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  • Information Wiki

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    • System Notice

      Art Programs

      By System Notice, in General,

      This is a list of the most used art programs throughout the forum. More will be added as they're introduced!
      Program Price Information Download Link Photoshop $20.99
      per month
      Photoshop is subscription-based program very commonly used by artists and purchased through Adobe.
      Select the Program Here Paint Tool Sai Free These are custom Sai file with some adjusted settings. One is heavily altered with customs and a mod included. The other is a clean version of Sai with some optimization settings already set. You need Winrar or 7zip to extract the file. You can use it straight from your desktop or add it to your program files. Win: Custom Brushes & Transparency Mod
      Win: Clean Install with Optimized Settings
      GIMP Free GIMP is a generic version of Photoshop and can do pretty much anything PS can, at the cost of convenience. Mac: GIMP for Mac OS X
      Win: GIMP for Windows FireAlpaca Free FireAlpaca is similar to Sai, but with Mac compatibility as well. Choose Your Version Here Krita Free Krita is a software that mixes elements from other popular art programs into one. Choose Your Version Here Clip Studio Paint $49.99 Clip Studio Paint is a versatile digital painting program that is ideal for rendering and inking art pieces.  Purchase Here

      So u wanna learn how to make a table huh, well buckle up for the ride of a LIFE TIME!
      Jk. On a more serious note, this is method of making a table is different from what you would normally be used to. In order to make this sort of table, Google docs will be your best friend.
      Google Docs is free for all and you can access this using your gmail account. If you do not have a gmail account, you can simply make one by going here:
      From there, you can go to google drive (which is also free with your gmail account) and create a new document.
      Note: Making a table is a little more time consuming, but well worth it and easier to maneuver in the long run.
      Step One
      The idea
      So since you have a lot more freedom in the way you’d like your tables to be, be sure you prepare beforehand and have some sort of layout you’d like to have in mind.
      Of course you can just wing it and ignore this step, but it’ll be a lot easier if you already have an idea of what you’d want to do.
      Keep in mind any border lines you'd like to have.   Have a color scheme ready.   Consider different style borders (dotted, dashed, solid) and sizes (feel free to mix and match).  
      Something like this would be ideal:

      Step Two
      Setting up
      For this example, we'll start with table template #1. For a color scheme, I'll keep it simple with three colors: #aed9e0 , #8c8c8c, and #ffffff. 
      To begin creating a table on Google Docs, you simply go to the "Table" tab and select "Insert a table."
      You'll want to think of how many boxes you'll need ahead of time. Even if you forget a box, you can always add it later, but again thinking ahead will save you time.
      Table template #1 Is 6 boxes long, So we'll start off by making 6 horizontal boxes:
      On rows 4,5, and 6, there is a separation making one row into two "cells" / two "column's." In order to create that separation, you should highlight the box in question and "insert column right."
      This will automatically split all your row's in two, but we can adjust rows 1, 2, and 3 to their original position by "merging cells" on those specific rows.
      From here we can create the basic layout of the desired table:
      Now lets add some color! You can easily fill a row by selecting it and clicking on this background tool:
      Now that you have chosen your colors and your layout ( I'll add some fancy text for this demonstration) you can go ahead and begin filling it in with text! Leave images for last!
      Step Three
      Now you'll want to start thinking about how you'd like your borders to be! Remember to keep size and style in mind. For this demonstration i'll have an assortment of dashed, 4px, and 2.5px borders. In order to change the color, size, and style simply click on these tabs:
      If you want to make your table border-less, you can simply make them 1px / the same color as the table it's touching! For this demonstration I chose to make the colored rows "border-less" and the white rows with a light grey border. To change a specific border, you can simply click on the line you would like to change and change the border color like so:
      Your finished product should resemble this:
      Step Four
      Posting your table in a thread/Finishing touches
      Now posting your table in a thread is a bit tricky since it now involves the on site editor. Simply copy and paste your table onto a blank post like so:
      As you can see, the AH editor will make everything bolded, and you will not be able to un-bold everything until you post the table. After you have posted the table, you can go back in and edit the post and un-bold everything:
      To fix anything that may have not transferred over you can press ctrl + right click on your table to open this editor:
      Lets say we want to make this table fill the post and centered. On the editor you can choose "Table Properties" and type in "100%" for width, and "center" for alignment:
      From here you can start changing the font, text size and color, images, and anything else/ finishing touches you would like to add to your table! Click post/save and tada! you're done! Once you're finished your table should look a little something like this:
      Row 1
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
      Row 3
      Row 4 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

