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Anime/Manga Chat


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On ‎3‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 7:49 PM, Sith said:

Actually while we're at it..

Top 5:? Maybe?
 In no particular order

Ergo Proxy
Samurai Champloo 
Rourouni Kenshin X (or whatever the OVA's were, I did not like the regular anime at all)
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood (though the original will have a special placeholder in my heart)


 This is hard lol (I edited the list many times) I tried to pick my favorite from different genre


Hellsing Ultimate

No Game No Life

Attack on Titan

Re: Zero

The Devil is a Part Timer


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Has anyone else read GANTZ?? I also saw the recent movie that came out last year and it was pretty good, even tho they forgot some of my fave characters and it was a dang mess because they chose to animate the middle/end of an arc but ye 

And speaking of Junji Ito, y'all I have all of his English released manga so far bUT the older ones that are super rare and expensive like what kind of mess is that (Like Hellstar Remina is $200?????) I wouldn't mind buying some of the ones only available in Japanese even if I can't read them because I already read them before in English and it would just be nice to kinda have a full collection of his work


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I don’t know if I’m just heartless, but I really didn’t like kimi no na wa.. it really bored me and I figured if I tried to watch it again that I would fall in love like everyone else buuuuut, I just ended up hating it?

has anyone had something similar with a popular anime/movie?

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I've honestly felt that way about a lot of popular movies/animes that everyone loves. You want to give it another try, but you end up hating it even more in the end. :lazecry:
- My top 5 favorites anime's, would have to be; Black Butler, Attack on Titan, SAO, Psycho Pass, and Yuri on Ice!

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4 minutes ago, Viatrix said:


I've honestly felt that way about a lot of popular movies/animes that everyone loves. You want to give it another try, but you end up hating it even more in the end. :lazecry:


This is mainly why I don’t watch anime anymore LOL

A lot of the recent ones just don’t catch my eye I guess.

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When you tagged me, I read my own name as hentai. My stupid username bamboozled me :lazepeek:


& Yeah hahaha, I figured you’d see my anime post :>

Hunter x Hunter just really stuck with me, I started watching it and just couldn’t stop. I probably finished it in less than a week.. I would literally find any opportunity to keep watching and I ended up ruining my sleep schedule LOL

I plan on reading the manga soon though so I’m excited for that :lazedances:

I’m curious though, SAO seems to be on a lot of people’s lists. What makes SAO so special?

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@H0NTAI LOL. Yeah it's a tricky one at first glimpse :lazepeek:

+ I haven't watched Hunter x Hunter, so I might have to find some free time to watch it, I've heard good things about it!
I've ruined my sleep with so many anime series, it's crazy. 
SAO, is honestly a good anime for like the romantic & emotional loving people. I fell in love with the romance in it, and I recommend it. I watched it 3 times. 
No shame :llsqueeze:

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Yes, you should definitely start it!

That way you can come cry in this topic with me about it :lazecry:@Viatrix


Holy cow, that’s a lot of rewatches (for me anyways). I’ve only ever rewatched 1 anime and that was noragami, which is probably my second favorite anime. I’ll have to admit though that I liked the MMO aspect being the story for SAO because I love playing MMORPGs so much, fav genre of games tbh. I did hear that a lot of people were unhappy with the second season though? I don’t think it lived up the to hype as people had hoped. 


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I will definitely have too!
- When I'm finished it, I'll definitely come back and mention you, and we can talk all about it @H0NTAI :lazeshydance:
Yeah, I can't even tell you how many times I re-watched Black Butler, I seriously love that anime so much, my #1.
 + I do love MMORPGs too, I play a lot of different games though. But I have to agree with the aspect of the story for SAO, it was really nice honestly. No it didn't, it wasn't like not interesting or anything, I think the main problem was, it wasn't what people expected, or they wanted more. I didn't mind the second season, the first was my ultimate fav, I would watch it again :cuteok:

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6 hours ago, H0NTAI said:

Also, I don’t really have a list so I have to say my favorite anime is Hunter x Hunter

:bfcreep: *randomly pops out of nowhere*

AHHHHHHHHH yaaas~ I love HxH my precious children are in that showww gon and killua ;___; <33

I remember starting that series not fully knowing what to expect and then being blown awayy + marathoning it all.

Besttt shonen anime hands down!! Do you have a fav arc or character? e__e

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8 hours ago, Viatrix said:

Yeah, I can't even tell you how many times I re-watched Black Butler, I seriously love that anime so much, my #1.
 + I do love MMORPGs too, I play a lot of different games though. But I have to agree with the aspect of the story for SAO, it was really nice honestly. No it didn't, it wasn't like not interesting or anything, I think the main problem was, it wasn't what people expected, or they wanted more. I didn't mind the second season, the first was my ultimate fav, I would watch it again :cuteok:

OMG Black Butler was my first anime!

