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Posts posted by Chet

  1. Hi there!  Welcome to Art Haven, we're happy to have you here!  Art Haven can be overwhelming at first; with all of its topics and different buttons. 

    Are there any site-specific etiquettes I should know about?

    Yes, there is!  One important one I'd quickly like to go over is: Explicit Content
    Users 18 and older have access to content that is known as "Mature Content".  Mature content is content that might be sensitive to some users or is otherwise unsuitable for general audiences or workplace environments.

    We offer filters for this content - meaning only users who have "Mature Content" on VIA account settings will be the only users able to view it.

    Mature content might include:


    -Nudity or sexually explicit content

    -Full or partial nudity

    -Gratuitous or explicit display of breasts, buttocks, and sexual organs intended to stimulate erotic feelings

    -Sexually themed content or depiction of any sexual activity, explicit or implied

    -Provocative, inflammatory, unsettling, or suggestive content

    -Sexually explicit language, gestures, or expressions

    -Provocative scantily clothed men or women

    -Discussions about sexual experiences or fetishes

    -Non-sexually explicit content that makes an average person squeamish or disgusted (ex: excessive gore, body mutilations


    Examples of nudity or sexually explicit content:
    See-through clothing, bondage/bdsm themes, use of toys and other sexual objects, exposed or clearly defined genitalia, some images of exposed or clearly defined female nipples/areolas, exposed butts in thong underwear or lingerie, semen, ahegao, linking to sexually explicit content.

    We ask that any content that may fall under these categories gets filtered by marking it as "Mature Content".

    You will be able to better familiarize yourself with more website etiquette by taking a closer look at our Community Guidelines.

    Are there optimal ways to post my art and commissions?

    As you might have seen, we have a Gallery section as well as a Forum section.
    The Gallery is used for promotion:  You can promote your shop, website, or art in general.  The gallery isn't used for selling premade pieces.
    The forum section is where you can find premade shops, custom commissions, auctions, off-topic topics, and more!

    The best way to post your commissions is by creating a forum under the Premades and Commissions section.

    You will be able to customize your topic to your liking!  You will be able to add custom tables, banners, text, and more!
    You can find answers to some of your questions using Art Haven's Wiki

    In our wiki, a few topics you will be able to find are:


    - [Google Docs] How to make a table!
    This will guide you on how to make a custom table for your shop.


    Shops 101: How to Make a Successful Shop
    This will guide you on how to best set up your shop!

    You might also be able to find an answer to a question you have under the Help & Feedback section of Art Haven.



    If you have a question that you cannot seem to find any answers to, please do not hesitate to contact support.

  2. 2 hours ago, Bunno said:

    I know who made this! I also have art from them so I recognize this piece! (sorry if you don't need to know this information anymore, feel free to ignore)

    i don't know their other socials but here's their AH -- CLICK <3 (they are inactive now). they used to go by Yumi/Saemi and then changed usernames :klovee:

    OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!  I actually followed this person recently but I was not sure if it was them or not.  :bfnosebleed:

    • Like 1
  3. dp.png.90f07354ef7ba8d1d56790b49e7008ef.png.48c6b42c9bb7af9c33dde37ef55e5f7c.png

    I got this piece of art and went to use it awhile ago, then I realized I forgot who the artist is and I've been trying to remember for awhile.  :llcry:


    I'm not sure when I received it, I believe sometime in 2019?  That was my peak of ordering art from artists.
    All I can remember was that the artists name started with a Y.
    Yuta, or Yuba?  I never had her on Discord, we had one transaction here and that was it.

    Approx. Date Received: Around late 2018, early 2019.
    Artist's Name:  Not Found Yet

  4. On 9/21/2021 at 6:14 AM, Hiroki said:

    + divider + by sweetneptune

    Hello everyone! :blove:

    Here are my ocs and screens for you to practice on!


    OCs: males - females - More here

    Screens: males - females 

    Text: one with Hiroki and one with Marshall, or just Hiroki is fine as well.

    Watermark: Hiroki


    Please do not claim my ocs or screens as your own, and you may use the art you draw for me (if done) as examples!

    In case my ocs or screens inspire you and you decide to create something, kindly @ me or pm me! :klovee:

    Thanks for considering! :cutehehehaaas:

    + divider + by sweetneptune

    Divider credit

    Drew one of your characters!  I forgot his name. :llcry:

    Here's an ArtHaven crop and IMVU crop! :bhee:

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