      Row 5
      “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ”
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

      PS. you cannot add background images to your tables at this time!
      If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to comment below or PM me! If you like this wiki, feel free to leave a review! Enjoy!

    • Table of content  
      Basics of Photoshop Using Hotkeys in Photoshop Handy tricks while drawing in Photoshop  
      Basics of Photoshop Here I will explain you the basics of using photoshop.
      There's almost no limit to what you can do in Photoshop,
      We're going to talk about some of the most basic things you can do in Photoshop
      Zooming Rotating Selecting Transforming cropping Resizing  
      Shortcuts are:
      Function Hotkey Zooming Z or hold in Ctrl+space
      or hold in Alt+space and drag with mouse
      Rotating R Selecting tool L Marquee tool M Transforming Ctrl+T cropping Crop tool C Resizing Image Image > Image size  
      It is important for an artist to zoom in and out to add more details to their work.
      You can use shortcuts like Ctrl+space or hold in Alt+space to zoom in out and without clicking on the tool itself to zoom in and out.
      Rotating is also a important tool for an artist, 
      when you draw on paper, you can rotate your paper 360° but not your computerscreen
      To able to rotate, you can use the rotation tool or simply press R
      Sometimes you drawn a thing but its not on the right spot... , no fear, selecting is here!
      Instead of erasing the whole part of the drawing/painting, you can simply select that specific part with the lasso tool and move around (hold shift in while moving) till its on the right spot.
      If you want to fill a specific part, simply select that part with the lasso tool (L) or the Wand (W)
      (Note: Wand may not be accurate with their selecting) and fill it in with the bucket (G) 
      You can use the marquee tool to make a perfect circle/square,
      just hold in Shift while you're making a circle/square.
      Sometimes you either have too much space in your piece and want to cut it out. 
      There are 2 ways to crop.
      1) With the crop tool (C)
      Select which part you want to keep, you can still move the image. Done with moving? press enter!
      2) With the marquee tool + Image>Crop
      Select which part you want to keep with marquee tool, in your menu click Image > Crop
      Lets say, you've made a artwork but its a bit too big.
      To make it smaller you can go to Image>Image size and enter your desired size
      (Note: You can resize it. However, keep in mind that making an image larger than its original size generally does not look as good.)
      Using hotkeys in Photohshop Have you ever have that moment when you get tired to click on the toolbar all the time instead of just the keys on your keyboard while drawing?

