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Everything posted by Vix

  1. My scale baby is very, very sick.. I got him a vet appointment for an hour from now, but just the same, please send all the positive thoughts his way because I don't know if he'll make it :lazetears:

    1. Vix


      Big update: he fractured his tail, broke his toe, and had a calcium deficiency. He’s on 3 separate meds and he’s already improved drastically :lazierblush:

    2. Naptime


      Aw no poor bby!!! I'm glad he's already feelin better!!

    3. Vix


      @Naptime Thank you so much! I'm so glad too, I wasn't sure that he was going to make it but the lil baby pulled through like the tough lil man he is :klovee:

  2. Man, sometimes it's like life can never really give you a break

    1. Sai


      Yeah x.x and I'm not even a mom, just a non-married student lol...

  3. I finally got around to updating my OC table, feel free to take a peek if anyone is interested :aww:

    1. Sai


      You have the most beautiful and sexy ocs! :aww:

    2. Vix


      @Sai Thanks babes! You got a pretty sexy oc yourself :ey: :cuteok:

    3. Sai


      You're welcome and tysm! :kcheeks:

  4. Vix

    new premade

    This is literally stunning!
  5. So my lizard baby got mouth rot again.. I have to schedule an appointment to get him checked out. I’m kinda concerned because this is the 2nd time in 4 months this has happened :lazetears:


    Update: I got him an appointment for Wednesday :lazesxy:

  6. Vix

    gold comm

    This is stunning! & the cat is done so beyond well
  7. Between the new theme and the scavenger hunt, I can't tell what's giving me more halloween hype :bapplause:

  8. Happy Friday :lazesupersxy:

    1. Crima


      Happy now that I see you :kkekecreep:

    2. Vix


      @Crima Smooooooth :ogoodshi:

    3. Crima


      @Arianna I landed a smooth one :NOOOOO: the day has finally come :erlmo:

  9. It's my bday so it's time to party :idancefroggu:


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vix


      @Hopey I totally missed this LMFAO 



      @Naptime Tysm doll! :aww:

    3. Catt


      Happy birthday! 

    4. Vix


      @Mushuk Thank you! :aww: 


      tysm everyone one for the birthday wishes, it’s honestly so insane how many people care and are so kind?? You the mvps:fingerguns: 

  10. tenor.gif?itemid=5020968

    The one gif to describe how I'm feeling w life rn:

  11. Vix


    I love this!
  12. Vix


    This is adorable! Will they be an option in your custom shop when you reopen?
  13. This style is amazing!! Agreed with happy, I'd love to see premades in this style
  14. 1,000 rep, whaddup :llcool:




    Ty @Crima for helping me with the last few, you're actually an angel, ily :cutefingergun::klovee:

    1. Crima


      Pfft.. an angel :hee:

      Congrats me bb! :fingerguns: 

  15. Vix


    Castiel !! Nice fan art
  16. Friday, you can come now, I have a nice spot for you :lazebedwink:

  17. Vix

    Music (v2)

    May or may not have an obsession w yungblud
  18. Vix

    Pride Premade

    This is so adorable
  19. I totally dig the yandere thing you have going on here
  20. This is absolutely gorgeous, I love the way the lips and under- eye makeup look
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