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The Weird Things You Do


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When the weather gets cold, I'll grope or rub my pillow in certain areas just to feel the coldness of the fabric, same goes with the mattress cover. My friend told me before it's weird and she taught I was a pervert for keep groping those..I mean, the fabric are soft and it feels nice..I'm not a pervert ;_; why would a pervert grope a pillow tho

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I have a few shirts I don't really wear and every now and again I look at them in my closet and I feel bad for them.

I've actually whispered out loud apologies to my least favorites like "I'm sorry. I promise I'll wear you later." *pets the shirt*


Wtf is wrong with me lmaoo :bfcry:

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Sometimes when I'm stressed, I get on bus going outbound[ the opposite direction I need to go home] so I can sit on it and daydream. It takes really long to get back home but it's okay cause that means I can daydream longer :bgoodjob:

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I like talking to myself, I know most people do that from time to time but I actually enjoy it lol like reading books out loud when no one is with me and expressing my thoughts while talking too XD must be because I spend a lot of time being alone though...

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Just now, aeeris said:

I like talking to myself, I know most people do that from time to time but I actually enjoy it lol like reading books out loud when no one is with me and expressing my thoughts while talking too XD must be because I spend a lot of time being alone though...


I do this, like expressing myself as if I'm an argument with someone. It calms me down. I either have to type or talk out loud. 

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3 hours ago, aeeris said:

I like talking to myself, I know most people do that from time to time but I actually enjoy it lol like reading books out loud when no one is with me and expressing my thoughts while talking too XD must be because I spend a lot of time being alone though...

Kinda same here too!

If I'm having a tough time and I'm either at work or doing errands I like to crack myself up by talking in different tones or acting out scenarios/encounters that will never happen in my life LOL

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4 hours ago, Alex said:

Kinda same here too!

If I'm having a tough time and I'm either at work or doing errands I like to crack myself up by talking in different tones or acting out scenarios/encounters that will never happen in my life LOL

Ohh that too! I like to fall asleep listening to music and trying to come up with situations that are unlikely to happen to me any time soon lol when I was like 10 I used to talk to my hand before falling asleep, that sounds sad ??

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I tend to draw with my head...sideways?

Like, in the middle of drawing I'll lean it to the right and lay my head on my shoulder for like 5 minutes.

I think it's a perspective artsy thing idek.


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On 26/11/2017 at 8:34 AM, Alex said:

Bottles with labels have to face me and books/paperwork/documents/apps/bookmarks HAVE to be in alphabetical order or I freak out. 





  • I can't think straight, or cope really if the kitchen is dirty/untidy. I don't know why, but I just can't, it makes me feel cluttered in my head. 
  • Wherever my bed is in a room, I can't fall asleep unless the wall closest to me is behind me. I DON'T KNOW WHY EITHER.
  • My biggest one I guess is that every thing to me is a countdown. "How long till this?", "I wonder how many hours, seconds, years or months till?". And once something has happened, I see it as that countdown is over: 00:00. LOL, idek. 
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@Dork maybe it’s fate because SAAAME at bullet #2 

like my back has to be towards a wall wherever I am or my closet door has to be closet because monsters 


which reminds me I don’t like to stick my limbs out of the covers at night bc monsters or have my back out in the open I have to have pillows or something there + closet closed :iduncare:

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@Alex (i just nearly tagged myself wtf?)


OKAY SO LITERALLY, RELATING SO HARD. I turned the light off and got on my bed about 10 ish minutes ago, then i wanted to lay down but I didn't feel like getting under the covers but then I didn't like my feet being uncovered and in the dark, so I got scared and got under the covers anyway because it felt like something was going to grab my foot. I WAS THINKING ABOUT A COUNTDOWN IN MY HEAD OF HOW LONG TILL SOMETHING GRABS MY FOOT. :lazerollcry:

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7 hours ago, Dork said:

@Alex (i just nearly tagged myself wtf?)


OKAY SO LITERALLY, RELATING SO HARD. I turned the light off and got on my bed about 10 ish minutes ago, then i wanted to lay down but I didn't feel like getting under the covers but then I didn't like my feet being uncovered and in the dark, so I got scared and got under the covers anyway because it felt like something was going to grab my foot. I WAS THINKING ABOUT A COUNTDOWN IN MY HEAD OF HOW LONG TILL SOMETHING GRABS MY FOOT. :lazerollcry:

I do the same thing i hate covers most of the time but always have to cover my feet because it makes me feel safer at night 

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I cuss at the traffic all alone in my car :lazeshowoff: I cannot go 1 drive without doing it I swear loool

I buy make up and never wear it

I have that "resting bitch face" all the time lool

I love watching stuff about crimes/murders/ anything, you name it

I sleep with socks during summer.... xD

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I sleep with thick comforters no matter the weather. The only exception is when I visit my dad in Jamaica because he doesn't own comforters so I bring a small blanket to make up for it. [Can't fit comforters in a suitcase unless you trying to pay extra for luggage and I'm not about that life.]

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