      Here are some handy hotkeys while drawing:
      Function Hotkeys If you need to undo your mistake
      (only once, by pressing ctrl+z again,
      you'll be back at your mistake)
      Ctrl+Z to go undo further than your previous mistake. Ctrl+alt+Z Transform Ctrl+T Copy Ctrl+C Paste Ctrl+V Cut Ctrl+X Select all Ctrl+A Deselect Ctrl+D Save Ctrl+S merge with the layer under Ctrl+E moves the layer with your mouse Ctrl+drag pick the color with the eyedrop tool Hold in Alt key Duplicate the layer you're on (if you select a piece of the layer you're on with a lasso tool or marquee tool and press the hotkey, it will only duplicate the selected piece from the layer you're on) Ctrl+J  
      Note: At first you might be still a bit confused on what key to use, but after a while you will get used to as playing notes on a piano.
      Handy tricks while drawing in Photoshop
      Color eye dropper When you're drawing but instead of going to your color wheel all the time for the color you've used, You can always hold in Alt key and pick the color with the eyedropper and continue painting.  
      Eye dropper out of Photoshop When you are drawing in Photoshop with chrome open next to your Photoshop window but want to have the exact color without copy pasting the image in your Photoshop. It can! Just simply press Alt+click hold on your canvas,  hold it on your canvas and drag/move out of your Photoshop window to your chrome. (don't let go till you have the color of your chrome browser!)  
      Quick switching When you're drawing with the brush tool (B), but you need to erase something quick or small, just hold in Eraser (E) key while erasing the part you want it gone. done with erasing? just let go of the Eraser (E) key and it will go back to your brush tool. (Note: You can do that too with Rotating (R), Bucket (G), etc.)  
      Straight lines Ever want to make a straight line without being wobbly or curved? Select your brush, mark a dot of where you want to start, not hold on shift and mark a dot where you want to end. Now you have a line! (Note: It depends on how hard you press to make the line clear or not clear, the harder you press, the thicker/clearer the line, If you do it with mouse, its just one perfect line without pressure.)  
      Editing in shapes of other layers When your shape is on layer 1 and you're on layer 3 but you don't want to color out of the shape on layer 1, hold in ctrl and click on the layer thumbnail to select the shape. (You don't have to select layer 1 to select your shape)  
      Image clipping mask You want to color or highlight/shadow your shape but you don't want to use the selection of the shape to color in because it bugs you or you cant edit other layers this way. You can clip the layer above layer 1 by clicking right click on the layer and click on "Create clipping mask". You can also hold Alt key in and click on the line between Layer 1 and Layer 2
      Layer Mask You are painting with clipping mask on on Layer 2 of the shape on Layer 1, but there must be something in between that isn't the shape of Layer 1. There is also a other way to paint while containing the shape.  Release the clipping mask first. You select the shape of Layer 1 by Alt+click, select/click Layer 2 and click on "Add layer mask". When its in his layer mask, you cant move it with your move tool (Ctrl+dragging). You can still move your layer up and down, draw on it, creating clipping masks on it.
      Edit Layer mask While it has been turned into a Layer mask but you want to add a selection to the shape or you forgot something, simply click on the mask and you notice that your brush will turn to either black or white. Black is for erasing the selection and White is for adding selection. 
      (Note: If you merge your Layer masked layer on top of a normal layer, the layer mask will dissapear)
      Create shapes with Pen Tool Can't you figure out how to draw the perfect shape without making messy sketch lines to make a straight line of a square of a curve of a bridge? Then Pen tool is the best way. Select the Pen tool and make the desired shape, you can hold in Ctrl to move//adjust your lines by dragging the lines or the dots. You can make a selection/shape or make a stroke with it. To make a stroke of the shape, right click > Stroke path. You will get a pop up box to choose your tool. In our case we want it as the brush tool. Click "OK"  and there is your line/shape. After you're done with pen tool, Right click and "Delete path".
      Here is a difference of with and without Simulating Pressure

      (Note: The thickness of the lines depends on your brush.)
      Example if you were working on a 4px brush before you went to use the pen tool, the lines will be 4px.
      You can go back by clicking on your brush, set it on 1px and click on Pen tool again
      without losing your shape/line. (Will only be gone if you delete the path) 
      Rotating symmetrical While drawing with your drawing 98° turned, you want it back to normal but cant seem to get it right. While holding in R to rotate, hold in shift too and it will fit perfectly at 0°   
      Editing Hotkeys If you want to change your hotkeys, you can do so by going to Edit > Keyboard shortcuts...
      You can select Application Menus or Tools to your liking
      PS: Its for windows pc
      Have fun figuring out Photoshop!!!

    • While the staff here try their best to be vigilant when it comes to scams, the best tool you have at preventing them is yourself. There are a lot of signs that can tip you off that a user is trying to scam you, and some are more obvious than others. This guide was created so that you can keep yourself safe before the scam happens. 
      While these are typical red flags of a possible scam, remember to look for multiples. Most thieves do most, if not all of these at once. If they're only ticking one thing off the list, it's probably nothing to worry about. Please remember to report anything you feel is suspicious. Do not take it upon yourself to confront a user under any circumstances.

