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A: Probably, can't be that bad. Worst case: it's a serial killer and you die or get sold on the black market, or Best case: fun times. You only have one life. :bgoodjob:

Q: Fruits or Veggies?

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A: Sadly yes, my grandmother is all into that voodoo tarot whatever thing and she's been convinced that I'm a medium ever since I was a toddler but I'm just here pls no grandma, ghosts scare me I don't wanna live in a horror movie


Q: Do you prefer sweet or salty snacks?

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A: Oh wow, kinda a lot of things, most of which are achievable fairly easily once I finish uni, but the biggest one would be moving out permanently. 

Q: What's your favourite thing(s) to do after a long day at work/school or being out?

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A: I enjoy talking to @Kita & @Latex after a long day, but I usually play video games on my computer or phone, or cry.. or sleep. :thinking:

Q: What is one thing that instantly gets you emotional? (mine is how vampire knight ended.. like 8 years ago and im still fukt up)

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@Alex You're honestly the cutest. I LOVE YOU. :lazeblush:

A: The way people treat my brother. It makes me so angry but sad at the same time. Also, when I'm PMSing, I cry instantly when I remember that Crowley from Supernatural. I'm freakin' weird. 

B: What would be your ideal holiday, any particular destination? Why?

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A: It would be New York only because I heard their pizza was amazing and there’s so many things to do there. It’s one of my dream places to go there also during New Years and Pride day!


Q: Who inspires you to become a successful person? Why?

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A: My mom, ive watched her go through so much bs so it makes me want to do whatever i have to do to give her the life she deserves.


Q: If you could be friends with any celebrity who would it be?

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a: oof, there's a lot. when i was trying on prom dresses i didn't notice the backend was stuck in my underwear, so when i twirled around to show it off to my family, including my like 15 year old step sister, them along with the whole store saw my ass. the worker helping me rushed me into the dressing room and i stood there frozen for like 10 mins.


q: what's the most expensive thing you've bought? 

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A: In general, concert tickets & or other music related collectibles/ventures


Q: Is there a bad habit that you've always wanted to change (but never got around to it)?

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A: I think cloning is really cool but I don't know much about the subject to really support it!

Q: If you found out that you couldn't use your hands/fingers anymore and just your feet/toes, what would be the first object you'd practice on?


yeah i come up with weird ass questions 


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