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The Weird Things You Do


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I always read the back of my shampoo bottles while I'm in the shower. 

And @Cymette This is how I picture you when you're doing your makeup. :kcheeks:







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I have a cute little fuzzy cactus in my kitchen. It's not very threatening, so I constantly have to poke myself with it whenever I walk by to remind myself that it is indeed an evil-stabby cactus. Help me. :llbloodcrie:

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11 hours ago, Cymette said:

@Hera That's precisely right! 
@Kita D'aw! Alright. Let try to think of something truly odd! 
I used to eat my fruit loops with chocolate milk! :erlmo:


I mean, it's still not weird. And you're still cute as heck. 


Most people think I'm weird because I actually don't like chocolate milk. :ooohyas:

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I have to re rinse everything before I use it like cups, plates etc. And no spoons or anything I use in cooking can touch the counter like if im stiring something I generally place it all on a papertowel next to the stove. It drives my fiance crazy cause he will come into the kitchen pick up my spoon stir something then place it on the counter top and it will get me all worked up and I want to eat the food after that. 😶

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1. When I eat multicolored candies (Skittles, M&Ms, Starburst etc) I eat them by color or by flavor in order of least favorite so that my favorites are saved for last. I eat them two at a time as well if there are an uneven amount I toss them out or give them to someone else.


2. When I have to change clothes I have a designated corner in my room for it that isn't facing my t.v. or computer screen because when I was little I always used to think people could see you through the other side of the screen and to this day it still weirds me out. I also make my cat leave the room because I feel like she's judging me.


3. I have a sensory disorder so certain textures feel very uncomfortable touching or eating. I don't like touching things that are wet/mushy or the feel of vinyl fabrics for example. I can't eat mushrooms because I don't like the way they feel in my mouth.

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  • Frown a lot
  • Do dishes/laundry/housework in the middle of the night
  • Keep bread in the fridge and ketchup in the cupboard
  • Look at property/possessions I will never be able to afford 
  • Play Sims solely for the house building
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I can literally eat a whole baked potato bro...like skin and all...no evidence is LEFFFFFt alive

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