      Important Signs to Look Out For
      1) Extremely High Quality Artwork With No/Low Quality Watermark
      Artists should watermark their artwork, especially pieces they intend to sell. If you see a high quality piece with no watermark, it's a sure bet that they took it from another website and cropped it out, or took it from a resources site that's not intended to be distributed/sold. If it does show a watermark and the watermark is low quality (weird fonts, poorly placed, etc.), it's another sign that they probably took it from somewhere else and are trying to make it seem legit.
      2) High Quality for a Low Price
      If a piece looks like it's worth $100, but the user is only asking for $15, something's off. Most established artists with high quality work will refuse to undersell themselves. While this isn't listed at #1, this is one of the first things that are noticed when dealing with a scam situation.
      3) Inconsistencies in Artwork Style
      If a user posts a few pieces of work as examples and the style varies greatly between each, that's an incredibly obvious sign that the user is trying to sell artwork they might have traced, copied, or stolen elsewhere. This is especially so when dealing with artwork claimed to have been "from scratch". There's a common misconception that even if you trace/paint over an image, it's "from scratch" because technically you did the work yourself, however, that is a misuse of the term. Tracing is tracing, regardless of how much effort you put into it.

      Note: If you'd like more information regarding tracing vs. from scratch, please view the following article: Click Here
      4) Only Offering Premades
      This is another major sign of a scammer when combined with some of the others. Users can't replicate the pieces they take, so they stick to selling stolen items as premades to try and make as much money as possible in the quickest way. One of the biggest areas hit hard for theft scams is the premade market itself. It's important that you pay attention and protect yourself when seeking art from the market.
      5) Business Handled Exclusively via PMs
      This is pretty much self-explanatory. They insist on handling business via PMs only, such as giving examples of their art, discussing details, and providing finished pieces. This allows the user to trace or steal other pieces to meet your needs out of the public eye to avoid getting caught.
      Smaller Signs to Look Out For
      Even though these are less significant, they're still things you should be aware of, as a combination of them can also mean a possible scam can occur between a transaction with the user. This does not mean that someone with a default photo is a scam artist. Like stated above, an actual scammer will have a mix of these, if not all at once.
      1) Incorrectly Sized Avatar Image
      While this isn't always true, such as with new members who haven't figured out the profile settings, a significant amount of users you see posting artwork for sale using a default photo (or a photo that isn't 160x220) are likely here for malicious purposes.
      2) No Social Media Presence
      Even though not having a social media presence isn't necessarily a bad thing, someone selling high quality art will usually have a presence somewhere, as networking is part of being a successful artist. It is extremely rare that an established artist would have absolutely no social media handles.
      3) Low Post Count
      Like stated previously, this isn't always true, but when combined with other aspects listed here, it's a good indication that the user is likely here for malicious purposes. This is easy to spot in the premade section. If you see a user with very little posts trying to sell premades, especially in the premade market, check to see if they match any of the other signs listed here. If they do, you should probably report it and avoid purchasing anything from them.
      Let me reiterate this one last time. Please remember to report anything you feel is suspicious. Do not take it upon yourself to confront a user under any circumstances. Staff have a responsibility to provide a safe and reliable platform for artists and buyers, so please let us handle these users as you come across them.

    • Simplified Credit Conversion Sheet
      1,000c = 0.40usd
      This value standard is set by IMVU Inc., the owner of the currency.

      PLEASE NOTE:  Conversion rates vary often and you should always check what the conversion rate for USD is in your main currency periodically!
      Credit Amount USD  Euro GBP AUD CAD 1,000 0.40 0.36 0.31 0.56 0.53 2,000 0.80 0.71 0.61 1.13 1.07 3,000 1.20 1.07 0.92 1.67 1.60 4,000 1.60 1.43 1.23 2.25 2.13 5,000 2.00 1.78 1.53 2.82 2.67 6,000 2.40 2.14 1.84 3.38 3.20 7,000 2.80 2.50 2.15 3.95 3.74 8,000 3.20 2.85 2.45 4.51 4.27 9,000 3.60 3.21 2.76 5.07 4.80 10,000 4.00 3.57 3.07 5.64 5.34 15,000 6.00 5.35 4.60 8.45 8.01 20,000 8.00 7.13 6.14 11.27 10.67 25,000 10.00 8.91 7.67 14.09 13.34 50,000 20.00 17.82 15.33 28.18 26.68 100,000 40.00 35.64 30.67 56.37 53.36
      Conversion Rates as of March 30, 2019

