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Everything posted by KittenSpell

  1. KittenSpell

    Dragon WIP

    The textures from your lines and the overall finished shine. Ugh. I'm salivating. Not cause of the Willy comment tho aaaaa. LMAO it looks really nice !
  2. LMAO It's okay!! I'm just thrilled to know you love x TY!
  3. I haven't posted for my server in a bit - so just a PSA that I have a discord server! If you'd like notifications prior to commission slots opening, wips for upcoming premade/auction pieces, and direct influence with what I might make in the future - it's a spot for you. :) Not only is it a good spot to follow my art more closely, but it's also an awesome bunch of lovely weirdos. Everyone is super friendly. On top of alerts we game as well as host little events where you can win coupons on my artwork, preclaim tickets, nitro, and other goodies. :aww: Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you have a good day xo


    If you'd like to join: Click this xo

  4. This was a commission for @Fervent of her OC Nova! If you'd like to order commissions like this from me, you can do so in my custom shop:

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  5. OH MY GOSH. This made me think of those cute little 'compatibility' quiz things we would do when we were in school. Everyone would fill out a questionaire and then on Valentine's Day we got our results and would be matched with people who were 'most compatible' ect. It was always a really fun thing to do to make new friends or.. more than friends ;) jk we didn't do that but some did LOOOL. ANYWAY that would be a really neat idea as well! I'd love to know who I'm compatible with here on AH
  6. Helloooo just a lil promo to let you guys know that I put up an auction of an alien babe!!


    Check it out here: 


    1. PeculiarDork


      Good luck, Tay!! <3

    2. KittenSpell


      Ahh thank you Matty! <3 @Vangst

  7. Hello!! I just wanted to compose something to thank those who have followed my art journey through this year. I've learned so so much from all of you on this site - and most of all I've gained a support system I couldn't have imagined would be possible. You guys helped me come out of my shell as an artist; to try new things and improve in the best ways possible. A genuine, wholehearted thank you to anyone who touched my life this year and left an imprint. Here's to the next decade - may it be just as, if not more memorable than the last. Happy new year! :fartsies:

    1. Sorbie


      Happy new year Tay! :lazesxy:

  8. AAAAA MY BABIE. You literally illustrated her to perfection. :screeeee: THANK YOU
  9. Happy Holidays everyone!! I am doing a Christmas Event in my discord server if anyone would like to join. We'll be playing BINGO very soon! You're free to join in on the fun. :) Click this link to join: https://discord.gg/9YuBytj


    My server is also a place to follow my work more closely and suggest upcoming premade themes + see the secret projects I'm working on. :)


    List of prizes: :klovee:


  10. @indah has created an adorable adoptable for my closed species and is auctioning it in the Constella Sanctuary!! 




    If you like this and want to bid, please join using this link: https://discord.gg/KvGf45b


    Current bid is: $35 and there's still a whole day left for bidding!! I hope you all have a great day. :)

  11. KittenSpell


    AAAAAAAAAAAAAA THANK YOU. This is so stunning!!! I love her sm.
  12. You know it's going to be a good day when you wake for work and already look forward to a nap when you get off. :lazetears:

    1. Slug


      I feel the same right now. Just want to be a hobo artist with my irregular sleep schedule.

    2. Baah


      Saaamme. With the way this weather is outside I feel like it's almost illegal to not go right back into bed and sleep. 

  13. this is so clean.
  14. Hello!!! I would like to announce that I opened Guest Artist positions for my Closed Species! 

    These are artists that create adoptables of the species and sell them!

    If you like creating adoptables - enjoy celestial themed designs - and/or just want to be a part of the species, please feel free to message me or join with this link:

    :bhaaa:         :bhaaa:

    Thank you to everyone who joins or shows interest !! I appreciate it sm. :klove:


    (p.s. any questions are okay!! I love teaching cs stuff. :cutefingergun:)

  15. KittenSpell

    WIP ~ smiles

    Love this
  16. My first MYO event begins today for my Closed Species!! If you like wings, stars, galaxy, and animals - You might be interested! Click below to join for more info and/or to join the event! 


  17. I would really adore an event that's centered around the growth of an artist! Something that celebrates moving forward and improvement. It could be similar to one of those redraw challenges (where you redo an older artwork in your new techniques) - something up this alley! I think an Artist's progression is one of the most beautiful parts of art. Growth and change are things we should accept if we want to improve! I feel like having an event that really showcases and brings forth the idea of your Art Journey not being something to be ashamed of, but something worth embracing would be amazing to see and be a part of.
  18. :lazierblush:helo I made a pricing topic and would appreciate any and all comments that you guys have for it. tysm in advance if you do help and hope you all have a good day. :byaslove:



  19. This is the first Constella Official Design for my closed species!! Constellas have a 'Star-Form' that's their true looks. When they visit Earth they take on the form of a human. I spent a long time on this and hope you guys like it. If you want more information on how to get one or how to read more about them, DM me!!

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  20. Constellas are born from immense star and light energy. During a Ceremony of Life that occurs once a year, Constellas gather around as light energy falls from the heavens. 



    I am so so so beyond happy to announce my closed species grand reveal. Constellas are a project I've been working extremely hard on and hope to share with you all. I hope that you guys love them as much as I do and that it inspires you, as they've inspired me.


    If you'd like more information on my species feel free to join the Constella Discord Server.

  21. Goodluck to anyone going for Shane's Palettes/merch today!!! MAY YOU HAVE SPEEDY FINGERS AND FULL BANK ACCOUNTS. :kwave:

  22. helo bbs I'm auctioning this chibi baby in my discord server for $8 :) Just doin lil auctions in there, and savin the big bois for on here! :kwave:

    Adopt sheet.png

    You can join w this link: https://discord.gg/9YuBytj to bid on it :) :klovee:

    1. Hiroki


      shes such a cutie!!

    2. KittenSpell


      Thank you marsh !! :klovee: @Hiroki

  23. Does anyone have a good tip to draw faces that aren't TOO LONG AND SQUARE. 



    Nothing wrong with long n square faces, but I'm trying to draw cute small headed babies and they all look WACK. :bcri:

    1. Hopey


      draw an egg and add eyes


    2. KittenSpell


      ty @Hopeythis has taught me a lot and I feel very enlightened bless :lazierblush:



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