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Everything posted by Yoniu

  1. Wow shes so cute! I really do want animation but i have no idea what! Maybe you can suggest some that would be cute on Chizuru? I think maybe simple? Other than that all is perfect!
  2. ┃♡ FORM: ▸References: Chizuru - 千鶴 ▸Animations: If you want! tell me your ideas! ▸Name/Text: Chizuru or the Japanese letter if you can! ▸Watermarks(Optional): N/A ▸Note/Extras: As you can tell she's pouty! pose you pick! ▸Paypal Email: DM ▸Still Versions: Yes ofc!
  4. https://toyhou.se/7899930.- Thank you for considering
  5. Hi Aespa! I would say if you're still searching for these artists and want to know if they are still active or where to find them, try going here: However, you're not allowed to resell OC's here on AH.
  6. ♦ TRAINEE NOTICE ♦ Updated.
  7. Hi Pilocre, I just wanted to let you know that their is not link attached to the quote. If you could find it, that would be helpful! ♦ TRAINEE NOTICE ♦ Updated.
  8. ♦ TRAINEE NOTICE ♦ Updated.
  9. ♦ TRAINEE NOTICE ♦ Updated.
  10. Thank you for this piece! I still love it so much
  11. Yoniu

    Skin Ticket

    Beautiful bb, I have been following you on Instagram for a couple of months now!
  12. O R D E R F O R M By filling out this form means I have read and agreed to the artist's TOS Style: Rendered Size: Bust (couple) Username: Chanelle | Aron Reference(s): DM Background: Simple Extra: You decide! Paypal Email: PM
  13. Yoniu

    Custom for Yoniu

    Thank you so much for this beautiful art work <3
  14. You will add chains on the horns later on yes?
  15. No animation! only thing that's important for me is the background to be like my boyfriends art like black background but purple lighting. When you fix the sketch will the horns be symmetrical?
  16. You don't need to add any pupils/iris since her sclera are literally just purple (idk what was your plan) xD
  17. I love it so far! I wasn't sure how to explain it in the stash but could you make her chest like from the front view as in https://prnt.sc/26dp2tw instead of the side? Basically like a portrait? everything else is perfect like the design
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