    • Referencing vs Copying

      By Kia, in General,

      This guide will teach you the differences between "referencing" and "copying." Please read AH's Community Guidelines and What We Consider Art Theft alongside this guide to fully grasp the information. 
      Definition of Referencing
      From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reference#Meaning  
      In short, referencing is looking at an image for detail/pose assistance/etc. As long as you you draw the image yourself - that includes tracing over the image and/or directly copying it the wrong way - then nothing is wrong. Many people use references to help them understand how a pose works or how a certain outfit would flow in different situations.
      Definition of Copying
      From: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/copying
      In short, copying is when you look at a reference/image and imitate it to the point where there is no difference between what you made and the reference(s)/image(s) you referred back to. This does not account for art styles in which the purpose is to imitate an image - ex) photo studies. Photo studies are covered further down in this guide.
      DMCA & Copyright Laws
      From: https://arthaven.co/wiki/official/how-to-file-a-dmca-takedown-r2/
      Please refer to "How to File a DMCA Takedown" for more information on DMCAs and how to file one: https://arthaven.co/wiki/official/how-to-file-a-dmca-takedown-r2/
      Using References Correctly vs Incorrectly
      Let's say you wanted to draw a picture. You go searching for references to use. SenshiStock on DeviantArt has many stock poses available for your disposal. You want to draw a magical girl so you choose to use this picture as your pose reference:
      You go and copy the pose - simple enough. Once you have that down, you alter the image to look more like the character you have in mind. This works out for you until you realize that the pose doesn't work exactly for your character. Your character is wearing flats instead of heels and a loose-fitting outfit. Do you force your character to fit in with the reference you have? The correct answer is no.
      This is where I'll describe how to properly use references.
      Step 1:
      Same scenario. You want to draw a magical girl. Instead of immediately finding a pose, take a moment to think of a pose on your own. Draw this no matter if it is anatomically incorrect or not.
      Step 2:
      You have the sketch of the pose you want to do down. Great! But, you're confused. How does the hand holding the magical wand work? This is where you go off to find references to help you. You aren't merely going to copy a reference of a person holding a magical wand - you are off to learn how what you want to draw works. This can be accomplished by looking up many references and or simply looking into a mirror.
      The reason I am stating to do this instead of simply copying the pose is because it makes you dependent. What would happen if you want to draw a picture, but couldn't find a pose for it? You'd be more prone to feel discouraged, thus leading to you giving up and/or finding an "easier" pose. Using references as references will help you understand how the different parts work together to come together as a whole.
      Step 3:
      Look at the references you compiled. Break them down into shapes for an easier understanding. See how the joints and muscles appear - taking note of how the bones change according to the angle of the pose. This is where the usage of multiple references comes into play. With multiple references, you will have a different angle on understanding the underlying anatomy. By that I mean, a single reference can tell you how to draw a magical girl holding a wand from a [insert perspective here], whereas multiple references can tell you how to draw a magical girl holding a wand from a frontal view, side view, and etc. It's limitless.
      Ultimately, you should now be able to draw a magical girl - or anything - without having to heavily rely on a single reference. You should be able to use what you learned to figure out where muscles, joints, bones, and etc go to make an image anatomically correct. This doesn't mean you have to give up on using references! They are there to help.
      Disclaimer: Please remember that you cannot own a pose. I whole-heartedly agree with this statement made by SenshiStock.
      From: https://comments.deviantart.com/1/255875213/2172136855   I would also like to add that using one pose is not completely "wrong" and it will not stop you from developing your drawing skills. If you find a good reference for what you want to draw, and using it does not break any rules, then I say go for it. Using one image might make you more inclined to refer to multiple references in the future - especially when you realize there is not just a perfect pose for what you have in mind to draw, paint, sketch, etc.
      The purpose of this section of the guide is simply to let you know a way to learn the structure and components of what you want to draw. It is still possible for you to learn from drawing a complete pose even if you cannot change it in any way at first. Time can lead to learning correct proportions, where and how joints bend, and etc.
      Based on Shattered-Earth's tutorial: https://shattered-earth.deviantart.com/art/The-BASICS-Using-References-255875213    
      Copying Correctly vs Incorrectly
      Let's say you see a work of art. You feel so inspired by the art that you want to draw the image yourself. You open up your art program to a blank canvas and begin drawing. Hours later and you're done. Wait... The image you drew looks exactly like the artwork that you admired. You label it as a reproduction piece and move on; however, that's incorrect.
      From: https://mad--munchkin.deviantart.com/journal/Know-the-difference-between-referencing-copying-511933476
      All copying is not incorrect. People learn based on what they see. You are free to study and analyze a painting or drawing that you fancy and adopt the techniques the artist used to create the piece(s). This does not mean you sit and copy what they did. You will not learn to develop a style of your own by creating art this way.
      Here's an example of copying done incorrectly done by @Lineara. She copied the picture to the point where you cannot tell the difference from the original. The correct way would have been to take inspiration from the original, while not copying it to the extent that it looks like a duplication.
      Photo Studies
      From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Study_(art)  
      In short, photo studies are used by artists/students.
      "But photo studies are just copying, right?"
      Yes and no. In photo studies, you are studying an image/picture to understand it on a basic level. You are copying the image as a way to practice different techniques used in art - not in a way to imitate the image/picture, but in a way to learn how to apply the technique(s) in your own art. Artists/students always give credit for the pictures that they photo study as to not give off the impression that the work was entirely made by them.
      Here is an example of a photo study done by @Lineara.
      You cannot sell photo studies, or have them up as shop examples, on AH. You may post them in the "Show Off Your Latest Artwork" topic with source material used included.
      How to Credit:
      If you are unsure whether you are copying an image or directly referencing it, then you can give credit! Giving credit is a way to make sure credit is given to the proper sources.
      A simple way to give credit is as follows:
      Stock/texture/font by: {insert link here}
      You should also tell the user you got the source material from, if required, that you are using their sources so they are aware.
      Getting Permission:
      If you aren't sure if an image is stock or not, then it is always best to ask! Do not assume that the lineart/icon/etc you found is stock. It is as simple as e-mailing/inboxing/direct messaging the user stating what you'd like to use their art/images/resources/etc for and asking if it is allowed. I advise you to also make sure you state where you want to use the resources as some artists do not like their work to be used off-site (example: deviantart).
      Not Knowing the Artist:
      This is a big one. If you don't know the artist, then the wisest thing to do is to simply not use the art/images/resources/etc. You could get sued for copyright infringement if you use art/images/resources/etc from a user who does not wish for their belongings to be used by others. 
      Outside Material
      Copyright Law:
      https://graphicartistsguild.org/an-introduction-to-copyright-law/ http://www.arsny.com/copyright-basics/  
      Photo Study Painting Tutorial
      Heavy Referencing:
      https://s7.postimg.org/4ins4hlsr/b756040796ec9877093f8289c041c408.png (Source: 1 | 2 - Please note how the model directly asks for credit and the artist complied.)  
      Tracing vs. From Scratch:
      Closing Remark
      If you have any questions after reading this guide, then do not hesitate to PM a staff member! We are here to help you.