I remember how weird I thought it was because it was my first experience with anime and all of the dark themes made it really interesting LOL I won't lie when I say I still don't understand the plot very much though heh :lazecry:All I remember is that there was a contract.. and a dead family aasdfkjdkjf I know I'm horrible 

2 hours ago, Tsukimi said:

:bfcreep: *randomly pops out of nowhere*

AHHHHHHHHH yaaas~ I love HxH my precious children are in that showww gon and killua ;___; <33

I remember starting that series not fully knowing what to expect and then being blown awayy + marathoning it all.

Besttt shonen anime hands down!! Do you have a fav arc or character? e__e

Same! I didn't know shit about HxH but I thought gon & killua looked really cute, I almost expected a cutesy anime but I'm very happy with what it turned out to be
I think my favorite arcs would have to be Greed Island + Chimera Ant! :> The chimera ant arc is actually where komugi + meruem are introduced and they are my favorite characters hhhhh, their relationship was so pure and beautiful. In my eyes, I saw them more of like father/daughter even though I think alot of people shipped them. I still tear up when I think about them together.


It was one of the most frustrating arcs for me to watch tbh, I hated a lot of the characters introduced in that arc


What about you though? Do you have a fav character/arc? ^^

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omg yaaaaas I was swept into the hunter world and so addicted the show is soo amazing I always recommend it to everyone

Ooo the greed island arc yaas the whole game aspect of it really added so much fun to the series haha it was like a breath of fresh air.

I would have to say my fav arc iss the hunter exam arc since it's originally how I fell in love with the series haha, phantom troupe arc because of the suspense and bc kurapikas so badass and adorable LOL I love him and greed island for the fun adventures~ Honestly any arc with killua and gon makes me so happy. BUT I WAS SO SAD AT THE ENDING HNNNGGGG AHHHH STILL NOT OVER IT. Togashi the creator is for sure never going to finish this series T___T so sad bc its so good


Chimera ant arc really was when the series took a shift in tone especially since it had really dark themes like genocide, war...deaths...and what happened to my poor bby gon ;__; </3 aka mental breakdowns. I agree with you though komugi and meruem were the highlight of that arc and I really like the story + characters introducced. its just...there was sooo much narration in this arc I almost ripped all my hair off LOL.


Also we can ABSOLUTELY. AGREE. ON THE LAST ARC. It was pretty ridiculous with the elections...Leorio just ugh it was a mess hahaha. The only thing I loved about it was alluka parts since that was v interesting and killua as a big bro melts my heart. I hate his family though so I died when Illumi made an appearance again and...shivers...Hisoka...(I must protect my children from him T__T). BUT ABOVE ALL THE ONE THAT ANGERED ME THE MOST

:lazeoverkill: Gon's freaking dad I can't with him someone throw him this man is so irresponsible I need him to pls leave



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@H0NTAI It was my first anime too. LOL
I definitely loved it more because of it's dark theme. I love Ciel so much:lazesxy:
Oml, I could explain it all right now, but It would take me so much time. LOL- The plot has a lot in it though, it's like you would have to re-watch it again to understand it all, I guess. I love that anime still, could watch it all over again. Have you seen all 4 seasons, and the movie? :aww:

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2 hours ago, Tsukimi said:

:lazeoverkill: Gon's freaking dad I can't with him someone throw him this man is so irresponsible I need him to pls leave


I'm honestly in a love/hate relationship with his freaking dad, he seems like he really wants to be in gon's life but I hate him because he literally never puts in any effort to do so and is always putting his selfish ideals before gon. It makes me even more mad that gon is STILL so nice to him, he's just so innocent and I feel like his dad doesn't deserve his kindness but I know gon loves him either way :llaaaaaaaaa:

I also agree on the narrating for the chimera ant arc LOL I would actually skip through episodes just to see what was happening.. I even just skipped some whole episodes once I skimmed through and realized they were mostly filler episodes.

1 hour ago, Viatrix said:

Oml, I could explain it all right now, but It would take me so much time. LOL- The plot has a lot in it though, it's like you would have to re-watch it again to understand it all, I guess. I love that anime still, could watch it all over again. Have you seen all 4 seasons, and the movie? :aww:

I will probably rewatch it now that we're talking about it tbh + I'm on spring break so I have lots of time for it LOL

I didn't know there was 4 freaking seasons though... I only remember watching the first & second one + THERE IS A MOVIE?

The only thing I heard about BB is that there was this circus theme thing? I can't remember what it was exactly.

Also,, my favorite character was actually the other demon? I think he had something to do with spiders? I can't remember, but he was frickin hot, I wouldn't mind him serving me :lazebedwink:

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