I last night created an account on GAIA ONLINE!! I’m a total noob so i still have no idea what I’m doing half the time LMAO! 

    I will be creating a limited chibi shop there in 2 days! Please add me I’d love to see all your cute avatars uwu 

    username is Adorelee! 💖💖💖

    1. caribena


      Hahaha I didn’t realize people still played that!

  23. would anyone be interested in cute furrbb art from me uwu 

    image.png.e3b68d848f70b5fc441fb1c30f2b2ceb.png like this !! but full bod/thigh bod


    1. Otterkaji
    2. Adorelee



      so happy people want to buy some furbbs from me!!!

      ill try make a shop soon for them 💖💖💖blushing dark souls GIF by Channel Frederator

  24. back from the dead, customs will be closed still for a few more days.

    I am active-ish, and i do have a custom chibi dp open with a friend if that interests you. <3


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