    • How to: Understanding AH Terminology
      To a new user, the terminology might seem different and confusing at first, but have no fear! This section will cover most if not all terminology and slang that may be used on GASR.
      Most Frequently Used
      AA ------------ Acronym for "Authentic Artist." Commonly referred to those who have the Authentic Artist badge 
      Collab ------------ A collaboration/combination of two artists, whether in a piece of work or a shop 
      Commission ------------ A work that is produced in response to a request, typically involving payment 
      DA ------------ Acronym for Deviantart.com 
      DNP ------------ Acronym for Do Not Post. If this is in the title, or thread anywhere, do not reply to the topic 
      DP ------------ Acronym for Display Picture(s) 
      EC ------------ Acronym for Explicit Content 
      FF ------------ First Free (meaning first order in the shop is free) 
      JM ------------ Acronym for "Join.Me", A streaming service like Livestream, Picarto, Twitch, etc 
      Havener ------------ Active member on Art Haven 
      LS ------------ Acronym for "Livestream", A streaming service like Join.Me, Picarto, Twitch, etc 
      NSFW ------------ Acronym for "Not safe for Work", commonly involves Adult content 
      OC ------------ "Original Creation\Original Character", You may make and take credit as being the owner of an OC 
      PM ------------ Acronym for Private Message 
      Premade ------------ A work of art that is already made, or previously made. Ready to sell without waiting 
      PU ------------ Acronym for "Pick Up." Typically when a work of art is ready to be picked up by the buyer 
      PYP ------------ Acronym for "Pick your Price" 
      Ref ------------ Short for Reference 
      Req ------------ Short for Request 
      Siggy/sig ------------ Short for Signature 
      Slots ------------ A list system in which an artist states how many orders they may take in a period of time 
      Temp ------------ Short for Temporary 
      Tut ------------ Short for Tutorial 
      WIP ------------ Acronym for "Work In Progess" Older/less commonly used
      #k ------------ 5k = 5,000 | 110k = 110,000 |"K" stands for 1,000 (for IMVU credits/currency) 
      Creds/Credits ------------ IMVU Credits/Currency. Not commonly used. 
      PPFP ------------ Post Pictures For Practice 
      Screenie/ Screen ------------ Screenshot 

      More will be added as needed.

    • ✎ Art Shop 101

      Have you ever wanted to sell your art, but didn't know how or where? Well here is your "How To" guide on selling your artistic creations! 
      We're gonna lay out the rules and guide you through the process. By the end of this guide, you will be an expert on making shops and selling art!
        This Guide Will Cover: General Rules What type of art are you offering? How to open up a shop Pricing Information Helpful Shop Tips  
      ✎ General Rules Community Guidelines & DMCA Guidelines
      Please make sure you review all AH rules before you open a shop, this is imperative in order to have a safe and successful time at AH!
      [ Click here for the Community Guidelines ]   [ Click here for the DMCA Guidelines ] 
      Creating a Topic/Shop
      Please refer to [ this wiki ] In order to start your shop!
      Making a Table
      Please refer to [ this wiki ] In order to understand how to make a table!
      Your Shop Rules
      Keep in mind it is your shop and you can have rules that you wish fellow AH members abide by when buying your artwork.  You can make as many or as little rules as you like, as long as it abides by AH rules. How nifty is that?
      Deleting/locking a shop
      No longer want a shop that you've created? Maybe you feel its time to lock it in order to catch up to your orders and not have it bumped/spammed? Not a problem! Please feel free to do one of the following in order to have your shop locked and/or deleted.
      Post your shop in the [ Need a Topic Locked Or Deleted ] topic Contact an Art Shop Moderator
      Note: Topics are automatically archived after one month of inactivity.  To avoid your topic being archived, please have your topic locked.  If your topic does become archived and you want to continue using it, please contact an Art Shop Moderator
      ✎ What Type of Art Are You Offering? What type of art/item are you offering in your shop?
      In the Arts & Crafts Services Marketplace:
      Display Pictures Drawings Screenshots Doodles Pixels Badges Hand crafted Goods  
      In the 3-Dimensional Art Market:
      3-D Files  
      In the Webmaster Marketplace:
      Web Designs  Themes & Skins Coding   
      All of which must be General Audience (GA) unless bought/sold/requested in the Mature Content (18+) Section.    
      Be sure to:
      Include watermarked samples that show exactly what you are offering Be clear in what your shop is providing and how you will provide the service Help your customer base understand the time frame in which you work Communicate! Most issues can be resolved with a simple post or PM!  
      Members often post images without a name/text or watermark.  This can be an easy target for art thieves to steal your artwork.  Be careful!
      ✎ How To Open Up A Shop It's a lot easier than you might think!
      Click on the shop section you would like to open a shop for.  Click on "Start New Topic" in the top right above the topic list. Fill in the blanks: Title, Tags(Optional), Topic Image (Optional), and what you want in your shop.  You can optionally create a poll in the second tab. ✎ Pricing Information Pricing
      Pricing can be very tricky at times, and it is where a lot of people struggle when first coming into the AH.
      Note: If you are unsure of what to price your work; you can always go to:  [ Art Critique & Pricing Advice Section ]

      Payment Method:
      If you have a PayPal account and you'd like to use it as a payment option, here is some helpful information regarding payments and account creations through PayPal! 
       [ Payment Guide for PayPal ]
      Please make sure you abide by PayPal's terms of service: [ PayPal T.O.S ]
      Also follow the [ Announcements Section ] to see if there any any important updates regarding payment methods added or removed from AH!
      ✎ Helpful Shop Tips Organization
      Keeping your shop organized. It not only makes you look clean and professional, but it also helps potential customers navigate more quickly around your shop!
      Dos & Don'ts
      It's a method that helps potential buyers in custom shops know what your preferences are. It eliminates the confusion when filling out forms and making your customer aware of what you'll do or won't do. 
      You may want to specify whether or not you have slots. Slots are useful if you don't want to be overwhelmed with tons orders at once. If you have a limited amount of orders, or  "slots" as many call them, then say so! You can also do waiting lists and priority orders, but be sure to stay on top of your orders and only have as many as you can handle. 
      Good luck with your shop! 

    • The Difference Between Auctions, Raffles, & Giveaways
      This guide will thoroughly explain the differences between auctions, shop raffles, and shop giveaways.
      What is an auction?
      > In short, an auction is a public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder.
      > An auction is started by having a set currency amount on the item being sold then progresses to higher bids.
      > Multiple people participate in auctions offering a bid either required by the seller of a set amount or by a different amount a bidder is willing to bid.
      > Auctions usually have set times and dates which is ultimately up to the auctioneer.
      > There are no negotiations of the sale and typically the auction ends once the time is over, the highest bid as been reached (auto buy in AH terms), or there is no next highest bidder to the previous bidder.
      > The host of an auction does not have to accept your bid.
      > There are different types of auctions including: charity, silent, reverse, etc., but AH typically uses the standard and charity auctions.
      What is a raffle?
      > A raffle is a means of receiving a token or ticket that is drawn at random in which the winner receives a prize.
      > Raffles normally contain a set price for purchase.
      > Raffles can be seen as a gambling competition where people can obtain one to several amounts of tickets to increase their chances in winning.
      > There is generally a set date and time in which the raffle will be over and the winner will be announced by the host.
      > Raffles can be utilized to raise money for charities and other personal events.
      > It is uncommon for the host of a raffle to decline/reject the winner.
      What is a giveaway?
      > A giveaway is essentially giving away goods for free and used for promotional purposes.
      > On AH, there is an icon located on the far left of the reaction bar that states "giveaway token" which indicates a giveaway token.
      > Like raffles and auctions, there is a time and date when the giveaway will begin and end.
      > Usually a giveaway consists of one item or token used in a random drawing.
      > There are no negotiations or rejection as the goods are being given away for free.
      The Main Difference & tl;dr version:
      Giveaway: pool of participants get a free token to receive a free prize
      Raffle: pool of participants pay for x amount of tokens/tickets to receive a prize at random ; more tickets, the more likely you'll receive the prize
      Auction: pool of participants outbid each other for a prize usually an item in high value

    • Master Resource List
      (Brushes, Fonts, Symbols, etc.)

      Miscellaneous Resources Image Hosting: imgsafe.org imgbb.com AH gallery  
      Colors, Brushes & Textures Free Brushes:
      free deviant art brushes diagonal striped brushes grunge lines line patterns deviant full of a free variety of brushes lace brushes more lace brushes  
      Free Textures:
      free deviantart textures  
      Online Color Code Pickers:
      webpagefx Fonts Fonts:
      dafont.com fontsource  
      Symbols If the symbols show up as boxes, it means your computer cannot read them.

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